Tidbits From The Web Tidbits From The Web...: 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tidbits From The Web #100

“Gold was not selected arbitrarily by governments to be the monetary standard. Gold had developed for many centuries on the free market as the best money; as the commodity providing the most stable and desirable monetary medium.” — Murray N. Rothbard

“The history of fiat money is little more than a register of monetary follies and inflations. Our present age merely affords another entry in this dismal register.” — Hans F. Sennholz

“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” Thomas Jefferson

“Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference.” — Rep. Ron Paul

“It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” — Carl Sagan

Is George Orwell's 1984 Here in America?


Chemtrails...why in the world are they spraying?

An Inconvenient Tooth...

Marijuana...the truth part I...

Marijuana...the truth part II...


Amazing kite choreography...
2012...the year in photos...
Dogs like to drive...
Economic history of the past 2000 years...
Sacred psychedelics maaan...
Bike parts into art...
A missing chapter in human history?
The Japanese Atlantis...
Amazing Tron choreography...
13 weird words added to the dictionary...
Use 70-20-10 to manage your career...
26 things that aren't so healthy...
The Yum!onster...KFC + Taco Bell + Pizza Hut...
Hollow be thy Earth...
Mass grave beneath Fort Greene park...
Super Mario made from 7000 post it notes...
Our 2012 transition?
10 tiny mammals...
Danger of economic collapse...
Don't mean to burst your bubble...
9/11 view from space...
Polar bear cubs at play...
Happy Holidays cooking...
The many types of salt and their uses...
Terminator bionic hand...
For the DJ in you...
Typewriter iPad...
World's oldest book...
3-D print yourself a gun...
Beautiful Noise...
How to build a mud oven...
8 ingredients you never want to see...
Mmmm...chocolate macaroons and the recipe!
Elephant rocks the harmonica...
Agenda 21...the road to the New World Order...
Speaking of which...see how the Bilderberg group encompasses...
How your bank account can disappear...
Restoring my faith in our youth...
Sacrificing our children to vaccines...
Extreme domino toppling...
Recovery reality check...
50 greatest sandwiches of all time...
Kale...it's what's for dinner...
Sacred geometry taught to Donald Duck...
Creating gasoline out of thin air...
'Mazing Matchsticks Masterpieces...
The end of cheap everything...
Do bears really hibernate?
Bear cam for the salmon hunt...
Minority Report like software...
Make your own Hostess treats...
5 year old piano prodigy...
Living like a Hobbit...
Introducing artist George Redreev...
Wall of films...
It's the real live Muppets...YAAAAYYY!
25 behind the scenes photos to mess with your minds...
Crack the code...find secret society...
Amalgam...what not to do with your teeth...
Prescription drugs kill...
Korea from different perspectives...
75 mysteries of science illustrated...
Things we can't see...
Dog likes deer...deer likes dog...
Skywalker type arm...
Which is more...grains of sand on Earth or stars in the sky?
Destroying my faith in youth...
192 wheel monster...
Election fraud is rampant...
Healthy diet = heathy teeth...
Milk does not do a body good...
Human corpse trade...
Boost your immune system naturally...
The US economy made easy...
Boat slamming in the Ozarks...
Fluoride-free pineal gland is more important than ever...
Penguins chilling in Antartica...
Buy silver now!
Fjögur Píanó...monarch mind control?
Introducing artist Andy Gillmore...
Amalgam...what not to do with your teeth part II...
Miniature Wonderland...
Dog gets new legs...
Why you should know about FEMA camps...
Was Allah originally a Babylonian god of violence?
Be vigilant with your online presence...
GE seeds = more pesticides...
Ahhh...breathe in that fresh smell of Febreze...
How to scare the shit out of your wife...
The real unemployment number...
Space junk!
Tesla on how to control gravity...
Election fraud is rampant part II...
Dancing around the world...
Masquerading fellatio...
Introducing painter John Brosio...
Weird words added to the dictionary...
Hurricane Sandy prelude to Camp FEMA?
Why Obama didn't attend Columbia...
Obamacare making us a nation of part timers...
Food stampers now equal more than 24 states combined population...
Beware the fiscal cliff!

Top 14 Reasons to Buy Silver Part I...

Top 14 Reasons to Buy Silver Part II...

Top 14 Reasons to Buy Silver Part III...

Geothermal Heat Pumps: Letting The Earth Provide

Man’s ability to harvest the earth’s immense bounty has been the key to human prosperity and societal development over the past several thousand years. Even when once-mighty empires have crumbled and formerly dominant cultures and peoples have fallen into obscurity, new societies have always risen from the ashes to achieve unique and remarkable things. Unquestionably, this pattern of irrepressible accomplishment has its foundation in the ability of human beings to come up with increasingly more clever and inventive ways of efficiently capturing and using the limitless resources that creation so generously provides.

In the past, much propaganda was generated in praise of man’s supposed ability to “conquer” nature through science and technology. But this sort of metaphor has now gone out of fashion, as thoughtful people have come to recognize that our species’ incredible record of success is based more on our ability to work with the forces of nature rather than against them. Cooperation, not exploitation, has fueled the furnaces of human achievement, and when formerly great societies have forgotten this truth, they have inevitably lost their innovative edge and begun a long gradual descent into extinction.


MIT's Milli-Motein: Things Just Got a Lot More Interesting

If the idea that matter can be organized in a way that's similar to binary code seems implausible, get ready for a shock: It can. An MIT team has created a milli-motein -- a tiny device made of millimeter- sized components with a motorized design inspired by proteins. Milli- moteins can naturally fold themselves into almost any shape imaginable.
[See Full Story]

The AquaJelly Robotic Jellyfish from Festo
Lee Teschler of Machine Design magazine talks to Frank Langro of Festo about the AquaJelly, a robotic jellyfish that shows off their technology in a creative way inspired by nature.


A Visual Treat Awaits Visitors at Stony Brook University's New Reality Deck

Project director Dr. Arie Kaufman explains the purpose and engineering work that went into building the four-walled surround view theater at the Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT).

How to Teach Simple-Minded People about Economics

Teaching economics is not difficult. You don’t need charts or graphs. All you need are a few good illustrations. One way to teach is with some humor. The Parable of the Two Cows is one way.

Bill Sherk mentions that a list has circulated throughout the United States since around 1936 under the title “Parable of the Isms.” A column in The Chicago Daily Tribune in 1938 attributes a version involving socialism, communism, fascism and New Dealism to an address by Silas Strawn to the Economic Club of Chicago on November 29, 1935.

Here are some of the better Two Cow Isms. I’ve tinkered with some of them:

BUREAUCRACY:  You have two cows. The government takes both cows, loses one while giving the cow to people who don’t know anything about cows because that’s what the regulations told them to do.

CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

COMMUNISM (1): You have two cows. The government takes both of them and gives you some of the milk.

COMMUNISM (2): You have two cows. The government takes both cows. The government sells the milk in government stores. You can’t afford the milk. You starve to death.

COMMUNISM (3): You have two cows. The State takes both, and gives you a little milk . . .  once.

COMMUNISM (4): You have two cows. The government takes both and gives you spoiled milk.

CUBAN COMMUNISM: You no longer have any cows. You risk your life by escaping from Cuba so you can buy some cows and a bull in Miami.

DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk.

DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both cows and drafts you to make sure he stays in power.

FASCISM: You have two cows. You give the milk to the government and the government sells it.

FREE ENTERPRISE: You have two cows. They get jobs working for Chick-fil-A for the company’s “Eat Mor Chikin” campaign. The chickens get upset and call for a boycott.

LIBERALISM: You have two cows. You sell both of them to the rich. The government then taxes the rich the price of one cow and gives it to the poor who slaughter it. When they finish eating it, they demand the other cow.

NEW DEAL LIBERALISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and pours the milk down the drain insisting there is a giant storage tank where all the milk goes. Think Social Security.

POLITICAL CORRECTISM: The idea of “ownership’ is a holdover from the pre-Enlightenment era. Humans and cows are equal. The use of the word “cow” is demeaning. Cows should be allowed to vote.

We Can Tell the Government What to Do

The First Amendment to the Constitution states as clearly as it can that the people have the right to “petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Wrapped up in this Constitutional right are additional rights regarding speech, press, and assembly. It’s a package deal. We can petition in several ways without hindrance: signs (press), speaking (speech), marches (assembly). Any attempt to “infringe” on these rights, including religion, is blatantly unconstitutional and un-American.

As a side note, for Christians who claim they must remain silent when government acts, keep in mind that the Constitution — our “Caesar” (Matt. 22:21) — gives us the right and duty to question its decisions and authority. The President of the United States took an oath before God to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” At the start of each new Congressional year, those newly elected or re-elected Congressmen — the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate — must recite an oath:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
There is no violation of Romans 13:1–7 to petition any elected official because what is “due them” (v. 7) is found in the Constitution, a Constitution they took an oath to “support and defend.” The Constitution was designed by “We the People.” The Constitution is not designed for their protection but for ours. The powers of the President, Congress, and the Courts are limited according to the Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

In Book 1, Chapter 1 of Blackstone’s Commentaries the point is made that “every individual” has “the right of petitioning the king, or either house of parliament, for the redress of grievance.” Eleven years later, the Declaration of Independence listed King George’s failure to respond to the grievances listed in colonial petitions, such as the Olive Branch Petition of 1775, as a legal justification to declare independence:
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
As far back as Magna Carta (1215) and the later Bill of Rights 1689, which explicitly declared the “right of the subjects to petition the king,” the people had a fundamental right to make their grievances known to those holding civil office.

Protests, tea parties, putting politicians and their policies on electoral notice, and packing Town Hall meetings to ask questions and voice grievances about legislative policies are fundamental freedoms that go back nearly 800 years. The Constitution codifies these freedoms. Of course, if our elected officials don’t read the bills they vote on, what makes us think they’ve read the Constitution? And even if they have read the Constitution, what makes us think they care what it says? The Constitution is a prop to keep the people in check — until they read it. I’m surprised that almost nothing has been said about the First Amendment in this debate over the Tea Party movement. It’s time that we read the Constitution and throw it back in their faces, metaphorically speaking, of course.

We are not a Democracy, but you wouldn’t know it

It continually amazes me that this subject continues to crop up, yet upon further consideration of where it does pop up, and among whom, perhaps it is not so amazing after all. Yet I am still struck by supposedly educated people who think or claim this – an indictment of the public educational system no doubt. I usually decry belaboring the obvious, yet it seems that once again well founded history requires enumeration.
I begin my opus with a simple proclamation: We are not a Democracy, nor were we ever, nor was it intended that we be so. Our Founding Fathers decried democracy ( mob rule as they called it ), and not one of them ever argued for democracy in this country. The prevailing objections of our founding fathers against Democracy can be surmised as follows and it contains 5 key elements:
1. It is impossible for the people as a whole to intelligently make public policy over a wide range of issues. Most people lack the time, energy, and interest to give such a high level of ongoing personal attention to politics and public affairs. Also, they are inarguably without the necessary education, information, and political skills. This is even more true today – just look at the losers on YouTube declaring their support for Obama because “he’s gonna give me free stuff…”. These losers typify the Obama support base – people living off welfare, persons who know nothing what-so-ever about politics, sociology, or history, but instead vote with their gonads and their “me me me” mentality, or worse yet, they are the epitome of the very racism that they accuse Conservatives of – voting for a man because of his color.
2. Direct democracy is an impractical system of government. When legislative authority is exercised by the masses, they frequently make hasty and unwise decisions on public policy, arriving at such decisions on the basis of momentary popular wishes and passions, through ignorance or lack of education into the multifaceted nuances that attend matters of State.
3. Direct democracy makes it virtually impossible to negotiate political bargains and compromises among opposing groups with conflicting views and interests. In every political controversy, one side emerges the total victor and the other side the total loser, leaving the losing side dissatisfied, alienated, and determined to reverse the decision, regardless of the costs and consequences. Political conflict over the issue continues, even though negotiation and bargaining might have discovered a middle ground acceptable to both sides. This makes for a high level of social tension and tends to destabilize the society and its government.
4. In a direct democracy, there is the ever-present danger of tyranny of the majority. In a political community where all adult citizens are members of the legislature, it is virtually impossible to limit the power of the majority. There are no institutional safeguards to moderate and restrain the exercise of governmental power and prevent the majority from riding roughshod over the rights and vital interests of members of the minority.
5. In a large population, the logistics and realities of Mass Assembly and a Popular vote become too problematic. An example is the election screw-ups in Florida – imagine that on a national level! And Florida’s election snafu’s culpability I lay entirely at the feet of the bozos that were too stupid to read a ballot; I had no trouble reading it. This is a PRIME example of why ignorant people should not vote – they cannot even read and decipher a ballot correctly, yet they are to be trusted with choosing the next leader of our planet? Hardly…..
So to sum up our founding fathers objections to Democracy: the masses cannot be trusted with political authority. The masses lack the wisdom, education, morals, and plain good judgment needed to provide good government, i.e., to govern effectively and, at the same time, preserve liberty and ensure justice, and that the people lack the capacity to govern society effectively, wisely and justly, but are quite capable of choosing a small group of highly educated experienced leaders who are to govern society in their stead. While it is impractical to expect the people to directly govern society, it is quite practical to expect them to choose society’s rulers from among and the highly educated and informed few who shall rule until after the next election, when their terms of office expire.

