—R. Austin Cox
Rollercoaster safety...
Chillin' in Chile...
Thermochromic urinal...
What is a GMO?
Catholic Church is a farce or force of good?
Graphing my religion...
If Boba Fett had a sister...
Beagles play catch...
I'll beat you well...
What is poverty in America?
Viva Las Vegas...
Get rid of plastic!
Casualties of war...
Mashup prints...
Open your eyes to the sky...
Recreating the Big Bang...
The holographic universe...
Hubble's most mind expanding photos...
Dark worlds...
Would you like one lump or two?
Free photo booth...
Introducing Lytro...the camera of the future...
Home of the future...
The difference between...
Changing education paradigms...
Polish book covers...
Never-ending sneezing bear...
Yummm pork!
Why fireflies flash at night...
Introducing Society6...
The college conspiracy...
Flying jet skis!
Canvas of consciousness...
Some wallpaper nebulas...
Let's play Global Ponzi-poly...
Nano mansion...
Be wary of digital deception...
Food shortage preparedness...
Synthetic bodies!
7 ways we are central to the universe...
Natural remedies...
America FAIL!
There's an app for that...
Before Gameboy there was...
The big financial lie...
Biometric phones?
Architects and engineers for the truth...
Your eyes are the new computer controllers...
Were you scared by these ?
With another passing 9/11...
Crazy people -- We are one
What is the Internet hiding?
Scientists under attack over GMOs...
Cured by cannabis...
Knowledge The British Library: Listen to Nature "Ever heard a bird neigh like a horse? Or wondered what an otter sounds like? On these pages you will find 400 sound recordings from the large collection of the British Library Sound Archive. The Wildlife Section holds over 150,000 sounds of every animal group and habitat from all over the world." The 'Explore Wildlife Sounds' can be searched by location, animal type and/or habitat allowing the visitor to 'discover hundreds of sounds from the natural world, including birds, insects, mammals and soundscapes.' "The language of Birds is an introduction to how, why and when birds communicate, illustrated with sound samples. . ." Should you want to explore the catalogue, take the 'virtual nsa' link where you can make a 'listening appointment' to hear the audio clip either by telephone or in person. What a neat excuse for a trip to London but 'cyber listening' is available for those 400 entries with 'electronic access!' |
Today's Quotes
UNLEASHING YOUR GENIUS"You are a potential genius; there is no problem you cannot solve, and no answer you cannot find somewhere." -- Brian Tracy
"Each man had only one genuine vocation -- to find the way to himself... His task was to discover his own destiny -- not an arbitrary one -- and live it out wholly and resolutely within himself.
Everything else was only a would be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity, and fear of one's own inwardness." -- Hermann Hesse
"Buried deep within each of us is a spark of greatness, a spark than can be fanned into flames of passion and achievement. That spark is not outside of you it is born deep within you." -- James A. Ray
"It matters only that you manifest your genius; it doesn’t matter when. It’s never too late or too early." -- Mark Victor Hansen

Marriage...Strike That, Reverse It...
A conversation before marriage...
He : Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
She : Do you want me to leave?
He : No! Don't even think about it.
She : Do you love me?
He : Of course! Over and over!
She : Have you ever cheated on me?
He : No! Why are you even asking?
She : Will you kiss me?
He : Every chance I get.
She : Will you hit me?
He : Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!
She : Can I trust you?
He : Yes.
She : Darling!
To read a conversation after marriage, simply read this in reverse...
He : Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
She : Do you want me to leave?
He : No! Don't even think about it.
She : Do you love me?
He : Of course! Over and over!
She : Have you ever cheated on me?
He : No! Why are you even asking?
She : Will you kiss me?
He : Every chance I get.
She : Will you hit me?
He : Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!
She : Can I trust you?
He : Yes.
She : Darling!
To read a conversation after marriage, simply read this in reverse...
Time Seeds
by George Ure
It's that working with business models develops a good sense of what I call "time seeds" and the art of "future planting."
This is a [curious/odd] way I have of looking at life as an analogy to farming.
