Play that funky music...
Seen a clone lately?
Mel Blanc's (R.I.P.) vocal cords...
I say I say...causes of brain fog...any of this getting thru to you son?
UFOs in NY/NJ area...
And why wouldn't there be...our galaxy alone has billions of Earths...
A new world currency...
Chaos, confusion, and civil war...
Introducing artist Anthony Pontius...
Why Facebook is evil...
The evolution of religions...
Languages are disappearing...
Bunnies that have made it big...
Top 10 aphrodisiac foods...
Can you hear this now?
Retailer's first locations...
Another reason not to trust our media...we're ranked 36th!
Top 10 scariest games of all time...
8-bit Guitar Hero!
Must see sights in Google Earth...
Stunning views of the Universe...
Unbelievable time required to travel the Universe...
Space Invaders creation...
Wacky water bug...
I should know...video games are wasting my time! (props to Boris)
Fluoride, one of the most consumed drugs in the United States, is deliberately added to about two-thirds of U.S. public water supplies, theoretically to reduce tooth decay, even though there’s no scientifically-valid evidence proving either safety or effectiveness.
In this video, Dr. Bill Osmunson, general and cosmetic dentist for 30 years, talks about how he came to change his mind about water fluoridation, which he promoted aggressively for the first 25 years of his practice. He thought he saw the benefits, but it wasn’t until he actually reviewed the information for himself that he began to realize that fluoridation is a serious problem.
Why Does Toothpaste Carry a Warning But Fluoridated Water Does Not?
One of the first things he did was look at a tube of toothpaste, which clearly carries the warning: “Do not swallow,” and “in case of accidental ingestion, contact the poison control center.”
The amount of fluoride they’re talking about is a quarter milligram of fluoride, contained in a pea size amount of toothpaste.
But here is the kicker, This is the same amount of fluoride you find in 8 oz of water. Yet toothpaste carries a “Do not swallow” warning, whereas you’re typically told to drink eight 8oz glasses of water each day, without any concern for the amount of fluoride you will ingest.
One of Dr. Osmunson’s main concerns is water fluoridation for infants. The American Dental Association (ADA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that infants NOT receive fluoridated water for drinking, nor for making their formula, as fluoridated water contains 250 times more fluoride than mother’s milk.
“We shouldn’t fluoridate water and harm our most vulnerable,” he says.
Personally, I also strongly advise you do not give your children fluoridated water.
Unfortunately, the only way to ensure your water is pure enough to drink is by installing a good water filtration system in your house, such as a reverse osmosis filter that can filter out fluoride and other dangerous water contaminants like disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Bottled water also typically contains fluoride, even though it’s not stated on the label.
Dental Fluorosis – A Clear Sign of Excessive Fluoride Intake
The next thing Dr. Osmunson looked at was dental fluorosis. These are the white and brown spots on your teeth. The only thing that causes dental fluorosis is fluoride – typically due to ingesting too much fluoride during your developing years, from birth to about 8 years of age. According to the CDC, about one third of children and adolescents 6 to 19 years have enamel fluorosis on their teeth.
When dental fluorosis occurs, it can be an indication that the rest of your body has been exposed to too much fluoride also, such as your bones and the rest of your organs, including your brain.
So, are there actual benefits of water fluoridation?
Depending on the source, water fluoridation has been said to reduce tooth decay by anywhere from 20 to 80 percent. But when you compare the statistics between different countries, you see that no matter whether they fluoridate their water or not, tooth decay has steadily been reduced by the same amount.
Likewise, when you compare states in the U.S., you find that increased amounts of fluoride in the drinking water make no difference. We have the same amount of good healthy teeth, regardless of water fluoridation.
So, if there’s no benefit, WHY are we fluoridating?
Why Do We Fluoridate Drinking Water if It’s Not Healthy?
The evidence points to it being little more than a well-orchestrated PR stunt to aid an industry in trouble – a fascinating story in and of itself, as described so well in Christopher Bryson’s book The Fluoride Deception and in one of the best web sites on this topic, Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Other pro-fluoride advocates go so far as to try to make you believe that fluoride is a nutrient that naturally helps build strong teeth and bones. One such example is the Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and the Council, which lists “fluoride” as one of only 28 vitamins and minerals permissible for sale for human consumption within the European Union.
But let’s make this point clear: fluoride is NOT an essential nutrient. The fluoride added to your drinking water is in fact a chemical waste product! It is NOT something you should use as a supplement to your diet.