James Madison was among those who decried and lobbied against direct democracy and in favor of representative government. Madison was influential in the convening of the Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 and played an important role in the drafting of the United States Constitution and in securing its ratification and adoption. In Federalist 10, Madison maintained that, of the different types of government, direct democracy was the least likely to effectively limit governmental power, safeguard liberty and ensure justice, that tyrannical rule by a self-interested and overbearing majority was bound to be the consequence of government by a common mass of impassioned and ill-informed electorate ( boy was he right ).

Yet the Electoral College is not full proof against the folly of riding the wave of mass popularity, instead of attending to reason, experience, and ‘resume’s, the Electoral college has abandon its original charter. Witness our current President and the election that surrounded his quite scary rise to power. At the risk of being called a racist again, this President was elected for no reason OTHER than he was black. He received 90% of the Black vote, which is in itself racist. Samuel L. Jackson and many other left wing Blacks have come out publicly and stated, on live TV, that they voted for Obama because he was black. This is the epitome of racism, the most basic definition of the word.

The Electoral College was designed to prevent the popular hysteria of the excitable, ignorant masses from unduly influencing the election, yet even this is not sufficient, as The Electoral College no longer functions as it was intended – it was intended to prevent a popular vote, yet fallible and corrupt men have suborned its original intent; a discussion for another article. Just ask anyone WHY they voted for Obama if not for his race or out of political correctness ( white guilt ); what credentials did he have that swayed them to vote for him, what experience did he have that convinced them that he was qualified to run the United States of America?

The man had NO resume, no experience of any sort in business, never had to make a payroll, never had to work 80 hrs a week at two jobs to feed his family, never owned a business or had any experience in the business sector, never been in the military or had any military experience, had zero foreign policy experience, zero intelligence community experience, zero economic experience or credentials, zero scientific knowledge….I could go on, but my point being made I take it. No one can point to ANY experience or credentials that qualified this man to be President.

Functioning as our forefathers intended, the Electoral College would have seen to it that Obama was not elected, as their original charter did not bind them to their party vote, nor the popular vote, but to cast their electoral vote for the candidate that the Elector felt best served his constituency.

That said, it is clear our system no longer works. But this is not to disparage our Founding Fathers – the simple fact is the face of America, and the World, has changed beyond anything that our Founding Fathers could ever have imagined or foreseen. Vast technological advances, population explosions, exponential industrialization advances, unimaginable military might, along with a vastly different and complex national and global economy, are not things our original governmental framework was designed to handle. It’s like expecting to run current software on Windows XP – you can keep patching it to try and make it keep up, but in the end the operating system needs to be re-written.
So, how would we tweak things to insure that we do not become a democracy as our forefathers intended?

We can start with the body of the electorate – the rank and file voters. As the reasons why should be abundantly clear and I shan’t revisit them here, suffice it to say that this should be changed, at a minimum, to only an educated electorate, which everyone from Washington, to Jefferson to Hamilton to Madison supported.

Additionally no one on welfare or public assistance should be allowed to vote; to allow this would be a conflict of interest. When those who do nothing & exist off the fruits of the industrious, just like a wild animal, they will lose the desire and skills to feed themselves, and will always vote for that party whose politics will keep them at the public feeding trough for the longest time. Soon the industrious will grow weary of working, only to have that which they worked for given to those who do not pull their own weight, and it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to see where that will end up. This is one of many examples why persons on welfare should not vote, but it is a good example. If my logic is in error, I invite your comments.

Next, the qualifications for Presidency should be overhauled, vastly. If a person is not qualified to make change at a 7-11 ( Obama ), then how is it that he is qualified to run the largest economy on earth? If a person does not have the credentials and experience to be hired at a Fortune 500 company as its CFO, how is it that this same person is qualified to run the world’s largest economy? If a person has no experience in the military, how is it he is qualified to be Commander-in-Chief of something he knows nothing about?
When you apply for a position at a corporation or business, you must show that you are qualified for that position; you have to produce a resume and proofs showing experience and education in the area(s) that you are applying for, and demonstrating a history of success in your previous positions. Certainly no lesser standards should be applied to the Presidency, members of Congress, and the Senate, and the Judiciary. These positions, at a minimum, should be restricted to well-educated persons with very impressive resumes, including a minimum experience requirement.

The President should be required to have had many years of military service, hold multi-disciplinary degrees in economics, politics, military strategy, history, sociology, international disciplines, be educated or have great experience in matters of State, and international politics. A Presidential Candidate should have a resume that would get him hired as CEO/CFO/COO of any Fortune 500 company – why would a person accept less? Similar requirements should be paced on members of Congress, the Senate, Cabinet, and all appointed Federal posts.

As to the mechanics of the election process itself, I see no reason to abolish the Electoral College, just tweak it a bit. Only three time since the Civil War has a candidate won the popular vote but not the Electoral vote. But this is a red herring anyway, as the President is not supposed to be elected by popular vote ( ignorant populace, myriad other reasons, remember? ). The “Electoral College Members” should be similarly endowed with impressive educational and experience credentials. The winner-take-all system of the States should be revised to a 2/3 majority, upon which all Electoral Votes must go to the winning candidate, however, less than a 2/3 popular state majority vote, and the Electors are free to vote for their conscious, party candidate, the candidate that won in their district, or that the Elector feels would best serve the interests of the people.

The mechanisms described should make it abundantly clear that we are not a democracy. Our history and the words of our Founding Fathers are quite clear on this subject, but the Constitution is the last word, and conveniently is the clearest, to wit;
“SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence”.
If one’s education has ill-equipped one to comprehend the above, or to understand what a republic is, and if one was not paying attention in junior high and high school where it was explained that we are NOT a democracy and that our founding fathers decried democracy, then I suggest that such a person enroll in some remedial classes in American Government and American History.

But please, let us have an end to this nonsense about us being a democracy; we most certainly are not, nor did any of our forefathers intend that we be so.
And that’s just the way it is.

I'll bet most people have a positive response to the phrase, "newly approved drug."

There's a promise of hope in those three words. And if a drug is new, well then it's the cutting edge of modern medicine. Right?


In fact, a new drug is a mystery. And it's probably more of a mystery than your doctor even realizes.

What you don't know CAN hurt you

Nobody knows how effective or safe a new drug is. Only time will tell. And you know what that means. The first million users are guinea pigs.

Most pre-approval clinical trials last only a few months. So nobody has any idea how patients will react over the long term.

