Tidbits From The Web Tidbits From The Web...: February 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tidbits From The Web #81

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

Star Wars in little over 2 minutes...
Put on your thinking cap...
Kitty said what?
It's fun to use the stairs...
The secret 20 trillion dollar bank...
6 charts to show how money is printed out of thin air...
Building a park out of waste...
Ahhh the power of apple cider vinegar...
A solar and wind bridge that powers 15,000 homes!
A synthetic human body...
Console gaming in the palm of your hands...
Now that is one fast vehicle!
Vehicles talking to vehicles? And buildings too?
How bizarre...how bizarre...
Introducing Yap.TV...
Luciferian temples?
Kill Bill Stick...    (props to brother Mike)
Fake babies...
Lennon's words ring true even today...
When pilots get bored...
Survey says!
Apocalypse now...
Oh Joy (Division)...a Playmobil stop motion music video...
We should hope more presidents were like JFK...
Obamanation!    (props to pops)
Anybody have some toilet paper?
Lego Daft Punk...
The man...the legend...Jack Lalanne RIP...
Technically speaking...the Internet kill switch...
Amazing animal journeys...
Since we're doing stop motion vids...one of the best ever made...


Doctors prescribing what's best for you?

Realize that the Police State is almost here...

Is it skiing or flying or both?


The Nature Conservancy
"The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive."  This group has been working with the public since 1951 to save the last great places on our planet.  The most efficient way to navigate the site is to check out the Site Map and proceed from the menu.  You’ll be able to find out about the organization, conservation initiations, their projects as well as the work in which the Nature Conservancy is involved.  Come join the celebration and see what’s going on around the world on the conservation front!


The Hubble Telescope has been in operation for 20 years.  "Nearly 400 years after Galileo first observed the heavens through a telescope, we continue to seek answers to age-old questions about the universe.  And while the technology has evolved over the centuries, the inquiry remains essentially the same: Whats out there, where did it come from, and what does it mean?"  Be sure to visit all of the sections in this site in order to understand the impact that Hubble has had on our understanding of the space front.  This site is actual fact, not a science fiction fantasy!

Today's Quotes

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing that's why we recommend it daily." -- Zig Ziglar
"The greatest composer does not sit down to work because he is inspired, but becomes inspired because he is working." -- Ernest Newman
"A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one." -- Mary Kay Ash
"When a goal matters enough to a person, that person will find a way to accomplish what at first seemed impossible." -- Nido Qubein


Discretion is knowing how to hide that which we cannot remedy.
--Spanish Proverb


Whiskey and Gunpowder
By Thomas Sowell
February 7, 2011
Excerpted from
Ever Wonder Why: And Other Controversial Essays

Why Economists Are Not Popular

One of the many reasons why economists are unpopular is that they keep reminding people that things have costs, that there is no free lunch. People already know that — but they like to forget it when there is something they have their hearts set on.

Economists don’t have to say anything when people are buying things at a shopping mall or at an automobile dealership. The price tags convey the situation in unmistakable terms. It is when people are voting for nice-sounding things which politicians have dreamed up that economists are likely to point out that the costs ignored by politicians are going to have to be paid, one way or another — and that you have to weigh those costs against whatever benefits you expect.

Who wants to put on green eye shades and start adding up the numbers when someone grandly proclaims, “access to health care for all” or “clean air” or “saving the environment”? Economists are strictly party-poopers at times like these. They are often gate crashers too, since usually nobody asked them how much these things would cost or even thought about these issues in such terms.

Some of the more persistent or insensitive economists may even raise questions about the goals themselves. How much health care at the taxpayers’ expense? In Britain, a 12-year-old-girl was given breast implants. That much health care?

Meanwhile, Britain’s skyrocketing medical costs of taking care of things that people would never have spent their own money to take care of forced cutbacks and delays in more urgently needed medical treatments. One woman’s cancer operation was postponed so many times by the British health service that, by the time the system could take her, the disease was now too far gone for medical help — and she died.

Economists could have told anyone in advance that making things “free” causes excessive use by some, leaving less for others with more urgent needs that have to remain unsatisfied. Rent control, for example, has led to more housing being occupied by some, who would not have paid the market price for as large an apartment as they live in, while others cannot find any housing that they can afford in the city, and have to live far away and commute to work.

Clean air? There is no such thing and never has been. There is only air with varying degrees of impurities, varying amounts of which can be removed at varying costs.

Removing the kinds of things that choke our lungs or otherwise threaten our health is usually not that expensive. But science is becoming capable of detecting ever more minute traces of impurities with ever more insignificant consequences. Yet where is the politician who is going to resist calls for removing more impurities in the name of “clean air”?

Who is going to resist calls to “save the environment”? Only an economist is likely to ask, “Save it from what or from whom — and at what price?”

Bumper stickers in and around Redwood City, California, long proclaimed: “Save Pete’s Harbor.” What did that even mean? In practice, it meant letting one set of people use it as a marina and preventing other people from replacing the marina with housing.

When the Constitution of the United States says that the government owes “equal protection” to all its citizens, why should the government intervene on behalf of one set of contending citizens against another, much less call that “saving” the environment? People have been bidding against one another for the same resources for centuries. Why replace that process with politicians’ control? The 20th century was a virtual laboratory test of political control of economic activities — and it was such a dismal failure that even socialists and communists began abandoning that way of doing things by the 1990s.

Even when you don’t realize that you are bidding against other people, you are. When you drive into a filling station and fill up your tank with gasoline, you are bidding against people who want petroleum in the form of heating oil, plastics, or Vaseline.

Lunches don’t get free just because you don’t see the price on the menu. And economists don’t get popular by reminding people of that.


Posted on 19th January 2011

The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II. The Fourth Turning - Strauss and Howe -1997

   Harpers Ferry – 1859           Tucson – 2011

The mass murder in Tucson is another brick in the wall of this Fourth Turning Crisis. The importance of this tragic event is not what happened in that Safeway parking lot, but the reaction in the aftermath of the shooting. Turnings are not about specific events, but how generations react to the events based on their stages of life. A turning is an era with a characteristic social mood, a new twist on how people feel about themselves and their nation.  It results from the aging of the generational constellation.  A society enters a turning once every twenty years or so, when all living generations begin to enter their next phases of life. We entered this Fourth Turning between 2005 and 2008, with the collapse of the housing market and subsequent financial system implosion.
We have crossed the threshold into a decisive era of secular upheaval, when the values regime will propel the replacement of the old civic order with a new one.  The Silent Generation (1925-1942) is dying off, Baby Boomers (1943-1960) are entering elder hood, Generation X is entering midlife, Millenials are entering young adulthood—and a new generation of child Artists are being born. Strauss and Howe have documented that a long human life of 80 to 100 years makes up a social cycle of growth, maturation, entropy, and death (and rebirth) known as a Saeculum. Within each cycle, four generations proceed through their four stages of life. Every 15 to 25 years a new Turning surprises those who only think of history in a linear way. Strauss and Howe are historians who have been able to document this generational cycle going back to the 1400s.
The Anglo-American saeculum dates back to the waning of the Middle Ages in the middle of the fifteenth century.  In this lineage, there have been seven saecula:
  • Late Medieval (1435-1487)
  • Reformation (1487-1594)
  • New World (1594-1704)
  • Revolutionary (1704-1794)
  • Civil War (1794-1865)
  • Great Power (1866-1946)
  • Millennial (1946-2026?)
The Turnings of history are like the seasons of nature. Seasons cannot be rearranged, seasons cannot be avoided, but humans and nations can prepare for the challenges presented by each season. Winter has descended upon our nation.
We are still in the early stages of this Fourth Turning and the mood of the country continues to darken like the sky before an approaching blizzard. Generational theory does not predict the specific events that will happen during a Turning. The events, personalities, and policies that become the chapters in history books are not what drive a Turning, it is how each generation reacts to the events, personalities and policies. Someone who is 60 years old will react differently to an event than they would have reacted at 20 years old. The issues that are driving this Fourth Turning (un-payable entitlement obligations, Wall Street greed and power, globalization gutting the middle class, increasing government control, wealth distribution) were all known and understood in 1997. It took the spark of a housing market collapse and the generations being in proper alignment to catalyze the mood of the country.
Chapter one of this Fourth Turning is approaching its end. Chapter two guarantees to be more intense, with more violence, and periods of great danger. Strauss and Howe envisioned this chapter based upon their analysis of the issues looming back in 1997:
The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it. Thus, might the next Fourth Turning end in apocalypse – or glory. The nation could be ruined, its democracy destroyed, and millions of people scattered or killed. Or America could enter a new golden age, triumphantly applying shared values to improve the human condition. The rhythms of history do not reveal the outcome of the coming Crisis; all they suggest is the timing and dimension. The Fourth Turning - Strauss and Howe -1997