There are plenty of studies showing the dangers of fluoride to your health, such as:
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The Key to Healthy Teeth is in Your Diet!
If you’re wondering how to keep your teeth healthy, remember that fluoride was never the answer in the first place. Instead, look to your diet for naturally healthy teeth. In fact, most people whose diet includes very little sugar and few processed foods have very low rates of tooth decay.
Limiting, or eliminating sugar, and avoiding processed foods -- along with regular cleanings with your natural dentist -- will ensure that your teeth stay healthy naturally.
What You Can Do to Help Eliminate Water Fluoridation
Dr. Osmunson suggests you talk to your dentist and health care provider about water fluoridation. For example, ask them if they’ve seen the National Academy of Sciences report on fluoridation. You can help educate them by giving them information they may not have on water fluoridation and excess fluoridation exposure.
He also suggests that professional health care providers and dentists take the time to look at both sides of the issue. If you are a professional in the field, you may also want to add your name to the online Professional Statement at www.FluorideAlert.org. As of April 2009, 2,221 medical and environmental health professionals have signed this statement, calling for an end to water fluoridation.
How Everyday Things Are Made
"If you've ever wondered how things are made - products like candy, cars, airplanes, or bottles - or if you've been interested in manufacturing processes, like forging, casting, or injection molding, then you've come to the right place." So states the introduction to today's feature, How Things Are Made. What better place than Stanford University to get the true skinny on the manufacturing process for over 40 different products. No problem with the complexity of the processes; the site is 'targeted towards non-engineers and engineers alike.' Now you can take your own virtual factory tour, all the while enjoying your 'introduction to the world of manufacturing!
OCD patients may benefit from implantable device |
Patients may soon have access to a new treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), thanks to an implantable device that delivers intermittent electrical therapy deep within the brain. Full Article |
GE, Intel announcement is big, really big |
When GE, the world’s 12th-largest company by revenue ($176.6 billion in 2008) according to Fortune magazine, announced it is joining with the world’s largest chip maker, Intel, to develop home-based health technologies, it signaled the continued transformation of an American icon. The financial commitment by both companies is big. So is the market potential. Full Article |
miRoamer Internet Car Radio |
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
Douglas Adams
Reality is that stuff which, no matter what you believe, just won't go away.
David Paktor
"Even in the worst depression, 25% of businesses are booming – in your industry find out what they’re doing and do it." -- Mark Victor Hansen
"Major Clue for employee: Poor attitude can come from places other than work. Major Clue for employer: You can't change people's home life, but it's to every employers best advantage to make the atmosphere inside the workplace a fun one." -- Jeffrey Gitomer
"Just as there are three R's there are also three A's of business life. They are: Ability, Ambition, and Attitude. Ability establishes what a worker does and will bring him a paycheck. Ambition determines how much he does and will get him a raise. Attitude guarantees how well he does." -- Wilbert E. Sheer
"Keep asking yourself, ‘Knowing what I now know, is there any part of my business I wouldn't start up again today if I had to do it over?’" -- Brian Tracy
Personal growth and increased confidence take place when we are testing the limits of our lives.
Tom Payne
He who stops being better stops being good.
Oliver Cromwell
"Once in awhile I like to focus on the larger trend to clarify my views as to where we are in the market, and what I believe is ahead. Below is a weekly chart of the Dow with the count I have as my primary count, based upon other technical indicators I use to help me stay objective in my analysis. As the chart shows, the low on March 6th was the end of wave 3 and we are currently in a 4th wave rally which should last several months before turning down in a 5th wave to new lows. That low would be the end of the larger wave 1 or A, and a rally lasting almost a year would begin to form a larger wave B before turning back down for wave C to even lower lows and the end of the bear market.
My secondary count says that the recent low was the end of wave 1, and we are in a wave 2 rally. The short term difference is of little consequence to most investors, but the pattern will be more complex if my primary count is correct. Under my primary count the market should rally to about 9700 sometime later this summer to early fall, then the decline in the 5th wave would begin. I will discuss targets for the 5th wave low once the 4th wave top is in. If the count is my secondary count, the rally will like reach a higher level around 11250 and the wave pattern a more simple ABC or Up-Down-Up. Either way we are in a period where the surprises are likely to be to the upside until the rally is over. There is one other count which is much more bearish and I will discuss it should the market action dictate a change in my analysis regarding the 2 counts discussed in this update.