The perfect example is Lipitor, the best selling drug in history. Just this year -- 16 YEARS after approval -- the FDA admitted that the drug increases risk of cognitive dysfunction and type 2 diabetes.

Think of that. A full decade and a half after FDA approval, your doctor STILL might not have an accurate safety profile.

Recent British Medical Journal studies reveal why doctors are in the dark.

UK researchers examined the reporting of clinical trial results. They discovered "haphazard publication and incomplete data disclosure."

In one BMJ study, researchers looked at trials funded by the NIH. Less than half of the trials received peer-reviewed publication 30 months after the trials were completed.

The UK team says that this situation "is a disservice to research participants, patients, health systems, and the whole endeavour of clinical medicine."

The researchers also note that the problem of inadequate data disclosure is so bad that it's "almost impossible" to accurately judge a drug's benefits and harms.

Almost impossible! And yet, FDA officials take pride in improving their quick rate of new drug approvals.

If your doctor wants to prescribe a new drug, tell him you'll consider it in 10 years.

Better yet, make it 20. 

Peace, love, and happiness...until next time...

“Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.”
— James Madison

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tidbits From The Web #99

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing — when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors — when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you — when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self- sacrifice — you may know that your society is doomed.”

— Ayn Rand


"Over the last thirty years, the United States has been taken over by an amoral financial oligarchy, and the American dream of opportunity, education, and upward mobility is now largely confined to the top few percent of the population. Federal policy is increasingly dictated by the wealthy, by the financial sector, and by powerful (though sometimes badly mismanaged) industries such as telecommunications, health care, automobiles, and energy. These policies are implemented and praised by these groups’ willing servants, namely the increasingly bought-and-paid-for leadership of America’s political parties, academia, and lobbying industry.” 

– Charles Ferguson – Predator Nation 

To learn who rules over you, simply learn who you are not allowed to criticize.
— Voltaire

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

— Goethe

May the force be with you...
8-bit Olympic games...
Watch the world in real time via Instagram photos...
The six dimensions of time...
12 foods that you must eat organic...
The rot at the top...
DJ launchpad skills...
Social Security...writing off the elderly...
Abolish the TSA...
Mapping the world currencies...
What would you say to yourself?
The FDA doesn't care about safety...
A World Order I can get used to...
Watching tools in slo-mo...
Can we survive the death spiral?
Visualizing data...
LED wallpaper...
How much is a human life worth?
Feast your eyes on massive mansions...
Grenade fishing anyone?
Mako shark surprise...
The Beginning of the End...
The war to end all wars...
If history repeats itself...
Beautiful and bizarre landscapes...
Fukushima is still leaking radiation...
Mark of the Beast indeed!
Introducing artist Luke Pearson...
New World Order blueprint...
Lessons learned from Ben Franklin...
Speak to the aliens mannn!
Big Pharma wants you hooked for life...
I hearby secede...

Quantative Easing and Gold...

Drunvalo is the author of five books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light and his newest one The Mayan Ouroboros. Drunvalo is the first person in the world (in modern times) to mathematically and geometrically define the human body light body called in ancient times the Mer-Ka-Ba. He is the founder of the Flower of Life Facilitators that have been teaching his work in over 60 countries. He joins us to discuss the end of the Mayan Calendar and what the Earth is leading into as one cycle closes and another begins. Melchizedek tells us about a transformation on Earth that will take place, unlike any other. We'll experience physical, spiritual and frequency changes as we mature and transfigure into different beings. Drunvalo also talks about the sun, crop circles, catastrophe and Atlantis.

Les Visible is a writer, poet, musician and recording artist. He has had a lifelong love affair with the hermetic sciences and the martial arts and is a seasoned traveler in psychedelic realms, preferring the Devic Kingdom over the suffocating confinements of the sub-matrix. Visible joins us to discuss God and the current state of our world. He'll talk about the age of darkness and the force that is guiding us. Visible speaks about God in form, waking up and inner teachings. Les explains the trickery of a reverse Kabbalah. He talks about the reality of perception, focus and breaking free from a world defined by darkness. Later, Les discusses the war between heaven and Earth, Shambhala and the Bible, altered by Zionists.

Pics In Pics: Print Mosaic

Developed by a dude who
did visual effects for Avatar
(and who's no Na'vi-ce at building
websites), PM can build a
large-scale mosaic of any image
you send 'em using miniaturized
pics of your choosing
(from Facebook, Instagram,
or Dropbox), and can
even crank out a super high-res
version you can bring to a pro

                     THE ‘SILENT WEAPONS’ ...

by David Icke

It was back in the early 1990s that I first became aware of a document entitled ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’. It appears to be a training manual for new recruits to the global conspiracy to explain how to direct economics and public perception to the point where the population become life-long slaves to the few.
I am writing a new book at the moment and getting a new presentation together for Wembley and in the course of this I came across ‘Silent Weapons’ again. It was sobering to see how all these years later the strategy that the document details can be seen so clearly in world events and daily life.
Silent Weapons was dated May, 1979, and was apparently found in July, 1986 in an IBM copier purchased at a surplus sale by an employee of Boeing. It appears to be one of a series of such manuals explaining how the few control the many. I can’t say for sure if it is genuine, but (a) it lays out the strategy in considerable detail and (b) what it describes is blatantly happening by the hour.
It defines silent weapons as social automation – the control of perception while the targets believe they are thinking freely and making their own choices. They ain’t. The use of these weapons means that ‘a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public’, the documents says.
The manual describes the nature and consequence of these silent weapons of perception control:
  • Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a silent weapon by its creators, but only in its own manner of functioning.
  • It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical reaction (explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general.
  • It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, and does not obviously interfere with anyone's daily social life.
  • Yet it makes an unmistakable ‘noise’, causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with the daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for.
  • The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.
  • The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.
  • When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up.
  • Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.
This is precisely the way that the global population is being manipulated en masse (not least through manufactured economic pressure and chaos) to consent to their own enslavement.
Ahh, but there’s no conspiracy. No, no. This is all a coincidence. Go back to sleep, there’s nothing to see here. We're politicians, law enforcement and journalists. Trust us. People like that Icke bloke are just paranoid nutters.

by James Rubin

“Over the last thirty years, the United States has been taken over by an amoral financial oligarchy, and the American dream of opportunity, education, and upward mobility is now largely confined to the top few percent of the population. Federal policy is increasingly dictated by the wealthy, by the financial sector, and by powerful (though sometimes badly mismanaged) industries such as telecommunications, health care, automobiles, and energy. These policies are implemented and praised by these groups’ willing servants, namely the increasingly bought-and-paid-for leadership of America’s political parties, academia, and lobbying industry.” – Charles FergusonPredator Nation

The Federal Reserve released its Survey of Consumer Finances last week. It’s a fact filled 80 page report they issue every three years to provide a financial snapshot of American households. As you can see from the chart above, the impact of the worldwide financial collapse has been catastrophic to most of the households in the U.S. A 39% decline in median net worth over a three year time frame is almost incomprehensible. Even worse, the decline has surely continued for the average American household through 2012 as home prices have continued to fall. Median family income plunged by 7.7% over a three year time frame and has not recovered since the collection of this data 18 months ago. Even more shocking is the fact that median household income was $48,900 in 2001. Families are making 6.3% less today than they were a decade ago. These figures are adjusted for inflation using the BLS massaged CPI figures. Anyone not under the influence of psychotic drugs or engaged as a paid shill for the financial oligarchy knows that inflation is purposely under reported in order to keep the masses sedated and pacified. The real decline in median household income is in excess of 20% since 2001.