American Revolutions

“A Fourth Turning is a solstice era of maximum darkness, in which the supply of social order is still falling but the demand for order is now rising. As the community instinct regenerates, people resolve to do more than just relieve the symptoms of pending traumas. Intent on addressing root causes, they rediscover the value of unity, teamwork, and social discipline. Far more than before, people comply with authority, accept the need for public sacrifice, and shed anything extraneous to the survival needs of their community. This is a critical threshold: People either coalesce as a nation and culture – or rip hopelessly and permanently apart.”The Fourth Turning - Strauss and Howe -1997
There have been three prior Fourth Turnings in U.S. history: the American Revolution, Civil War and Great Depression/World War II. The American Revolution preceded the Civil War by 87 years. The Great Depression followed the Civil War by 69 years and this Millenial Crisis arrived 76 years after the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929. Essentially, each prior Fourth Turning has represented a Revolution in American history.
The First American Revolution began in 1773 when Parliament’s response to the Boston Tea Party ignited a colonial tinderbox—leading directly to the first Continental Congress, the battle of Concord, and the Declaration of Independence. History always seems easy to predict in retrospect. This is another of the many faults in human thinking. There was very little talk or thought of the colonies breaking away from the mother country during the 1760s. Up until the Boston Tea Party catalyst event, no one could have predicted the events which would occur in a chain reaction over the next 21 years. There were dark cold bitter days during this Crisis winter. In the end, George Washington’s honor, courage and fortitude symbolized the character of a new nation.
Historians Charles and Mary Beard described the Civil War as the Second American Revolution.  The Civil War Crisis began with a presidential election that southerners interpreted as an invitation to secede. The attack on Fort Sumter triggered the most violent conflict ever fought on New World soil. The war reached its climax with the Emancipation Proclamation and Battle of Gettysburg (in 1863). The epic conflagration redefined America. The slavery issue was settled for good, signed in the blood of 600,000 men. The industrial might of the North was rechanneled toward progress as a world industrial powerhouse. In retrospect many will say the Civil War was entirely predictable, but that is completely untrue.

The great compromise generation (Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster) of the 1850s passed from the scene, leaving the country in the hands of firebrands on both sides. John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry and subsequent execution served to increase the brooding mood of the country. The bloodiest war in the history of mankind was not predictable even one year before it began. The aristocracy of Washington DC actually took carriages in their Sunday best to watch the First Battle of Bull Run. Shortly thereafter Lincoln mobilized 500,000 men and unleashed a catastrophic spiral of butchery over the next four years that exhausted itself with the assassination of Lincoln and the surrender at Appomattox in the same week. The resolution of this Crisis felt more like defeat than victory.

Renowned American historian Carl Degler called FDR’s New Deal the “Third American Revolution”. The Crisis began suddenly with the Black Tuesday stock-market crash in 1929.  After a three-year economic free fall, the Great Depression triggered the New Deal Revolution, a vast expansion of government, and hopes for a renewal of national community.  After Pearl Harbor, America planned, mobilized, and produced for world war on a scale never seen in the history of  mankind, making possible complete victory over the Nazis and Fascists. In 1928 did anyone foresee an 89% stock market crash, worldwide depression, vast expansion of government power, a world war more devastating than the prior war, and the usage of an atomic weapon of mass destruction? Not a chance. Only in retrospect do people convince themselves that it was predictable.

Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 marked the abrupt unforeseen end of the Roaring Twenties. The bewilderingly rapid collapse of the worldwide financial system in the space of three years left the American people shaken and desperate. With their wealth destroyed and unemployment exceeding 20%, the American public turned to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal promises of government social and work programs. He declared “nationwide thinking, nationwide planning, and nationwide action, the three essentials of public life”. This was truly a Third American Revolution. FDR’s policies changed the course of American history. The renewed spirit of American youth during the 1930s was essential in preparing them for the trials that awaited from 1941 through 1945. It is somewhat ironic that FDR’s revolutionary social programs, begun during the last Crisis, will be a major factor in the current Crisis – the Fourth American Revolution.

Fourth American Revolution

“The US government is on a “burning platform” of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon.” – David M. Walker
No one knows exactly what events will transpire over the next 15 to 20 years as this Fourth Turning morphs from regeneracy to climax and finally to resolution. The mainstream media, most politicians, and self proclaimed progressives are blind to the cyclicality of history. They believe history proceeds in a linear upwards path. These are the people you see on TV talking about toning down the rhetoric, false gestures of bipartisanship, and soothing words about the financial crisis being a thing of the past. They fail to understand that once the mood of the country is catalyzed by a trigger event or events, there is no turning back the clock. Winter must be dealt with head on. Very few, if any, “financial experts” anticipated a housing collapse, followed by a deep recession, a 50% stock market crash, and a financial system which came within hours of total implosion on September 18, 2008 (as detailed in the documentary Generation Zero). Absolutely no one anticipated the extreme measures taken by the U.S. government and Federal Reserve to “Save” the country from a 2nd Great Depression. These measures have added $5 trillion to the National Debt in the last 40 months. It took 205 years to accumulate the 1st $5 trillion of debt.

While it is impossible to predict the exact trials and tribulations that will confront America over the next decade, the issues that will drive this Fourth Turning were clearly visible to anyone with their eyes open, many years in advance of the Crisis.  Strauss and Howe clearly detailed the easily observable issues that led to the current Crisis back in 1997. Their book is not prophecy, but historically provable interactions between generations based upon the circumstances confronting society at the time.
“Sometime around the year 2005, perhaps a few years before or after, America will enter the Fourth Turning. A spark will ignite a new mood. It will catalyze a Crisis. In retrospect, the spark might seem as ominous as a financial crash, as ordinary as a national election, or as trivial as a Tea Party. It could be a rapid succession of small events in which the ominous, the ordinary, and the trivial are commingled.” – The Fourth Turning - Strauss and Howe -1997

The authors use their common sense, based upon known trends, to posit potential catalyst scenarios such as:
  • A global terrorist group blows up an aircraft and announces it possesses nuclear weapons.
  • Beset by a fiscal crisis, states begin to balk at Federal mandates leading to secession actions, militia violence, cyber attacks on the IRS, and demands for a new Constitutional Convention.
  • An impasse over the federal budget reaches a stalemate. The government shuts down. The President declares emergency powers. Congress rescinds his authority. Financial markets spiral out of control. Default looms.
These “theoretical” scenarios were put forth in 1997. The authors concluded that these were unlikely, but that no matter what the catalyst, the response by the generations would be predictable. It seems this Fourth Turning is being driven by a succession of smaller triggers, rather than one large trigger. The housing collapse, which began in 2005, ultimately led to the world financial system collapse in 2008. The overreach by government in attempting to repair the damage done by Wall Street and K Street led to the Rick Santelli Tea Party Rant heard round the world in February 2009. The Tea Party movement has since taken the country by storm, surprising the linear thinkers and stunning the ruling elite. Last week a congresswoman and a dozen bystanders were gunned down, further darkening the mood of the country and inflaming passions among competing political ideologies. So what happens next?

 Strauss and Howe postulated on the possible path of this Crisis and I see nothing to doubt their analysis:
“An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. It is unlikely that the catalyst will worsen into a full fledged catastrophe, since the nation will probably find a way to avert the initial danger and stabilize the situation for a while.” - The Fourth Turning - Strauss and Howe -1997

The cable news talking heads, mainstream media pundits, clueless Washington politicians, corrupt Wall Street shysters, and non-thinking robotic masses have been convinced that the actions taken by Ben Bernanke, Barack Obama, Tim Geithner and Congress have averted a financial disaster and saved the world. One hundred years from now when Chinese historians look back on the period from 2000 until 2025 they will ask themselves, “what the hell were they thinking?” The causes of this Crisis are as clear as day to anyone willing to see. A small group of Wall Street bankers and corporate interests through their proxy, the Federal Reserve, created the largest housing bubble in the history of the world generating hundreds of billions in obscene undeserved profits, while destroying the wealth and futures of millions of middle class Americans. Once the fraudulent nature of the bankers’ pillaging of the nation’s wealth came to light, the entire ponzi scheme collapsed, as they always do. On a parallel track, the Federal government, knowing full well that its un-payable social welfare commitments could never be fulfilled, decided to engage in two wars of choice, made additional un-payable social welfare commitments, and created new bloated bureaucratic agencies in the name of security and safety.

What will truly amaze future historians is the “solutions” that our leaders chose to save the country. Despite already being the largest debtor the planet has ever seen, with a National Debt of $8 trillion in 2005, the President and Congress have added an additional $6 trillion of debt, with plans to increase that debt at a rate of $1.5 trillion per year for the foreseeable future. Despite the fact that the housing boom was created by loose monetary policy and non-enforcement of existing laws and regulations by the Federal Reserve, our leaders have allowed this bank owned entity to reduce interest rates to 0%, buy $1.5 trillion of toxic mortgages from the Wall Street banks that caused the crisis, suspend requirements for banks to report their assets at their FMV, monetize the debt spending by the Federal Government, and create inflation through the printing of money out of this air. The Federal government’s response to the crisis was to create a mandated healthcare benefit for 35 million more Americans with no means to pay the untold trillions in future costs. Our leaders’ solution to a crisis caused by excessive debt has been to create twice as much debt. A passage from the Book of Matthew which Abraham Lincoln utilized during a prior Fourth Turning Crisis is a fitting description of where we stand today:
“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” - Matthew 12:25

The country is deeply divided. There is a vast swath of America that has chosen ignorance over knowledge. With 50% of Americans paying no income taxes, they will vote for anyone who promises them more. The rest of America is split between those who believe the answer lies in increased Federal government coordination and control and those who want a return to liberty, individual responsibility and a vastly reduced Federal government footprint. As I have tried to figure out the most likely path of this Fourth Turning I was focused on an external conflict in the Middle East or an incident on the Korean Peninsula providing the next spark. After the shooting in Tucson, this Fourth Turning is beginning to crystallize.