The main point I want to drive home is that this is just a BEAR Market Rally. The LOW is not in and we still have several years of overall market declines to come if my analysis is correct and I believe it is. I would like to be wrong, the economic stimulus works, the economy turns up, and everything is great again, but history and common sense says it won't. To put it in a more simple analogy, I liken the stimulus program to telling someone who is deep in debt that the answer is to borrow more money and spend his or her way out of debt when common sense says it will only delay the inevitable bankruptcy. Such is the madness in Washington.Whiskey & Gunpowder
by Don Stott
April 13, 2009
It seems as though history continues to repeat itself. During the first 'great depression,' Herbert Hoover was President at the outset. He instigated the things FDR would later enlarge upon, none of which worked. Now we are in the beginning of the second 'great depression,' and it's almost exactly the same scenario. George Bush started the plunge downhill with his $720 billion TARP nonsense, which most of the Republicans voted for, including John McCain, but not of course, Ron Paul. Now, with Obama as President, he is enlarging the things Bush started, just as FDR enlarged the things Hoover began, and history is repeating itself. Now, instead of $720 billion, it's said that it will be $10 trillion before it's over, and I hope being "over" doesn't mean the entire US economy, but it might well be. As in the days of Hoover and FDR, none of the 'stimulus' worked, as it still won't. Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury, said that all the spending "hasn't worked," and he was correct. It took WW II to get us out of the first great depression, and we can pray that it won't take the same to get us out of the second great depression.
One big difference, as I have written before, is that during the Hoover-FDR first great depression, there was absolutely no inflation. None. Why? Because the dollar was backed by gold! It was illegal to print trillions of paper dollars during the first great depression. That's why FDR tried to get everyone to turn in their gold. He could then spend more gold-backed dollars. Also, there were no credit cards, no interstate roads, and virtually no air travel. Stocks were being sold with little or no down payment, just as homes were being sold for the same requirements during the second great depression. During the first great depression, there were no trillion-dollar credit card debts. During the first great depression, stocks plunged as they have done now, but perhaps a little bit further. Then, there was no PPT or plunge protection team to keep the stock market artificially high; and you can bet your bottom dollar that the PPT has been busy of late.
Speaking of stocks, can anyone give me a reason why they have gone up a thousand points, other than the PPT? 650,000 or more each week are getting laid off, businesses by the thousands go bankrupt or close each week, prompting even more layoffs, and the chain reaction continues. One of my clients says that stocks are going up because during a hyperinflation, everything goes up, and that is a good point, but there are no profits anywhere, so I think that argument my not be totally true. I honestly do believe that gold and the Dow will cross eventually, with the Dow on its way down and gold on its way up. Gold and silver will NEVER go to zero like paper assets (sic) can and have done and will continue to do. With hyper inflation, gold and silver will be made to go up even further than other prices, I believe, because more and more people are seeing the beauty of tangible beautiful, historic money, in the form of gold and silver, and there is only so much of it out there. As it becomes more and more difficult to get, due to increased demand, prices of metals will have to go sky high in dollars.
We drove over 3200 miles the week before last, mostly in Texas, and going to and from there. The Blue Bonnets are out and beautiful, but even in Texas, the economy isn't good at all. While Texas houses haven't plunged like Las Vegas, California, and Florida, it's because they never got that high in the first place. Still, layoffs are plentiful, and tourism, motels, and other non-essentials are hurting...even in Texas. Closed auto dealerships are plentiful, and in one wonderful German restaurant, which used to have people waiting around the block on a Friday evening, we were seated instantly. The second great depression is going to leave an unemployment rate of close to 20% before it's over and all the spending and bailouts are merely postponing the inevitable, and making it worse with hyperinflation. The term "trillion" was unheard of a couple of years ago, as far as deficits are concerned, and now that term is thrown around like penny candy at a fair 50 years ago.
Silver is down a buck an ounce from a week ago and gold a hundred bucks. Great buying opportunity, because they won't stay there. Silver is an unbelievable bargain. In 1980, when gold was $850, silver was $50, or a 16 to one ratio. If the ratio were 16 to 1 now, as it was then, and has been throughout history, silver would be $55 an ounce, not $12.25. It will happen because history cannot be denied. It you've got the place to put it, get silver!
Peace, love, and hapiness...until next time...

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