The destruction of the blue collar jobs has been underway since the early 1970s. And the relentless decline in real blue collar wages has followed a bumpy downward path for decades. Sadly, the average person doesn’t understand the insidious destruction caused to their lives by the Federal Reserve generated inflation, as they actually believe their wages today are higher than they were in 1973. The reality is the oligarchy has used foreign wage differentials and the perceived benefits of globalization to ship manufacturing and now service jobs to Asia while using their captured mainstream media to convince the average American that this has been beneficial to their lives. Using one of their 15 credit cards to buy cheap foreign goods made by people who took their jobs was never so easy.  I wonder if the benefits of being able to buy cheap Chinese electronics, toxic dog food, and slave labor produced igadgets outweighed the $2.3 trillion increase in consumer debt, 27% decline in real wages, 7 million manufacturing jobs lost since the mid-1970s, 46 million people on food stamps, $15 trillion increase in the National Debt since 1978, and a gutted decaying industrial base.

young wage high school earners

Not only have the oligarchs gutted our industrial base, resulting in enormous job losses among middle aged industrial workers, but they are now in the process of impoverishing the youth of this country by sucking them into crushing college debt with the false promise of decent paying jobs when they graduate with a degree in feminist studies from the University of Phoenix. The fabricated mantra that a college education guarantees a good paying job and a better future is not borne out by the facts. There are over 4,800 institutions of higher learning in this country, with only about 50 considered elite. There are another few hundred top notch institutions, with a few thousand mediocre schools and hundreds of for profit on-line diploma mills exploiting the easy Federal government debt to lure millions into their profit scheme of bilking unemployed naïve middle aged dupes and eventually the American taxpayer. The average student loan debt per student is $29,000. Student loan debt outstanding has risen from $200 billion in 2000 to over $1 trillion today. The Federal Government is blowing another bubble. They are the issuer, regulator and guarantor of these loans. They are making the loans with teaser rates to the ultimate in subprime borrowers – students without jobs going for worthless degrees at mediocre schools. The taxpayer is on the hook for the billions in loses that will surely follow. The payoff for this quadrupling of debt has been an 8% real decline in wages for college graduates since 2000. The monetary policies of the Federal Reserve and bipartisan fiscal policies of our government have led to this dreadful job market for the middle class.

college graduate wages

The mainstream media dutifully reported a few key highlights from the Federal Reserve report and moved onto more important issues like Snooki’s pregnancy and the octomom’s new porno gig. We certainly couldn’t expect business journalists at Bloomberg, CNBC, NYT, or CNN to actually analyze the data, produce an intelligent dialogue of the causes, and reach a conclusion that the affluent and influential on Wall Street and in Washington DC caused the average family in this country to endure tremendous hardship while the oligarchy plundered and pillaged the countryside, stuffing their pockets with ill-gotten gains. Each of the ideological camps within the oligarchy trot out the usual suspects to blame the other ideological camp, while doing nothing to change the existing paradigm. Krugman and Carville are assigned the task of blaming Republican policies and dogma for the demise of the middle class. Obama and his minions already had their press release prepared, blaming George Bush and claiming the median family has made tremendous strides since he assumed command in2009. Mitt Romney (worth $250 million), whose pocket change exceeds the annual median household income of $45,800, feels the pain of the average American family and proposes a tax decrease for billionaires and less overbearing regulation on the honorable Wall Street banks in order to help the average family. It’s nothing but Kabuki Theater as the characters play their assigned parts in this elaborate display. Gary Wills cuts right to the chase:

“Yet while the rest of the populace was suffering, the rich just got richer. In 2009 and 2010, years in which millions were unable to find work, the top one percent reaped 93% of the ‘recovery’ income, and corporations are making more than they ever did. And the Republicans can still propose even further cuts in the taxes of ‘job creators’ whose only job creation has been for their own lawyers and lobbyists.”

What you will not receive from the corporate mouthpieces in the mainstream media is an explanation of where the money went, who stole it and why it happened. The theme from the media is the loss in net worth and decade long decline in household income was unavoidable and due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control. This is a false storyline perpetrated by those who have stolen your money. It’s been a bipartisan screw job and it was initiated by Clinton, Rubin, Gramm and Leach, who deregulated the banking system in 1999 by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, but made it clear the Greenspan Put would always be in place to protect the banks from their own recklessness, greed and hubris. As a result, Wall Street could go ahead and take irresponsible financial system destroying risks in pursuit of vast riches, knowing they could count on the unlimited checkbook of Uncle Sam if things went south, and that’s exactly what happened. Heads they won, tails you lost. It’s good to own the politicians, regulators, and media.

Dude, Where’s My Net Worth?

“Sometime around the year 2010, Xers will hit a hangover mood like that of the Lost in the early 1930s and the Liberty in the late 1760s: a feeling of personal exhaustion mixed with a new public seriousness. The members of this forty- and fiftyish generation will fan out across an unusually wide distribution of personal outcomes, reminiscent of a night at the bingo table. A few will be wildly successful, others totally ruined, and the largest number will have lost a little ground since the days of Boomer midlife.” – Strauss & Howe – Generations – 1991

Neil Howe and Bill Strauss wrote their first generational theory book six years prior to their epic Fourth Turning prophecy. It appears they nailed it. Generation X households saw their net worth crushed, with a 54% loss in three years. The Baby Boomer households also took a beating in this banker engineered financial collapse. The Silent generation has survived this downturn relatively unscathed.  Most of the Silents traded down from their primary residence at or near the top of the housing boom. As Neil Howe points out:

“Most sold or annuitized their financial assets at a much better moment in the history of the Dow. Even if they didn’t, they are more likely than Boomers or Xers to be getting retirement checks from defined-benefit corporate or government plans that are unaffected by the market.”