What I realized was that the three previous American Revolutions all occurred on U.S. soil. The First American Revolution was fought on American soil by a loose confederation of autonomous states against the overbearing control of a great European empire. The Second American Revolution was fought by Americans against Americans and resulted in a vast expansion of Federal government power and diminishment of state power. The Third American Revolution took place under the auspices of saving America from the depths of Depression with government social programs and the birth of the Nanny State. Each Revolution has further expanded the power and control of the Federal government. I believe the Fourth American Revolution will ultimately come down to a battle between the Liberty movement and the ruling oligarchy of Wall Street, Mega-corporations and supporters of the Military Nanny State.

I trust that Strauss and Howe correctly assessed the main factor that will drive the next phase of this Crisis – the Great Devaluation:
“It could be a series of downward ratchets linked to political events that sequentially knock the supports out from under the residual popular trust in the system. As assets devalue, trust will further disintegrate, which will cause assets to devalue further, and so on. Every slide in asset prices, employment, and production will give every generation cause to grow more alarmed. With savings worth less, the new elders will become more dependent on government, just as government becomes less able to pay benefits to them. Before long, America’s old civic order will seem ruined beyond repair.” -  The Fourth Turning - Strauss and Howe -1997

There is no doubt in my mind that the next downward ratchet in this Crisis will be caused by Ben Bernanke and his attempt to generate just enough inflation to make our un-payable debt load less burdensome. His track record regarding economic forecasting, assessment of housing prices and anticipation of economic distress is flawless. He hasn’t been right once. With the top 1% richest Americans controlling 42% of the financial wealth in the country, an all-time high, the next leg down will boil over into class warfare. The middle class has been devastated thus far. Another stock market collapse and more job losses would push them over the edge. The evident failure of government solutions will invigorate the Liberty Movement to become even more strident in their anti-government message. The subsequent battle between the Haves and Have Nots is likely to flair into protests, riots and increasing violence. There will be no compromises. The 2012 Presidential election could incite reactions on par with the election of Lincoln in 1860. While the country convulsively flails about, foreign adversaries will take advantage of our weakness. Peak oil will throw a further wrench into the downward spiral. Out of this tempest, the country will either turn to a strong leader and more government control or move back toward a smaller Federal government footprint and a return to rule by the people and for the people. The outcome is unknown, but the path is foreseeable. Let’s hope that Ben Franklin was right.

All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of superintending providence in our favor. To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need his assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth-that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the Ground without his Notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without his Aid?” – Benjamin Franklin, To Colleagues at the Constitutional Convention
“History offers no guarantees. If America plunges into an era of depression or violence which by then has not lifted, we will likely look back on the 1990s as the decade when we valued all the wrong things and made all the wrong choices.”  - The Fourth Turning - Strauss and Howe -1997

Whiskey & Gunpowder

Whiskey and Gunpowder
By Jim Kearns
February 9, 2011
Belcher, New York, U.S.A.

A Self-Employed Carpenter’s Thoughts 

on the Future

The world is changing. Currently, as a nation, we have a large and well-trained section of our work force dedicated to residential construction. Unemployment within the construction industry now exceeds 20%. That number takes into accountonly workers getting unemployment compensation. There are also many self-employedindividuals, ineligible for unemployment compensation, who have simply run out ofcustomers and work.

That is the bad news. Now the worse news: Not only are those jobs not coming back, but the construction industry will continue to diminish for the foreseeable future. The real estate glut is not on hold; it is over. Waiting for its return is similar to waiting for next the big surge in typewriters, 35mm cameras, and home phones.

Why are the construction jobs not coming back? There are three main reasons, the first of which is inflation. Decades of credit expansion and the recent printing of money (quantitative easing) have increased the overall volume of our fiat currency: dollars. Therefore, the value of each dollar unit has been reduced, causing prices to rise. This results in increased costs in construction of new homes. Higher new construction costs make staying in and repairing older structures, or renting, more attractive.

The second reason is fuel costs. Living rurally and working in urban areas is becoming very expensive. Reasons one and two will keep an increasing number of younger workers and couples living and renting closer to work. Why take the financial and mobility risks associated with homeownership?

The third reason is we are broke. Who are “we”? Western civilization, comprised mainly of the U.S. and Europe. Consider this…there are gold and silver coins and bullion: actual wealth storage vehicles. There are paper dollars: temporary wealth storage vehicles. And there are also trillions of “dollars” represented as pixels on screens in accounting software programs.

When I say that we are broke it is because I don’t believe those pixel dollars represent anything. All of the wealth supposedly held in those pixels does not exist. It is a classic Ponzi scheme. If you go today and convert your pixels to actual dollars, everything is just fine. But if 10% of us go today and try to convert our pixels into dollars, the banks will shut down…Why? Because the money doesn’t exist. There is no actual wealth stored in any of those pixels.

Spain and Portugal may require financial bailouts in 2011. Part of the fallout from the Greek financial crisis last year was the creation of a eurozone bailout fund of $1.01 trillion. That fund could be used to assist Spain and Portugal if necessary. Where did that $1.01 trillion come from? Was it removed from another sector of Europe’s economy? Supplied in gold bullion to EU headquarters in The Hague?

Removed from the savings accounts of earnest Europeans?

No, none of those could supply that amount of wealth. It was simply created by banking and government officials in pixel dollars (euros). It has no actual, tangible value, because it was created out of thin air. One trillion dollars set aside after a series of business meetings, and no individual, company, or government had to contribute one dollar of actual wealth. The pixels in the spreadsheets represent nothing. They serve only to continue the illusion that everything is fine. Everything

is not fine. We don’t have the wealth we’ve been lead to believe we have…we are broke.

What does that have to do with construction? Everything. Cities and counties are broke. They cannot afford to borrow more money, and they cannot continue to raise taxes. States cannot afford the programs and pensions that they’ve promised, nor can they raise taxes. Companies cannot afford the pensions and benefits they have promised. They cannot raise prices either, as their customer base is already shrinking due to cost. Families and individuals are struggling to both get out from

under mountains of debt and to mesh sharply rising prices into their budgets.

The federal government spent $3.5 billion more per day than it brought in for fiscal year 2010. It is having trouble borrowing money by selling bonds to foreign entities because our current debt makes those bonds much riskier. The Federal Reserve is administering a program of quantitative easing (printing money or just adding pixel dollars) to keep up the appearance that everything is shipshape. 

What ship? I’ll get back to that. Point being we are broke. There will be no excess income or wealth to support a large-scale residential construction industry in the near future.

The ship, of course, is the Titanic. Imagine that we’ve already hit the iceberg. But…everything seems to be roughly the same, and the ship’s intercom is continually telling us that everything is just fine. Remember the bailouts and the stimulus packages of hundreds of billions, even trillions, of dollars? That was the crew and the first-class passengers casually heading past you to get into the

lifeboats. This current financial system will be on the bottom within a decade. And no, there is not going to be a lot of new residential construction during that decade.

We are already well into a global wealth realignment. How is wealth created? Not obtained, but created? Manufacturing is the application of labor to raw materials to make products. The exchange of those products for tangible assets creates wealth. A nation that manufactures and sells abroad is creating and accumulating wealth. The lower, middle, and upper classes of those nations, whether participating directly in manufacturing or not, benefit from that creation of wealth.

Western civilization in general, and the United States in particular, no longer creates wealth; we simply move it back and forth. Usually to the benefit of those who have the capacity to slowly, without causing concern, convert pixels into actual assets (think lifeboats).

But…the curtain is slowly falling away. The sad state of our current financial situation has become too large, and too smelly, to hide. We are broke. No real wealth means no real money and no real credit, and, therefore, no large force of construction workers will be needed. Take a deep breath and figure out what you want to do next. And yes, I am saying that as much to myself as anyone….

My guess is that it will take at least a generation to recover from this financial predicament. All our debts will have to be paid…the debts that your governments have incurred in your name will be paid by you. Believe it. We will have no choice but to live within our reduced means. The options you have today, the programs and support you have today, the retirement that you think you will have tomorrow

no longer exist.

China is not going to be a superpower; they already are the superpower. The Chinese are testing a stealth fighter technologically superior to our best fighter, of which we have scant few. When they move to production, they will be able to produce as many as they think they need. We will not keep pace…we are broke. We will lose air superiority in a wide arc around China, including the Koreas, 

Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines within five–10 years. The discussion of whether or not we should be the world’s policeman is moot; we can’t be.

We have to pay our debts, live within our means, roll up our sleeves, and get back to turning raw materials into products with efficient labor. Government’s restrictions and regulations concerning manufacturing will begin to ease…they will have no choice. We as a nation will eventually emerge stronger and more compact. We as individuals will be greatly challenged, but we will be fine, if not finer.