How so? Well, every day as we go about 'living in the moment', we're really planting our own "time seeds". These are the activities which may seem like minor events in the daily scheme of things, but which given time to grow, bear wonderful fruits in our lives.
Problem: Most people have little (or an irregular) understanding / consciousness of the 'time seed' planting and harvesting process.
True, it's implied in current society, but the idea is not overtly stated nor, near as I can figure, is it taught as a clear thinking discipline.
Like EBM (everything's a business model) and EP (everything's process), this is one of those key insights to the nature of the larger reality that supposedly everyone knows, no one speaks directly about but is what social / cultural imprinting is all about. But, since the elite already own their future, why should they give away their secrets and democratize their future?
"Time Seeds" are really neat as they come in all sizes and are life changing once you learn how to constantly plant and harvest them.
At the smallest/lowest level a time seed might be stopping halfway through your shopping trip to the grocery store and consciously looking ahead into the future and asking yourself "How do I want that future to arrive?"
Your answer might be something like "I want the future to arrive with a skinnier me!". Now, since you're in a grocery store where the skinnier/fatter you is actually constructed, it's absolutely the best time to manipulate that particular group of time seeds.
Do you have any idea how many people consciously stop midway through shopping to compare the future outcome they put in their cart with present their present behavior? Know what so many Americans are over-weight? No one is actively talking about planting 'time seeds' in the grocery store.
As a result, people spend way more on food than they need to because they have been acculturized/paradigm imprinted with a set of personal behaviors which they don't actively question. Ain't no sign saying "The Wages of Junque Food is Fat!" anywhere, at least where we shop.
Every time you make a purchase, not only are you casting a vote as to which country you want your goods and services to be made in, but you're also 'buying your own future' such that if I invest my time in writing a website or three, doing consulting, and so forth, that will cause a different outcome in my personal future than working 80-hours a week to build someone else's time seed for them.
You see the time seeding process now, right? A corporation is just a time seed around which much labor is organized. Every time the Board of Directors makes a minor decision in a business model, such as deciding to shift marketing dollars from one directional city-pair to another in the case of an airline, or to spend more or less on product development, they're actually planting, or replanting time seeds.
Think of every day as a chance to plant something for tomorrow. Putting the ice cream back in the store, or resolving to learn how to bake your own bread; these are the virtually no cost time seeds you can plant.
Not to get obsessive about it, mind you. Just be aware of it.
I shouldn't admit this, but I thought I could let the concept of EBM lead those interested in mastering 'time seeding' to the same kind of realization. But, perhaps not.
So there it is...out in the open and plain as day. The time seed concept. Believe it, or not, that's up to you. If the future shows up bringing unemployment and disease it may be - not saying is just may be that you planted the wrong time seeds and come the harvest, it'll be bitter or sweet depending on your farming skills.
This also explains a good bit about what assholes get rich and saints live in poverty. The majority of the non-degreed, successful in spite of it New Rich have somehow picked up the idea of being Time Farmers. The victims, well, they haven't made the connection as tightly.
I'll make an effort to do a little less discussing of 'business models' but instead in its place will point out obvious 'time seeds' in the news now and then.
My personal quest has been to become a decent Time Farmer and whether the decision is to go to four years of school (an obvious act of planting a future), or whether it's just to cut back calories (plants a skinnier you), the three main tenets of my life presently are "Everything a Process," "Everything's a Business Model," and "Be a Time Farmer."
This last is hidden in plain site as "reaping what you sow" but how many people live that? Except for a fleeting moment on Sunday's, of course. Then we jump right back into the "hand me the clicker" paradigm and forgitaboutit. It's the Land of DoOvers, except it's not really because time, like money, only gets spent once.
Bits and Pieces
LIFEDon't be afraid your life will end. Be afraid only that it will never begin.
Grace Hansen
If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything.
Allyson Jones
He that plants trees loves others besides himself.
-- English Proverb
A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.
-- D. Elton Trueblood
-- English Proverb
A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.
-- D. Elton Trueblood
Peace, love and happiness...until next time...