The Millenials and late Xers did not lose much because they didn’t have much to lose. Most did not own a house or stocks. As the economy continues to deteriorate the generational tension builds. The Silents and Boomers, who vote in large numbers, have not and will not vote for anyone who attempts to reform our entitlement system and make it economically viable over the long-term for young people just entering the job market.

The false storyline about the 2007 through 2010 being an aberration in the long term path to prosperity for the average American family is refuted by the following chart.

This chart paints a long-term picture of generational inequality that has been going on over the last three decades. Over three decades the Silent generation has seen their median real net worth increase by 133%, while GenX has seen their median real net worth decrease by 55% compared to the same age cohort in 1983. Only those 55 and over have seen a real improvement in their net worth over the last 27 years. Considering this period encompassed a seventeen year bull market and the GDP grew from $3.5 trillion to $15.7 trillion, a 450% increase, a few bucks should have trickled down to the average household. Even on an inflation adjusted basis, GDP has risen 125% since 1983. Evidently the economic policies supported by both parties across decades have not floated all boats – just the yachts. Age is only part of the equation. Class is the other piece. There is a class war being waged and the Buffett, Dimon, Blankfein, Romney, Clinton, Koch and the rest of the ultra-wealthy oligarchs are winning. We are now in the midst of a Fourth Turning and the corrupt, dysfunctional, amoral social order will be swept away before the climax of this Crisis.

“Through the Third Turning and into the initial stages of the Fourth, the Silent will prosper, Boomers will cope with declining expectations, and Gen-Xers will get hammered. Throughout history, we have argued, inequality both by class and by age reaches its apogee entering the Crisis era. Indeed, part of the historical purpose of the Crisis is to tear down dysfunctional institutions, vacate positions of entitlement and privilege, rectify the inequality, and create a tabula rasa on which the rising generation can build something new.” – Neil Howe

The reason for the epic collapse of middle class net worth is quite simple when viewed from a 10,000 foot elevation. The great descent in net worth was primarily due to the bursting of the Federal Reserve created real estate bubble. The Case Shiller Home Price Index plunged 28% between 2007 and 2010. The wealth destruction was concentrated among the working middle class because their homes accounted for the vast majority of their household net worth. For the wealthy, housing is a fraction of their vast net worth, while for the lowly poor; homeownership is now only a dream. Of course, between 2000 and 2007 anyone that could fog a mirror was encouraged by George Bush, Barney Frank, the National Association of Realtors, Alan Greenspan, and Wall Street shills to “own” a home. With home prices having fallen an additional 7% since 2010, the middle class has seen a further decline in their net worth. Meanwhile, Ben Bernanke’s ZIRP, QE1, QE2, Operation Twist, and the upcoming “Operation Screw the Middle Class Again” have succeeded in expanding the net worth of millionaires, billionaires and the bonuses of Wall Street bankers, while destroying the fragile finances of little old ladies and middle class risk adverse savers.

case shiller and snp500

Once you dig into the details beneath the thin veneer of Bernaysian obfuscation, you realize the corporate mainstream media storyline of middle class decline has a veiled storyline of a powerful, connected 1%, enriched at the expense of the middle class.

In Part 2 of this three part series I will examine who stole your net worth and in Part 3 why they stole your net worth. Part 4 will require pitchforks, torches and a guillotine.



“Politicians are put there to give you that idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations, and they’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, and the City Halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear. They’ve got you by the balls.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want; they want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want—they don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interest. You know something, they don’t want people that are smart enough to sit around their kitchen table and figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that, you know what they want?

They want obedient workers, obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. The table is tilted folks, the game is rigged. Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard working people, white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Because the owners of this country know the truth, it’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” ~~ George Carlin

Peace, love and happiness...until next time...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tidbits From The Web #98

"Remember: those who are at the top of the heap will always take   whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo. It is obvious   that they cannot completely control the propagation of the information.   So, how do they "keep secrets?" They don't. Everything is right out   there in the public domain. Anybody who wants to can do the research we   have done and come to the realizations we have in this process. BUT,  not  everyone is able to withstand the other weapon of Mass Control: the   fear of being labeled a "suspected or potential supporter" in a world   where the Grand Inquisitor has total control over life and death." ~~   Laura Knight-Jadczyk, (Mass Mind Control?)

"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce, and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate." -- James A. Garfield, 20th U.S.     president, two weeks before he was assassinated in 1881.

Want your mind blown?

Republic vs. Democracy...

Trick shot QB...
Drum kit your name...
Obvious to you...amazing to others...
Come together...
Deep Time: A History of Earth...
Unorthodox batting stance...
Keep ingesting those excitotoxins...
How nuclear is your state?
20 iconic tech sounds bound for extinction...
Back to the Articles of Confederation...
99 problems in film...
Introducing artist Greg "Craola" Simkins...
Some old brain games...
Forbidden Secrets...
The science of making glow sticks...
9 essential oils for your health...
United Plates of America...
Stupid baby sounds...
Take in some Solace...
Billions of Earth sized planets packed in our galaxy...
Culturally relevant rugby rituals...
Venn diagrams show our corrupted democracy...
Hover bike!
Deconstructing a beat box...
Watch 296 N64 games in one video...
Start fire with water...
Playing with your food into logos...
MIT projects that make you go whoa...
There were giants on Earth...
The Lord of the Tree Trunk Rings...
Introducing artist Jace Wallace...
How your washing machines are polluting the oceans...
The secret life of garbage...
MakerBot stop motion music video...
10 crazy kitchen tricks to speed up cooking...
Google Earth power tricks and tips...
Roadside America...
Ascension phase...
100,000 to die at 2012 London Olympics?
MIT predicts by 2030 global collapse and population decline...
Typography rules the world...
Get your ass to Mars!

Shining a Light on Sun Safety

Newport Natural Health Letter

Maybe you saw the recent story about a man who burst into flames after applying sunscreen. Yes, it really happened, and to more than just one person. Some spray-on sunscreens are flammable, so people who apply it before going out to the barbecue grill or other open flame are in danger of catching on fire. (Just enter the terms "sunscreen" and "flammable" in your favorite search engine to read more about this frightening occurrence.)

So if you're one of the millions of Americans who wear sunscreen or sunblock every day, we need to talk. Even if you don't go anywhere near an open flame or are careful to use only products without flammable ingredients, you still may be doing yourself more harm than good. Here are a few facts you should know about sunscreens:

• Manufacturers are not required by law to do any safety testing of ingredients or finished products.

• Labeling laws are so lax that ingredient lists may not include everything or may misstate certain elements.

• Product claims are not subject to review, so manufacturers have no obligation to be accurate when they describe a product's benefits.