There is no need for panic or despair, no matter what the news brings in the near future. Take this period of relative calm to sharpen your tools, mend your work clothes, and trim the fat out of your budget. We’ll all be back to work shortly, and no doubt working our butts off at something we’d never expect today…

P.S.: It will be interesting to see if “pixel dollars” catches on…

Bits and Pieces

One of the greatest tragedies of the average person is the tendency to
spend our whole lives perfecting our faults.

Norman Vincent Peale

A person is never what he ought to be until he is doing what he ought to
be doing.

Author unknown

Peace, love, and happiness...until next time...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tidbits From The Web #80

"To be immortal is commonplace; except for man, all creatures are immortal, for they are ignorant of death; what is divine, terrible, incomprehensible, is to know that one is immortal."

Human Jumbotron!
12 health myths...fact or fiction?
It's not pool...it's not bowling...it's KNOKKERS!
Be a better (wo)man...
This film is not yet rated...
Some cool movie quote buttons...
The most predictable financial calamity in history...
Six financial predictions...
What is holding you back?
Improve your psychic powers!
When a penguin goes shopping...
FEMA camps are normal...unless you end up in one...
Now that is how to pull a prank...
Gotta love that religion...
Some cool pillows and bean bags...
Ahhh the power of apple cider vinegar!
Video games vs. real life...
Remembering the boombox...
Some cool tree houses...
Google easter eggs...
Introducing Superstorms...
Infographics about infographics...
In a galaxy far, far, away...
Deep sea hunting...
Bug Mac anyone?
Trust me...doom and gloom is not an obsession of mine...
The amazing Skidboot...
Will this be the US in 2012?
Monkees like booze...
Bacon bandages...
Greatest mini-golf shot of all time?

Bob Dean: Bringing in the Light...

Banked Into Submission...

Today's Quotes

“I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to live the width of it as well.” -Diane Ackerman

“I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, after all, to matter: to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.” -Leo C. Rosten

“Not a day passes over this earth but men and women of note do great deeds, speak great words and suffer noble sorrows.” -Charles Reed

"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next.


Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid

Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 17 2010

Some food additives are worse than others. Food Matters suggests these as the top ones to avoid:
  1. nutrition labelArtificial Sweeteners

    Aspartame, also known as Nutrasweet and Equal, is believed to be carcinogenic and accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than all other foods and food additives combined.
    The artificial sweetener Acesulfame-K has been linked to kidney tumors. All artificial sweeteners are bad news.
  2. High Fructose Corn Syrup

    High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) increases your LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels and contributes to the development of diabetes.
  3. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

    MSG is used as a flavor enhancer. It is an excitotoxin, a substance that overexcites cells to the point of damage or death.
  4. Trans Fat

    Numerous studies show that trans fat increases LDL cholesterol levels and increases your risk of heart attacks, heart disease and strokes.
  5. Common Food Dyes

    Artificial colorings may contribute to behavioral problems in children and lead to a significant reduction in IQ.
  6. Sodium Sulphite

    This is a preservative used in processed foods. People who are sulfite sensitive can experience headaches, breathing problems, and rashes. In severe cases, sulfites can actually cause death.
  7. Sodium Nitrate/Sodium Nitrite

    This common preservative has been linked to various types of cancer.
  8. BHA and BHT

    Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT) are preservatives that affect the neurological system of your brain, alter behavior and have the potential to cause cancer.
  9. Sulphur Dioxide

    Sulphur additives are toxic and in the U.S., they have been prohibited in raw fruit and vegetables. Adverse reactions include bronchial problems, low blood pressure, and anaphylactic shock.
  10. Potassium Bromate

    This additive is used to increase volume in some breads. It is known to cause cancer in animals, and even small amounts can create problems for humans.


Food Matters November 24, 2010

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

If you've ever read the ingredients lists on packaged foods, you know that there's a lot more in food these days than in generations past. Virtually every processed food now contains a laundry list of preservatives, colorings, flavorings, emulsifiers and more -- and unless you're shopping at a natural specialty store, gone are the days when a loaf of bread contained just a few ingredients.
A food additive refers to virtually any substance added to a food, but according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) definition, a food additive is "any substance the intended use of which results or may reasonably be expected to result -- directly or indirectly -- in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food."
There are currently more than 3,000 food additives added to foods in the United States; ideally, you should steer clear of all or most of these, but if you're just getting started the 10 listed above are an excellent starting point of additives to remove from your diet as soon as possible.

What are You Really Eating?

When you purchase a package of cheese, you expect it to contain milk and salt … bread you'd expect to contain flour, yeast, etc., and when you pick up a can of beans, you may think it only contains beans.
In reality, cheese is commonly laced with preservatives and colorings. Bread contains high fructose corn syrup, preservatives and sometimes trans fats. And even canned beans typically contain a slew of additives including corn syrup, coloring and other sweeteners, along with being packaged in a can that probably leaches BPA from its lining.
The fact is, if you're like most Americans who spend 90 percent of their food budget on processed foods, you're eating your share of these additives and then some … which is concerning when you begin to look into their potential effect on your health:
  • Cancer: Additives linked to cancer -- BHA/BHT, propyl gallate, trans fats, aspartame, blue 1,2, Yellow 6, potassium bromate and more -- are in countless products from baked goods and chewing gum to chicken soup base, cereal, luncheon meats, vegetable oils and potato chips. If you eat a highly processed food diet, you are therefore potentially exposing yourself to cancer-causing toxins at every meal.
  • Hormone disrupters: An analysis published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology found 31 potential estrogen-mimicking food additives during their research.

    These include propyl gallate, a preservative used to prevent fats and oils from spoiling, and 4-hexylresorcinol, which is used to prevent discoloration in shrimp and other shellfish.
    Chemicals with estrogen-like effects, known as xenoestrogens, have been linked to a range of human health problems, including reduced sperm counts and increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Behavior Problems: A carefully designed, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the journal The Lancet concluded that a variety of common food dyes, and the preservative sodium benzoate -- found in many soft drinks, fruit juices and salad dressings -- cause some children to become measurably more hyperactive and distractible.
  • Lower IQ: The Lancet study mentioned above also found that the E-numbered food dyes (such as tartrazine (E102), ponceau 4R (E124), sunset yellow (E110), carmoisine (E122), quinoline yellow (E104) and allura red AC (E129) do as much damage to children's brains as lead in gasoline, resulting in a significant reduction in IQ.

Processed Foods Depend on Additives

When foods are processed not only are valuable nutrients lost and fibers removed, but the texture, natural variation and flavors are lost also. After processing, what's actually left behind is a bland, uninteresting "pseudo-food" that most people would find entirely unappetizing.
So at this point, food manufacturers must add back in the nutrients, flavor, color and texture to processed foods in order to make them palatable, and this is why they become loaded with food additives. Most commonly, additives are included to:
  • Slow spoilage
  • Prevent fats and oils from becoming rancid or developing an off-flavor
  • Prevent cut fruits from turning brown
  • Fortify or enrich the food with synthetic vitamins and minerals (which are lost during processing)
  • Improve taste, texture and appearance
When reading product packages, here's a breakdown of some of the most common food additives to watch out for:
  • Preservatives (sodium benzoate, sodium nitrite, potassium sorbate, BHA, BHT, etc.): Found in fruit sauces and jellies, beverages, baked goods, cured meats, oils and margarines, cereals, dressings, snack foods, fruits and vegetables
  • Sweeteners and artificial sweeteners (fructose, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame potassium (acesulfame-K), etc.): Beverages, baked goods, confections, table-top sugar, substitutes, many processed foods
  • Artificial colors (FD&C Blue Nos. 1 and 2, FD&C Green No. 3, FD&C Red Nos. 3 and 40, FD&C Yellow Nos. 5 and 6, Orange B, Citrus Red No. 2, etc.): Many processed foods (candies, snack foods, margarine, cheese, soft drinks, jams/jellies, gelatins, pudding and pie fillings)
  • Artificial flavors: Pudding and pie fillings, gelatin dessert mixes, cake mixes, salad dressings, candies, soft drinks, ice cream, BBQ sauce, etc.
  • Flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed soy protein, autolyzed yeast extract, etc.): Many processed foods

The Simplest Way to Avoid Food Additives?

Ditch processed foods.
You might already know that 90 percent of the money Americans spend on food is for processed foods so there is massive room for improvement in this area for most of us.
Swapping your processed food diet for one that focuses on real, whole foods may seem like a radical idea, but it's a necessity if you value your health.
And when you put the history of food into perspective, it's actually the processed foods that are "radical" and "new." People have thrived on vegetables, meats, eggs, fruits and other whole foods for centuries, while processed foods were only recently invented.
It's easy to forget that the processed, packaged foods and fast food restaurants of today are actually a radical change in terms of the history of food production. The frozen food business didn't begin until the mid-1920s when the General Seafoods Company set up shop and began selling crudely frozen fish fillets, and fast food restaurants didn't get a foot hold until after World War II.
TV dinners didn't even come around until the 1950s … before that it was a home-cooked meal or no meal at all.
If you want to eat healthy, I suggest you follow the 1950s (and before) model and spend quality time in the kitchen (yourself, a family member or someone you hire) preparing high-quality meals for yourself and your family.
If you rely on processed inexpensive foods you will simply exchange convenience and short-term cash savings for long-term health miseries.