• Few restrictions limit which chemicals can be used in products like sunscreens. Combine this fact with no safety testing, and you can see how it's a "buyer beware market" in sun and skin care products.

The Sun Is Not Your Enemy

No one wants to get sunburned or develop skin cancer, but there are better ways to achieve those goals than by covering yourself in questionable chemicals. I encourage my patients to rethink their long-held views of sun exposure and sunscreens.

Be Sun Smart

• Sunscreens often contain toxic ingredients.

• Your body produces vitamin D through sun exposure on bare skin that is free of sunscreens and lotions.

• You can prepare your skin for sun exposure from the inside out.
The third point is especially important because here's the elephant in the room that few doctors talk about: Skin cancer happens from the inside out. In other words, it's not sun exposure that causes skin cancer but the body's reaction to sunlight.

As you'll see, just a few simple changes can make a big difference.

Sunscreen Contributes to Vitamin D Deficiencies

During the past 30 years, if there is one health message that got through to the American public, it's "sunshine kills." What a pity! Here's what has happened as a result: Instead of improving, skin cancer diagnoses are on the rise. Meanwhile, somewhere between 70 and 90 percent of the country is deficient in vitamin D. As you may know, vitamin D, produced when bare skin is exposed to sunlight, is a vitally important nutrient for good health. Deficiencies of vitamin D have been linked to the following:

Certain types of cancer

Heart disease

Type 2 diabetes


Multiple sclerosis




Obesity and weight difficulties

Obviously, vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for anyone who wants to avoid serious, chronic diseases. So we know how important vitamin D is, and we also know that we need sunshine to manufacture vitamin D. Yet despite that, mainstream medicine continues to demonize the sun. Instead, these experts recommend we drench ourselves with untested, toxin-laden creams and lotions that can be absorbed by the skin, the body's largest organ.

In the meantime, a number of studies show that eating certain foods and taking a couple of common supplements protect against sunburns and skin cancer without exposing you to the chemical soup in sunscreen. But do you ever hear that being publicized? I didn't think so.

Clearly, you're not getting the whole story, so let's sort this out. As you'll see, it's really not that complicated, and the payoff is well worth it.

UVA, UVB, and Sun Safety

What happens when your skin is exposed to sun? The short answer is that it becomes inflamed and turns red as the immune system goes into high gear to repair damage to skin cells.

How long it takes for skin damage to occur depends on whether you are fair, medium, or dark skinned. (As a general rule, people with blue eyes are considered fair, even if they have dark hair.) A person with a fair complexion may start to turn pink in as little as five or ten minutes, while it usually takes longer for a person with a dark complexion to begin burning.

Although we are often warned about going outside during summer's peak hours between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., we can sunburn any time of day, no matter what season. A cloudy day is not protective, although it may slow the burning process a bit. And bright sun on a snowy day can be just as damaging as it is in summer.

There are two types of radiation from sunlight -- UVA (ultraviolet A) and UVB (ultraviolet B). UVA penetrates below the skin, so it contributes to wrinkles and aging, but it is less likely to create sunburn. UVB can burn your skin more readily, but it is involved in creating vitamin D. Both types of UV light contribute to premature aging and skin cancer.

If you've ever shopped for sun protection, you know how confusing it can be to wade through the various choices and manufacturers' claims. As I often tell my patients, sunscreens are designed to absorb UVB light, but they are usually less effective at preventing UVA light from reaching your skin. Newer sunscreens, labeled as "wide spectrum," are intended to protect against UVA. However, be aware that sunscreens are rated according to their SPF (sun protection factor), which measures the product's ability to shield you from UVB radiation only.

Usually, sunscreens are more appealing than sunblocks because the heavier, opaque sunblocks are not only messy but usually sit on top of the skin, like a thick, white cream. Sunblocks deflect as much as 99 percent of various forms of light, however, so they can be very useful on areas that tend to burn quickly, such as the nose and ears.

A Look at Labels

Your first step in choosing a sunscreen should be to read the ingredient labels. You'll want to avoid anything that's potentially flammable. If you like spray-on products, check the label for warnings that say "flammable" or "inflammable" (both words mean the same thing). In addition, check the ingredients for potentially dangerous or cancer-causing substances, such as PABA, methoxycinnamate, and oxybenzone. These ingredients have been linked to various health issues, including hormone disruption. One new study, for example, found that women who had the highest levels of oxybenzone in their bodies had a 65 percent elevated risk of developing a painful, hormone-related condition known as endometriosis. Clearly, the chemicals in these skin care products are not staying on top of the skin, and they are not good things to have circulating throughout your body.

Instead, look for a product containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, the primary ingredients in what are sometimes called mineral sunscreens. I also recommend wide-spectrum sunscreens, which protect against both UVA and UVB rays, with an SPF of 30 or higher.

One caution: Just say no to any product -- sunscreen, moisturizer, or cosmetic -- containing nanoparticles. The safety of these microscopic-sized ingredients is questionable at best, even though they are used in skin care products of all kinds, including sunscreen.

Here's just one example of possible damage from nanoparticles: A recent study found that fish exposed to nanoparticles of titanium oxide developed holes in their brains and experienced death of nerve cells in the brain as well. Previous studies have found similar types of damage from the tiny particles.

A Little Sun Goes a Long Way

Conventional wisdom says you should apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going outside. I suggest my patients hold off, though, and get at least a few minutes of sun exposure on bare, clean skin -- in other words, skin without lotions, creams, or cosmetics of any kind. Start with just a few minutes of sun exposure each day to avoid burning. Gradually increase the amount of time, but don't go beyond 20 minutes.

After you've done a bit of sunbathing, if you plan to stay outside, you can retire to the shade and/or apply sunscreen. If you choose sunscreen and plan to stay outdoors, please remember to reapply it every couple of hours, as sunscreen can be removed by sweating, swimming, or even rubbing your skin. Or simply put on a hat; a lightweight, long-sleeve shirt or top; and pants or a skirt -- and skip the sunscreen altogether. There are even lines of clothing available with built-in sun protection that I find work very well.

In addition, don't forget to protect your eyes when you're outside. I recommend sunglasses equipped with side panels to shield your eyes from UVA and UVB rays. Exposure to sunlight has been linked to cataracts.

Sun Protection from the Inside Out

Scientists have known for some time that healthy skin begins inside your body. A diet rich in antioxidants and related healthful compounds, as well as good fats found in omega-3s, is the key.