When it comes to staying healthy, avoiding processed foods and replacing them with fresh, whole foods is the "secret" you've been looking for.

How To Reinvent Yourself In 3 Simple Steps

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011
By Michael Lee
The process on how to reinvent yourself is very empowering. You might not realize it yet, but you have all it takes to truly ignite change. Don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise.
Read on to learn how to reinvent yourself!
Step 1: Assess yourself.
The first thing you need to do is take a look at yourself. What do you want to change about yourself?
Is it the way you interact with your colleagues? Perhaps you want to be more outgoing and confident. Do you have strengths that you wish you could show off more and weaknesses you’d like to work on?
Before you start reinventing yourself, you have to at least know what you’re working with and what you want changed. The more specific you are; the better. This will give you direction and allow you to focus on the right things.
Step 2: Start small.
Learning how to reinvent yourself doesn’t always require you to do outrageous things. It’s good advice to take things slow, especially in the beginning.
If you want to get over your fear of public speaking, for example, you don’t have to force yourself to give an impromptu speech at a public event. You can start by joining a community club which helps people develop their public speaking skills or even start reciting speeches in the privacy of your room.
These small steps might not seem as impressive as the stories you’ve heard from others, but they are just as crucial to the reinvention process.
Step 3: Get physical.
What you look like on the outside is secondary to what you are on the inside, but you have to admit that it is part of the reinvention process.
For example, if you want to be taken more seriously, perhaps it’s time you traded in your slouchy shirts for more streamlined button downs. Everything from the way you style your hair to the kind of shoes you wear can affect how you look and feel about yourself.
Try hiring a stylist for a day – someone who can help you create your wardrobe. A cheaper alternative is to look at the numerous fashion blogs online and take down notes.
Learning how to reinvent yourself is a journey everyone has to take at least once in his lifetime. If done correctly and for the right reasons, you’ll definitely come out on the other side a better version of yourself.
To help you achieve your dreams in record time, I’d like to give you instant access to more than 100 of the   best free self-help ebooks that could change your life! Download them free at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/goldaccess.htm

Honey, I'm Home
I arrived home from work to find all the windows and doors wide open. Apparently our puppy had had an accident.

"Yeah, it really stank," my daughter told me. "In fact, when we first walked in, I thought you had come home early and were cooking dinner."


January 24, 2011 posted by Veterans Today

9/11—Mission Accomplished?

By Nila Sagadevan for Veterans Today

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke
Having researched the 9/11 cover-up full-time for several years and done my bit as an activist, I had finally decided to withdraw in utter frustration at my seeming inability to open as many eyes as I would have liked.
Following a rather long hiatus, I find myself back in the saddle.
Especially in the face of these ongoing illegal wars that continue to devour lives at a sickening rate, I’ve come to realize that efforts to help expose the truth behind 9/11 must transcend personal considerations. Given that it is 9/11 that lies at the root of this horrific slaughter of innocents in distant lands (now well over a million), I truly believe this is a vitally important, selfless, pursuit that embodies the highest form of patriotism and public service imaginable.
Besides, it is impossible to function normally in the “matrix” once you’ve swallowed the red pill. There’s simply no going back to the world of illusion when Truth stares you in the face at every turn. I am cursed with a constitution that will not allow me to drift along pretending all’s well when I know beyond a doubt we’ve been deceived en masse by a cadre of criminals in our midst.
I recently returned from a month-long tour of a few European cities. Having been buried in work for months on end, this little diversion afforded a much welcome opportunity to experience the world ‘out there’ first-hand, through the refreshing clarity of unfiltered lenses—I.e., untainted by the diet of ceaseless spin fed us by our “in-bedded” media.
Most importantly, it gave me occasion to speak with a good number of people in a variety of interesting settings, including a UN conference, where, over the course of a week, I found splendid opportunities to converse, in some depth, with individuals from over twenty countries.
In many of my conversations during my travels around Europe, I couldn’t help but notice a veiled yet persistent emotion that kept bubbling, almost imperceptibly, to the surface.
Well, perhaps not fear in its strictest sense, but a certain subtle tension, a perceptible undertow of nervousness, a mildly twitchy sort of anxiety. It was more noticeable in hives of activity—bustling shopping arcades, choked airport terminals, busy subway stations. In some strange, grotesque way it seems to have become part of our modern mise en scĂšne.

Think I’m joking? Try finding a trash can anywhere inside the Oxford train station, in England. There isn’t one. Not one. In order to dispose of that paper cup, you’d need to actually step outside the building, walk across the passenger-unloading terrace, and then trek to the far end of the taxi stand to find the nearest bin. I asked the budding barista who served me my espresso why this was so. Why? They’re bomb hazards, silly. “Terrorists could plant bombs in ‘em!”
I’m dead serious.
Stewing in airport queues, watching endless, zigzagging lines of weary travelers, hordes of them—like sheep, timidly awaiting their turn, shoes in hand, their little liquid sundries stuffed into clear plastic bags—being funneled through batteries of metal detectors (those ubiquitous cultural icons of our times), past the menacing eyes of ill-bred security-types, gleefully flexing newfound authority, bullying the meek, terrorizing the terrified…
Yes, it should be clear to any dispassionate observer that the “Global War On Terror” has indeed achieved its real ends.
Sowing the Seeds
Have no doubt: Fear has been drummed hard and hammered deep into the Sheeple. Precisely as planned, millions of ordinary human beings have been artfully molded into a submissive, tractable pulp, ready to believe virtually anything they’re told, eager to concede just about every freedom they cherish, willing to relinquish almost every right they hold precious—all so they can be “protected” from those turbaned, self-detonating camelback bogeymen lurking behind every bush.
This sweeping new disease, this plague of the new century, was clearly evident at the security-check area of a terminal at Heathrow, a cavernous warehouse-like holding tank of transient humanity. There I was, immersed in this thick throng of reasonably intelligent human beings, quietly observing, as we all inched along, like lava, in one fluid, fascinatingly eclectic mass. As this seemingly endless journey to reach some distant, glass-caged gatekeeper wore on, my fascination gradually began to turn to sympathy.
Here was a crowd of decent, ordinary people, of a multitude of hues; a fair cross section of this planet’s human constituency, one would think. Yet, they appeared vacant, distant-eyed, lost in their own worlds, pitifully docile as they unthinkingly responded to every order blared at them, seemingly stripped of all self-esteem, bereft of all ability to protest, and utterly brainwashed into believing one thing above all else:
Al Quaeda’s gonna getcha!
As you repeatedly stare into the same solemn faces at every serpentine turn of the crawling, roped-in queues, you occasionally see eyes beginning to flit about, stabbing fellow passengers with suspicious stares, wondering … could he be one of ‘em? (Given my obvious ethnicity, I suspect I was spared closer scrutiny as being a potential shoe-bomber solely by virtue of my graying avuncularity; heaven help the younger lot.)
It was almost suffocating, a scene lifted straight out of V For Vendetta. My emotions swung wildly between pathos and rage, resignation and revolt. I finally had to take stock and restrain myself from wanting to scream at this pathetic parade of automatons, “Wake up, you fools! Cant’ you see? The enemy isn’t ‘out there’—it’s inside the gates!
Bridling my emotions, I slowly began to ponder this surreal psychodrama playing out around me.
You’ve got to hand it to the bastards behind all this, I thought—the heartless, loathsome Novus Ordo Seclorum (New World Order), Illuminati, International Bankers, or whatever other cryptic label you wish to stick on this globe-enveloping fascist octopus.
Let’s face it: It takes some doing to make a grown man suffer the crushing indignity of standing obligingly, in full public view, spread-legged, in his bare socks, arms outstretched, clutching his shoes in one hand, liquid toiletries in the other, looking like a perfect bloody idiot, while some goon’s wagging a wand about his groin scanning for ordnance.
What do you call such a pitiful caricature of the human condition?
You call it “Mission Accomplished.”
If they could pull-off something this outlandish, I thought, surely nothing’s impossible going forward. Then again, I mentally countered, if we can willingly sink to this level of abject degradation, and elect to live in a world of manufactured illusion and deception—perhaps we deserve it.
So, what’s the source of this collective insanity, I wondered, that causes adults to behave like sheep about to be sheared? What feeds this eerie mass dysfunction, this bizarre spectacle of fear-riddled frigidity? What terrifying trauma could possibly have spawned this zombie-like conformance to decrees Draco himself could have devised? What paralyzing source of fear lay at the root of this pathetic, voiceless submission to Big Brother authority?
Why, 9/11, of course.
The Greatest Lie Ever Sold
Yes, 9/11 changed everything. Every war since 9/11 has come about, one way or another, because of 9/11. This entire bogus “global war on terror” and the whole concept of “terrorists” and “terrorism” has been sold to the world at large according to what is supposed to have happened on 9/11.
9/11 lies at the heart of every deprivation of civil liberty we silently suffer; 9/11 lies behind every oppression of freedom we quietly endure; 9/11 lies at the root of every invasion of personal privacy to which we meekly accede. As with the proverbial frog unsuspectingly allowing it to be boiled slowly to death, 9/11 is the singular pretext used to gradually raise the heat so “we the people” begin to accept, resignedly and without question, every despotic diktat thrown at us—until it’s too late.
Let’s face it. If not for 9/11, people would be leading lives that have at least a modicum of normalcy—traveling about freely sans fear; enjoying their families, friends, and communities sans the ever-looming threat of crouching “Muslim” maniacs; heartily savoring life, instead of trembling in this constant false shadow of imminent extinction under a hail of “Islamic” bombs.
And this whole living nightmare, this all-pervading incubus of ever-present fear, began on… September 11, 2001.
To think it’s all rooted in a story so ridiculous, so laughable, so utterly incredible, that any reasonably intelligent High School kid exposed to a brief presentation of the facts of 9/11 would see through this monstrous farce in short order. But, as Hitler’s propaganda genius Goebbels shrewdly prescribed: “The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.”
And lies don’t get any bigger than 9/11, the mother of all lies. That’s why it was swallowed so readily.
We’re told that on that fateful day, nineteen Arab “evildoers” launched a ‘holy war’ on Western civilization. As the story goes, this cadre of inept layabouts, led by an arch-villain holed out in an Afghan cave, outwitted the most advanced, ultra-sophisticated, multi-billion-dollar, defense system on the planet.
Four times.
These spectacularly incompetent “pilots” who could barely fly little trainers, are said to have wrested control of four massive, 100-ton jetliners. How did these scrawny little fellows manage to overpower the pilots, some of whom were strapping, battle-hardened ex-Vietnam fighter jocks? Why, with little box-cutters. And these burly combat veterans, we’re told, then meekly vacated their seats, compliantly relinquished control of their craft to these pint-sized yokels, and obligingly retreated to the rear of the aircraft to sit back and watch the show.
In such big a hurry were these ex-fighter jocks to escape to the sanctuary of the passenger cabins, they fled their seats without so much as touching the transmit buttons—positioned literally at their fingertips on the control yokes—to make one single Mayday call to alert controllers. Yes, all eight pilots failed to execute a standard emergency action that would have taken them all of five seconds. [For the moment let’s overlook another little snag in this unfolding narrative: any kind of struggle in the tight confines of a cockpit would very likely have led to a yoke being impacted, thereby automatically disengaging the autopilot and sending the airplane careening wildly—but that would end this fairytale far too soon.]

We’re told these inept student-pilots, who could barely fly a trainer around an airfield, then took control of these monstrous aircraft and expertly flew them willy-nilly around the most securely protected and strictly controlled airspace on the planet for almost two hours, all the while being thoroughly ignored by NORAD and FAA radars and the most formidable air force in the world.
Then, exhibiting a series of masterly maneuvers well beyond the ability of even the most seasoned test pilots, these novices, we’re told, managed to navigate to their targets with pinpoint precision, and ram three of their missiles, kamikaze-style and with stunning accuracy, into three structures killing thousands of innocent people. [At least six veteran airline captains (one, a friend) who tried these exact maneuvers in their company B767 simulator failed even after several attempts—but let’s not be spoilsports and kill this fascinating yarn.]
And through all this chaos, the greatest superpower on earth—one that routinely scrambles fighter jets to intercept any errant craft in its airspace within minutes—sat patiently on its hands for close upon two hours, obviously marveling at the mayhem and the awesome aeronautical prowess of these camel-cavalrymen-turned-jet jockeys. [On average, during the previous year, these kinds of scrambled intercepts of unidentified aircraft in American skies occurred at a frequency of one every three days—a total of 67 intercepts in 2000. On 9/11, not a single fighter turned a wheel for almost two hours. But stuff like this would only ruin this terrific tale.]
It gets better.
While NORAD was taking a breather, the leaders of our nation, too, were otherwise engaged, far too busy to be disturbed by something as trivial as four hijacked jumbo jets heading heaven knows where. You see, while the nation was under attack, the President of the United States was busy reading to little schoolchildren about a pet goat. When interrupted in mid-sentence by his Chief-of-Staff and told of the crisis, the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces not only didn’t bother to ask who the enemy might be—Russia? China? North Korea? —he wasn’t even the least curious about the nature of the attack—was it nuclear? Biological? Chemical?
The pet goat took precedence over it all.
And the nation’s Secretary of Defense was out to lunch for the duration of what was, quite literally, a declared state of war. As the nation’s top executives and their minions continued to blithely ignore the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, innocent Americans continued to leap, in pure terror and desperation, from smoke-filed towers, plunging to their horrific deaths on sidewalks hundreds of feet below. [When later queried about his petrified immobility on first hearing the news, the President could only offer that he didn’t wish to upset the kids. So, while Rome burned and citizens perished by the thousands, our Nero spent the next twenty minutes taking full advantage of a photo op casually posing with teachers.]

The extraordinary skills of this team of diminutive Arabian suicide-SEALs were by no means confined to exceptional airmanship—they also evidently possessed an arsenal of supernal godly powers, which they wielded with apparent ease to … momentarily suspend the laws of Newtonian physics.
How so? They caused three steel-framed skyscrapers to literally freefall—I.e., fall as though nothing existed beneath them but air, at a rate indistinguishable from that of a falling brick—through the path of greatest resistance—and collapse, like pillars of sand, into their own footprints. Such a shocking violation of physical laws has never before been witnessed in the history of the world. [Except, of course, in instances where explosives are used in what are called controlled demolitions, but that would be to digress.]

What adds to the amazement of these “collapses” is that the two taller towers were actually designed to safely withstand not one, but multiple strikes by fully-loaded Boeing 707 jetliners—which would in fact have imparted more kinetic energy (by virtue of their higher speeds) than did the 767s that crashed into them that day. [Just another of many 9/11 mysteries that can only be attributed to the hand of Allah.]
And that mysterious third tower—WTC Building 7, a huge 47-storey skyscraper few people have even heard of—wasn’t even struck by an airplane. Yet, it suddenly self-imploded several hours later and collapsed into a tidy pile of rubble—again, in a near-perfect 6.6-second freefall. So utterly unbelievable was this unprecedented event, the much vaunted  14-million-dollar “9/11 Commission Report” decided to ignore it altogether by not mentioning it anywhere in its 624 pages. [Oh, the fact that the new owner of the entire WTC complex is on record having given the order to “pull it”—insider jargon for a controlled demolition—would, again, be to ruin this riveting saga.]

Not quite satisfied with their handiwork, for good measure these uber-terrorists then chose to flout the laws of thermodynamics as well. They caused the fuel aboard the aircraft—simple kerosene—to melt (yes, literally melt) tons of high-grade construction steel. Firemen who witnessed this amazing phenomenon reported seeing “Molten steel, molten steel, running down the channel rails, like you’re in a foundry, like lava.” [1]
Since this is a feat impossible to achieve under the known physical laws of this universe, it must, again, be attributed to the awesome power of Allah. This could also explain why Underwriters Labs is reportedly considering placing labels on steel skillets warning against their use on kerosene stoves lest they melt and run all over stovetops.  [To mention here the fact that molten iron is a direct byproduct of the high-tech military explosive Nano-Thermite would, again, trip-up the story. And a peer-reviewed report by independent scientists actually confirming the existence of large amounts of this explosive in WTC dust samples should be totally ignored lest it blow this little fable to bits—not to mention seriously upset Allah.]

It gets even better.
To ensure there’d be absolutely no doubt about his identity, one of these villains had his passport miraculously tear through layers of his clothing, rip through the aluminum fuselage of the Boeing, sail through a hellish fireball, blast its way through untold feet of concrete and steel and… [drum roll] float gently down to the street below to be found later, buried under a foot-deep layer of chalky dust, by a clearly clairvoyant FBI agent. [While the passport made it through the fireball unscathed, whole human bodies, on the other hand, were literally blasted to smithereens—some tiny bone fragments were just a fraction of an inch long—and deposited on distant rooftops six hundred feet away. Amazing thing, gravity.]

It seems one of the killers aboard Flight 93—the plane we’re told “crashed” in Pennsylvania—also wished to be unmistakably identified in Allah’s eyes so he could be enshrined in the Jihadi Hall of Fame. This chap made sure his red bandana and plastic ID card survived that hellish fireball (again, conveniently discovered by yet another FBI sleuth) when everything else—the entire aircraft and all its contents—simply evaporated leaving behind nary a trace, save a shallow scar in the ground.
This extraordinary airplane crash boasted another aspect worthy of the Guinness Book: One of the airliner’s 6,000-lb engines evidently bounced upon impact (yes, bounced, like one gigantic India-rubber ball) and landed almost two miles away from the aforementioned “wreckage-free crash site”.  [Testimony by scores of ground-based witnesses who heard a military jet overhead, followed by the sound of a missile, a loud explosion, and debris raining down “like confetti” onto a nearby lakeside marina would only confuse this issue and would be best ignored.]