Food nutrients to reinforce the body's own sun-protective mechanisms:
Carrots and other yellow-orange fruits contain beta-carotene, which helps reduce sun damage.
Salmon, shrimp, and algae contain astaxanthin, an antioxidant that reduces skin inflammation, boosts immunity, and helps protect against sagging, wrinkling, and skin cancer.
Tomatoes (especially when cooked in a small amount of oil), pink and red grapefruit, guava, and watermelon contain lycopene, which helps protect skin from sunburn damage.
Citrus fruits and most vegetables contain vitamin C, an antioxidant that can prevent the sort of free-radical damage linked to the development of skin cancer.
Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, milk, and eggs contain vitamin A, which research shows may reduce some forms of skin cancer, including melanoma.
Green leafy vegetables, raw nuts, and wheat germ contain vitamin E. When taken with vitamins A and C, this powerhouse antioxidant trio helps repair sun damage.
Fatty, cold-water fish, such as salmon, herring, and anchovies, contain the good fats (omega-3s) that help reinforce the body's own sun-protective mechanisms and shield the skin from sun damage.

Supplementing with antioxidants and good fats provides these benefits, too. Often, these nutrients are combined in mixed antioxidant supplements, which can be good choices. You can also find combinations of various antioxidants in topical skin products. Research shows that applying antioxidants directly onto the skin provides substantial protection.

Dosage recommendations for individual supplements:

Astaxanthin: Try 4 to 6 mg one to three times daily.

Lycopene: A typical dose of lycopene runs anywhere from
 10 to 30 mg daily.

Vitamin C: This water-soluble nutrient is not stored in the
body, so supplies need to be replenished throughout the day.
Try taking 500 to 1,000 mg three times daily. If you develop
loose stools, decrease the dosage.

Vitamin E: Choose a product made from mixed tocopherols
and the natural form of vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol), not the
synthetic form (dl-alpha-tocopherol). I recommend 400 IUs daily.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids: I suggest 1,000 mg twice daily
of a purified, stable product, such as Calamarine.
Keep in mind that food and supplements take about three months to maximize your body's inner sun-protection resources, so they do not replace the instant protection of a good, nontoxic sunscreen. But don't be disappointed by the time it takes for nutrients to kick in. Remember that while you're taking them, they're at work on various healing processes in your body.

Spending time outside in good weather can help fortify you with vitamin D while you enjoy the simple pleasures of nature. Don't let concerns about sun exposure deprive you of these benefits. Just follow the steps I've outlined here, and you can have a healthy, nontoxic, sun-smart summer.

The greatest support we can have is mindfulness, which means being  totally present in each moment. If the mind remains centered, it cannot  make up stories about the injustice of the world or one's friends, or  about one's desires or sorrows. All these stories could fill many  volumes, but when we are mindful such verbalizations stop. Being mindful  means being fully absorbed in the moment, leaving no room for anything  else. We are filled with the momentary happening, whatever it  is--standing or sitting or lying down, feeling pleasure or pain--and we  maintain a nonjudgmental awareness, a "just knowing."

-Ayya Khema, "Be an Island"

Furniture of the Future: Mozayo Coffee Table

A collab with the Fibonacci-obsessed guy behind MSTRF,
these touchscreen coffee tables are inset with water-
resistant LCDs  connected to WiFi-enabled, "commercial
 grade" Dells outfitted with DVD  players, USB/audio
 ports, Windows 7 software, a 3D world map, and loads
of games far better than the ones that kept you from
learning jack about  Fibonacci.

Laws of the Universe...               

1. Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with grease your nose will begin to itch or you'll have to pee. 

2. Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner. 

3. Law of probability: The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act. 

4. Law of the Telephone: When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal. 

5. Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you were late for work because  you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire. 

6. Variation Law: If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you  were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now. (works  every time). 

7. Bath Theorem: When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

8. Law of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know  increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. 

9. Law of the Result: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.

10. Law of Biomechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach. 

11. Theater Rule: At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last. 

12. Law of Coffee: As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your  boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is  cold. 

13. Murphy's Law of Lockers: If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers. 

14. Law of Dirty Rugs/Carpets: The chances of an open-faced jelly  sandwich of landing face down on a floor covering are directly  correlated to the newness, color and cost of the carpet/rug. 

15. Law of Location: No matter where you go, there you are. 

16. Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about. 

17. Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly. 

18. Oliver's Law: A closed mouth gathers no feet. 

19. Wilson's Law: As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.





The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America

    Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the middle class is being  systematically wiped out of existence in America.  The rich are getting  richer and the poor are getting poorer at a staggering rate.  Once upon a  time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle  class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a  blinding pace.  So why are we witnessing such fundamental changes?   Well, the globalism and "free trade" that our politicians and business  leaders insisted would be so good for us have had some rather nasty side  effects.  It turns out that they didn't tell us that the "global  economy" would mean that middle class American workers would eventually  have to directly compete for jobs with people on the other side of the  world where there is no minimum wage and very few regulations. 

    The big  global corporations have greatly benefited by exploiting third world  labor pools over the last several decades, but middle class American  workers have increasingly found things to be very tough.  The reality is  that no matter how smart, how strong, how educated or how hard working  American workers are, they just cannot compete with people who are  desperate to put in 10 to 12 hour days at less than a dollar an hour on  the other side of the world.  After all, what corporation in their right  mind is going to pay an American worker ten times more (plus benefits)  to do the same job?

   The world is fundamentally changing.  Wealth and  power are rapidly becoming concentrated at the top and the big global  corporations are making massive amounts of money.  Meanwhile, the  American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence as  U.S. workers are slowly being merged into the new "global" labor pool. 
What do most Americans have to offer in the marketplace other than  their labor?  Not much.  The truth is that most Americans are absolutely  dependent on someone else giving them a job.  But today, U.S. workers  are "less attractive" than ever.  Compared to the rest of the world,  American workers are extremely expensive, and the government keeps  passing more rules and regulations seemingly on a monthly basis that  makes it even more difficult to conduct business in the United States.

   So corporations are moving operations out of the U.S. at breathtaking  speed.  Since the U.S. government does not penalize them for doing so,  there really is no incentive for them to stay. What has developed is a situation where the people at the top are  doing quite well, while most Americans are finding it increasingly  difficult to make it.  There are now about 6 unemployed Americans for  every new job opening in the United States, and the number of  "chronically unemployed" is absolutely soaring.  There simply are not  nearly enough jobs for everyone.

   Many of those who are able to get jobs are finding that they are  making less money than they used to.  In fact, an increasingly large  percentage of Americans are working at low wage retail and service jobs. But you can't raise a family on what you make flipping burgers at  McDonald's or on what you bring in from greeting customers down at the  local Wal-Mart.
The truth is that the middle class in America is dying - and once it is gone it will be incredibly difficult to rebuild...

We are all one consciousness...

Peace, love and happiness...until next time...