Having defied the laws of physics, these holy warriors then turned to… [grin] metaphysics. You see, they managed to mentally deactivate not only the several SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile) batteries defending the Pentagon—the most heavily protected and unapproachable fortress in the world—they also psychically switched off the scores of surveillance cameras located around the building’s perimeter that would otherwise have captured, in great detail, their impressive aerial theatrics. [This sudden desire for secrecy by a bunch of raging exhibitionists just seconds before meeting their Maker continues to baffle authorities.]

Given all their amazing achievements that day, perhaps none was greater than how these nineteen brigands actually managed to board their respective aircraft: Not only were there no reservations made under any of their names, nor any record of boarding cards having been issued to these men, not one of their names appeared on any of the four flight manifests. [Since they obviously boarded invisibly, the FBI is yet undecided as to whether these men were seasoned sorcerers or practiced illusionists—or mere circus contortionists who slithered their way up into the aircraft toilets via “honey-wagon” hoses. The fact that nine of these geniuses are, according to the BBC, alive and well today in the Middle East only serves to further confound FBI sleuths.]
There’s simply too much to cover; and the inconsistencies mentioned above barely begin to scratch the surface of this monumental fraud… Magical phone calls made from nonexistent seatback phones (the aircraft weren’t equipped with these devices); cell phone calls made by passengers from 30,000 feet (an impossibility given the technology of the time)… Miracle upon miracle, impossibility upon impossibility, on and on the fairytale goes.
So—Why, pray tell, did these fiendish Muslims do this to us?
Because they hated our “freedoms and lifestyles”!
Yes, these devout god-fearing religious zealots who just the night before tore up the town guzzling vodka-tonics, snorting coke, ravishing hookers and lapping-up lap dancers by the dozen (all in the name of Allah, of course)—absolutely hated our “freedoms and lifestyles”!
And so it is we’re told that on 9/11, in one savage swipe, nineteen Islamic terrorists managed to permanently shatter the socioreligious equilibrium of this planet and polarize huge chunks of its inhabitants forever.
Naturally, this demanded an immediate response from the “civilized” world. And its furious battle cry was swift in coming:
“If you’re not with us, you’re against us!”

And with that inane pronouncement from the supercilious new high priest of the “Free World”—himself a puppet unto unseen puppeteers—the terrified American populace, brains shrink-wrapped with the flag of “patriotism”, unleashed their collective fury upon the Islamic world.
Thus was born this phony “global war on terror” and its litany of draconian laws.
Throughout my recent travels, country after country, airport upon airport, I watched in angry silence the chilling efficacy of this Machiavellian fear machine in full swing. There is no doubt: it is working very well indeed.
Mission, accomplished.
The Road Ahead
Upon my return, I feel that as a citizen of this planet I can no longer turn a deaf ear nor cast a blind eye to this criminal web of deceit. What self-respecting person can?
The emotion that engulfs me now is no longer one of frustration, but of deep concern; it stirs in me profound pity for the millions of my fellow Americans unable to see beyond the ceaseless barrage of propaganda and mindless drivel dished out by the controlled media via television—that clever modern implementer of Caesar’s cunning recipe for control: “Give the people bread, blood, and games…”
As we can see, Big Brother’s mastered the recipe. What’s more, he has at his disposal tools of mass manipulation beyond Caesar’s most delirious dreams.
But then, so do we. It’s called the Internet.
The powers behind 9/11 may practically own the mass media and manipulate its messages at will in order to achieve their damnable ends, but the Internet is a different animal altogether. It is in fact more powerful than the might of the corporate media—arguably more powerful than any government on the planet. If the Internet were a country, with its billions of users it would be by far the most populous nation on Earth.
The 9/11 criminals are painfully aware the Internet is the Truth Movement’s communicational lifeblood. Equally important, they also know its rich abundance of alternative news sources—fiercely independent sites devoid of Big Brother’s influence—also makes it our singular source of oxygen. The Internet is the single biggest thorn in their side, and constitutes the biggest threat to their plans to achieve “full-spectrum dominance”.
While I’m admittedly no expert on the subject, on this I will bet: censored, surveilled, sliced, muted, gated, whatever—the Internet, as we know it, will be forcibly reconfigured into some form of hierarchical or taxonomic arrangement that will readily lend itself to Caesar’s tyrannous control.
This potentially lethal tactical counter-attack is imminent.
As with the infamous Patriot Act that was craftily pushed through Congress virtually unread (during recess and in the immediate chaotic aftermath of 9/11 when fear and fervor blinded a nation to all else), new legislation is being drafted, as this is written, that would not only severely restrict (at least, strictly control) access to the Internet, but also globally censor—and block outright, if necessary—all Web content. “Problematic” sites would be rendered inaccessible. Doubtless, all 9/11-related sites and alternative news portals—the only founts of unadulterated information these days—will occupy top slots on the hit list.
The World Is Waking Up—Fast
Given the astonishingly robust worldwide growth of the 9/11 Truth community, this was inevitable. A recent poll in the German magazine Welt der Wunder [2] conducted by the well-respected Emnid Institute revealed that an astonishing 89% of respondents—eighty-nine percent—do not believe the official version 9/11. A poll by the Australian Herald Sun [3] showed 76% of respondents doubt the official narrative.
Burgeoning public awareness of professional organizations of unimpeachable credibility, such as Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (whose membership is nearing 1,500 professionals) [4]; Military officers for 9/11 Truth [5]; Firefighters for 9/11 Truth [6]; Pilots for 9/11 Truth [7]; Scientists for 9/11 Truth [8], et al.; as well as the brilliant new television campaign, “Building What?” [9], have sent the 9/11-message soaring.
Obviously, this is bad news for the bad guys. As to be expected, the Internet has suddenly become the top-priority target. But something as draconian as killing the ‘Net cannot be enacted into law easily in a “free democratic society” without raising howls of outrage (even from Sheeple). Naturally, yet another “false flag” pretext was needed to justify this action to “protect the people” from yet another imaginary threat.
It is hardly accidental, then, that the perfect pretext for this soon-to-be-enacted new law that would choke the Internet arrived in the guise of… [roll eyes] Wikileaks—now proven beyond a doubt to be another insidious COINTELPRO (Counter-Intelligence-Program) operation. [10]
Right on cue, Wikileaks’ “treacherous” actions were promptly branded a “National Security Threat”. Consequently (by inference, since Wiki is a wholly net-based operation), the Internet has now been “proven” to be a serious threat to the nation’s security, thus cementing it as a legitimate official target ripe for the kill.
Voila! Problem-Reaction-Solution—the beautiful, tried-and-true false-flag formula that never fails:  1) Manufacture a Problem; 2) Await the public’s Reaction; 3) Offer the perfect Solution. Works every time—9/11 is a classic example of its demonstrable efficacy.
Martial law will be their final option. With the country’s economy circling the drain, it could arrive a lot sooner than we think. Forced internment of citizens in DHS (Department of Homeland Security) camps would likely soon follow—over four hundred of these “facilities” already exist across the country, skeletally staffed for the moment, ready to accommodate tens of thousands of American citizens whenever Caesar feels the peasants are getting a little too rowdy.
The ostensible purpose of these “facilities”: To contain “civil unrest”.
Of course, as the noose continues to tighten, anyone who questions the OCT (Official Conspiracy Theory) will, at best, be deemed to possess the potential to incite “civil unrest” and thus placed under surveillance; at worst, found guilty of “providing comfort to the enemy” and shipped, one-way, to their friendly neighborhood DHS resort.
These are not spurious alarmist “conspiracy theories.” They are verifiable facts.
No doubt, the perpetrators are keenly aware that when—not if— 9/11 truth explodes, there will erupt across this nation a cacophony of rage, of people screaming for justice—and for heads to roll for treason, and the murder of not only the three thousand of our fellow citizens who perished that fateful day, but the thousands of our soldiers who continue to be fed as canon fodder on foreign battlefields; and the untold numbers of innocent civilians being slaughtered abroad, all based on one heinous lie.
Americans, in general, are some of the most genial, affable, and generous people on Earth. That being said, hell hath no fury as a Good Ol’ Boy scorned. An American who awakens to a system that has deceived, lied, and misled his country into fraudulent wars, and literally murdered its own citizens, is one who can shape-shift, in an instant, into a most dangerous animal—one who’ll take the law into his own hands in a heartbeat. Given the right stimulus, “revolution” is a word that flies off his tongue with great ease. It is ingrained in his freedom-loving genes.
Then there’s the rest of the world, the Muslim countries in particular. While the US may have been 9/11’s iconic epicenter, 9/11 is no longer only about America. Its repercussions and ramifications are now manifestly global, as we can see from the “news” of the continuing carnage that endlessly bombards our jaded minds and benumbed senses.
On the world stage, 9/11 is the Big Kahuna. Entire nations and peoples have been falsely vilified, and countries invaded on account of this unspeakable fraud. Millions abroad will surely rise up in arms when they awaken to the truth. There will be blood on the streets; of that there is no doubt.
The Path of the Peaceful Warrior
It is important to remember Gandhi’s words that an eye for an eye will only leave the whole world blind.
I abhor violence in all its forms. Violence is not the answer. It cannot be the answer. To paraphrase Einstein, we cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that was used to create them.
Having made that clear, I wholeheartedly embrace Gandhi’s concept of non-violent resistance in all its manifestations. ‘Satyagraha’, or “Truth Force”, surely is the way forward.
Truth, it is said, is the most powerful force in the Universe, verily indomitable. Gandhi demonstrated this beyond a doubt when he wielded Truth as his sole weapon to bring to its knees the greatest empire of our times.
The 9/11 Truth movement is a peace movement. It is a clarion call that heralds Truth in a world ripped asunder by lies.
Our job is not to speculate about who did 9/11. Nor is it for us to theorize about how it was done; or hypothesize about the numerous unknowns. We do not profess to have all the answers. That is for a new and impartial investigation to determine. Our only job is to remove blinders and open eyes to the Big Lie. Our task is to get people thinking for themselves, instead of gullibly buying the twisted party propaganda our televisions dish out.
But denial is one of truth’s most tenacious—and insuperable—adversaries. Especially when faced with a paradigmatic leap, such as with 9/11, the mind reels at the ramifications; it begs relief from the inner voice that prods it to face reality; it seeks solace anywhere but in truth, shuddering at the insanity of the very suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job. That one’s “government” would murder its own people is something far too outlandish for the average person to stomach. The mind simply refuses to go there. It’s akin to telling some fellow that his kindly father has just been exposed as a serial killer. The knee-jerk reaction is denial, that comforting, illusory cocoon of safety.
Fact is the forces behind 9/11 transcend “government” as we know it. To delve any deeper into this subject would surpass the scope of this essay. Let it suffice to say that ever active but unseen, omnipotent but un-elected, there exists in the world today a formidable core of power that operates silently behind the scenes and across national borders. It is impervious to electoral influence; unaffected by public opinion; accountable only unto itself; and exists for one reason alone: the selfish generation of profit through engineered geopolitical divisions and conflicts.
Former US President Woodrow Wilson best described the insidious nature of this unseen force:
Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
It was not “our government” per se that orchestrated 9/11, but rather, this formidable behind-the-scenes power bloc that did. But this is a fiendishly difficult subject to fully grasp, let alone explain to the average person who has been reared virtually since birth on our rigid two-party political diet. This perpetual Republican/Democrat circus shrouds the real power that controls our system: a colorblind vulture with wings of two colors.
Implicit faith in this deeply ingrained two-party political charade is what makes people reject any suggestion that the “government” could have been behind 9/11, and prompts the common rejoinder, “Well, who did it, then?”
The best answer: We don’t know; that’s for a new Investigation to determine.
“But the 9/11 Commission Report explained everything!
No, it explained nothing. In fact, more than sixty percent of the Commission’s members now admit they were lied to, and that the official version of 9/11 was based on false testimony and documents, and is almost entirely untrue. [11]

“But the official NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) report satisfactorily explained everything about the collapse of the towers!”
No, it did not. Not only did NIST’s fraudulent 20-million-dollar “report” completely ignore the presence of molten metal in the wreckage of the three towers, it also denied the fact that Building 7 had descended at freefall speed—until challenged by members of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, whereupon NIST was forced to amend its “report” and admit to freefall—although the reason for this miraculous occurrence remains “unexplained”. [Obviously, it cannot be explained without taking explosives into account.] Further, a scientist who formerly worked for NIST has reported that it has been “fully hijacked from the scientific into the political realm,” with the result that scientists working for NIST “lost their independence, and became little more than hired guns.” [12]
“But what about the London 7/7 bombings? Doesn’t that prove these Muslim terrorists are everywhere?”
No. To any person who would take the time to look beyond the propaganda and examine the facts, it becomes clear very quickly that that, too, was a staged false-flag operation employing patsies. [13] The “back-pack” bomb that was supposedly inside the train was actually an explosive device pre-positioned underneath the floor of the railway carriage—several passengers and responders reported the explosion caused the floor support rails around the hole to all violently bend upwards. [The omnipresent hand of Allah, no doubt.]
Further, as with the five incredibly ‘coincidental’ military “drills” simulating hijacked airliners that were underway on 9/11—at precisely the same time the actual ‘hijackings’ were underway—that caused all the confusion with Air Traffic Controllers, there were three similar “drills” taking place in London. These drills entailed the mock detonation of explosives at the three exact subway stations involved in the actual bombings, at exactly the times the bombs went off. It’s been estimated the odds of this being a coincidence are the same odds as picking two people at random from anywhere on the planet, sending them each out to get three grains of sand, and them each picking the same grains of sand—literally trillions to one against. Needless to add, the London bombers’ plastic ID cards, too, survived the explosion and were all found in pristine condition.

While there may be many details we do not know about 9/11, this we do know with absolute certainty: What we have been told happened that day is impossible. It makes a mockery of science, reason, logic, and simple common sense. It is an insult to human intelligence. The official story is impossible. Not improbable, impossible.
That said, what is irrefutably provable is this: All three World Trade Center towers were destroyed with explosives.
Any person who doubts this fact only need watch the inarguably convincing two-hour video presentation produced by the 1,500 architects and engineers of AE911Truth. It is available free on YouTube, or on DVDs that may be purchased at the A&E site (see below). 60- and 30-minute versions are also available for convenient ‘lunch-break’ presentations.
For years I’ve thrown out an open challenge that has yet to be met: I challenge any scientist, architect, or engineer in the world (indeed, anyone with an IQ of over, say, 70) to watch the A&E presentation—even the 30-min version. Then, attempt to refute its conclusion that the three buildings were destroyed with pre-positioned explosives.
It cannot be done—at least not by any rational, clear-thinking human being.
For those who claim they haven’t the time to watch a presentation, I would suggest a 10-second primer that is guaranteed to convince them beyond a doubt. What follows is a link to a ten-second clip that shows the little-known third tower, Building 7, crumbling to earth in a 6.6-second freefall in a classic, textbook example of a controlled demolition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A
If this ten-second clip doesn’t cause people to snap out of their slumber—or at least get them thinking—nothing will. Move on.
The peaceful dissemination of information, in a way that inspires people to overcome denial and understand the truth, is the raison d’ĂȘtre and singular mission of the 9/11 Truth movement. Mass awareness of the 9/11 cover-up is our only hope if we are to stem this tyrannical tide.
The Truth about 9/11 needs to be aired and acknowledged so that victims can regain their dignity and society can be rebuilt. I feel infused with a desire to contribute, in whatever little way I can, something meaningful that would contribute to this process. I feel that while I still possess a functioning brain I have a duty—nay, a responsibility—to put it to use if only by helping open a few eyes, unclog a few ears, fire a few synapses.
I would surely be shirking in my responsibility as a citizen of this planet if I did any less.
It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth … For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”
—Patrick Henry
[1]  Molten Metal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCdRA09pztM
[2]  Welt der Wunder (Germany): http://war-is-illegal.livejournal.com/117639.html
[3] Herald Sun (Australia): http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/trades-hall-president-kevin-bracken-calls-911-conspiracy/story-e6frf7kx-1225941158523?from=public_rss
[4]  Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth:  http://www.ae911truth.org/
[5]  Military Officers for 9/11 Truth: http://patriotsquestion911.com/
[6]  Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: http://firefightersfor911truth.org/
[7]  Pilots for 9/11 Truth: http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org/
[8]  Scientists for 9/11 Truth: http://www.scientistsfor911truth.org/
[9]  Building What? Campaign: http://buildingwhat.org/
[10] Wikileaks is a COINTELPRO Psyop: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/20/jonathan-azaziah-wiki-hydra-israels-favorite-psyop-just-wont-die/
[11] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/september112009/911_truth_9-11-09.php
[12] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=15201
[13] London Bombings: http://www.glossynews.com/artman/publish/false-flag-attack-inquiry-england-1913.shtml
Post Script:

Any offense caused Muslim readers through the irreverent use of the word “Allah” is regrettable. The intent was purely to convey sarcasm and illustrate the absurdity of the common characterization of these ongoing illegal occupations of foreign lands as a “war against Muslim terrorism”.
For the benefit of non-Muslim readers who may not be aware of this fact, it is necessary (and useful) to know that “Allah” is in fact the Arabic word for God, and NOT the name of some “proprietary” Islamic deity, as our media lead us to believe. It often shocks Westerners to discover that Arab Christians and Jews refer to God as Allah. Allah simply means God—not “Muslim God”. Our media know that to reveal this truth would only serve to soften the face of the “enemy” and thereby weaken our war cries. This predatory Military-Industrial monster cannot survive, much less profit, without a symbolic enemy. Yesterday, it was Communism. Today, it is Islam.
Nila Sagadevan is a retired aeronautical engineer and pilot. His first book, Warpaint Of The Gods (Truepenny Press, 2004), led to a special invitation to the UN conference commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Declaration on “The Elimination of Intolerance based on Religion or Belief”. Sagadevan’s writings—on world affairs, race relations, and metaphysics, among other subjects—have appeared in a variety of magazines and newspapers in the US and abroad. Born in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and educated in the UK, he has lived in the US for the past four decades. http://www.warpaintofthegods.com/WP/quotes.html

Peace, love, and happiness...until next time...