Why some people are "suspicious of the wise"...
Am I an "enemy belligirent"?
Water is good...
Firefighters for the 9/11 truth...
Hidden history of the human race...
The United States of Iceland...
5 surprising ways TV is killing you...
Surprising...the NYPD have quotas on arrests and tickets...
Don't know if you're aware...but Popular Science did a ballsy thing...
Global warming is a farce...welcome to climategate...
The evidence is there...do you believe or choose not to?
Get in touch with your higher frequency...all you need is love!
When it is TEOTWAWKI...will you be prepared?
What are they spraying in the skies?
The US government (and others) create terrorists...
The good news...less foreclosures...the bad news...the info misleads...
A prophetic dream...beware the hunger that awaits...
The US government is broke...no really it is...
Scary to know these are the people we fight for...
The US government lies to you...no really they do...
Beware the solar storm a-brewing...
The coming anarchy...mind you this was written in 1994!
Still waiting...but it doesn't sound so far fetched now does it?
Although this does...but you decide...reptilian or not?
OK how about exposing some with this video?
The day of reckoning is coming people...
Keep drinking that kool aid...
You see the movie 2012...this part may come true...
The secret covenant that you buy into hook, line and sinker...WAKE UP!
Free energy -- Pentagon conspiracy to cover up...
Demons behind the music industry...
Yea you call me a conspiracy theorist if it makes you feel better...
Mahatma Gandhi once said:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
"There is no path to peace, peace is the path."
This video tracks the motion of the NW corner of Building 7 of the World Trade Center on 9/11 2001. For a period of ~2.5 seconds. This means it was falling through itself for over 100 feet with zero resistance, an impossibility in any natural scenario. This period of freefall is solid evidence that explosives had to be used to bring the building down. In the final draft for public comment (August 2008) NIST denied that WTC7 fell at freefall. In the final report in Nov 2008 they reversed themselves and admitted freefall, but denied its obvious significance.
The WTC7 series has elicited a number of questions from people unclear on the details of how I did the measurements, compared to how NIST did them and how the representatives of NIST described their measurements. I have therefore created a WTC7 Measurement FAQ page: http://www.911speakout.org/WTC7-Measu... . I will also use this FAQ as a place of reference for other questions that arise as well.
Sign the petition demanding a new investigation at http://www.AE911Truth.org
See also http://www.911speakout.org
The plan for the North American Union, the Real ID, the Verichip implant and the One World Government are exposed. John McCain and Barack Obama are exposed as CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) members who are involved.
Don't believe what you see on TV (unless you're watching Lou Dobbs). George W. Bush is lying traitor, Barack Obama is following in Bush's footsteps and the American people need to be informed.
This conspiracy must be stopped before it's too late.
To help, please check out www.CampaignForLiberty.com and get involved with Ron Paul's new campaign.
Also, please educate yourself further on many issues that are not getting covered well in the mainstream media. Visit ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES AND TELL OTHERS TO VISIT THEM (AGAIN, VISIT ALL OF THEM):
In addition to this or as alternative, call, email, visit, mail and/or fax your Congressional Representative and tell them to support HR 1207 to AUDIT THE FED! You can find their info at http://www.House.gov
Examines the controversial military program based on Tesla technology - its' possible effects on weather and use in mind control.
H.A.A.R.P. is a scientific research facility, located near Gakona, in the remote Alaskan outback and is a joint Navy and Air Force project. This facility is used to study the earth's Ionosphere, the electrically-charged belt surrounding our planet's upper atmosphere, ranging between 40 to 60 miles from its surface. More specifically, H.A.A.R.P. is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter, or "ionospheric heater". The military intends to use this billion-watt pulsed radio beam in our upper atmosphere, which will create extremely low frequency waves, or ELF waves. This technology will enhance communications with submarines and will allow us to "see" into the Earth, detecting anything from oil reserves to hidden underground military targets. H.A.A.R.P.'s roots can be traced back to work of Nikola Tesla, a Yugoslavian scientist, who's achievements include the Tesla Coil or "magnifying transmitter" which is still used in televisions and radio today.
Chemtrails and HAARP...
In this edition of CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle asks his guests why discussion of the events of 9/11 continue to attrack so much attention but is all but banned in the media mainstream.
9/11 coincidences...who really benefited???
When a crime has been committed, any good investigator will ask the question -- Who benefits? In this 9/11 Coincidences installment, we apply this same reasoning to the main parties associated with the events of 9/11.
And funny how YouTube removed this video already once from its site for "inappropriate material"...
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld should be brought to trial for the lies that spewed...
Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010
Knowledge i used to believe, the childhood beliefs site |
Just launched outta Wisconsin, this site features a running stream of micro-reviews of microbrews, including a handful of featured beers each month that users are invited to weigh in on with such insightful commentary as "Dogfish Head? More like Dogfish Tails!".
Get your beer knowledge on at BeerVoice.com-
Turn off your cell phone.
Process email only twice a day.
Go to bed early.
Get rid of (or at least reduce) commitments that you do out of obligation.
Create a weekly meal plan.
Automate your finances.
Purge as much unneeded clutter as possible.
Keep your paper shredder on top of your recycling bin.
Add items you want to a wish list as you think of them.
Get a label maker or write labels out by hand.
Set your clothes out for the next day the night before.
Make your lunch for the next day the night before.
Make time to catch up with an old friend.
Just say no.
Ask for experiences not things for your birthday and Christmas this year.
Tell the truth.
Keep your list of addresses and phone numbers up to date.
Consolidate debt.
Create an organizing system that works for you.
Keep a bag for garbage in your car.
Cary a notebook and pen with you where ever you go.
Unsubscribe from emails, newsletters or RSS feeds that don’t provide value anymore.
Apologize immediately when you realize you’ve done wrong.
Enjoy the present moment as much as you can.
Take time to really see the little things in life.
Reduce the amount of TV you watch.
Get outside.
Create morning, daytime, and evening routines.
Ask for help.
Do things at home as much as possible (eat, date nights, entertain etc.).
Don’t get caught up in other people’s drama.
Let go of the self-imposed need to be perfect.
Focus on a simple, but healthy, eating plan.
Share responsibilities.
Reduce your wardrobe to a few versatile items.
Be positive.
Start a gratitude journal.
Finish old tasks before taking on new ones.
For every new item that enters your home set two free.
Want what you have not what you don’t.
Revisit what you carry with you in your purse or wallet.
Focus on one thing at a time.
Store new garbage bags at the bottom of your garbage can.
Posted by Dr. Mercola
By 2025, China will build TEN New York-sized cities.
- By 2030, China will add more new city-dwellers than the entire U.S. population.
- China already consumes twice as much steel as the U.S., Europe and Japan combined.
- If the Chinese, one day, use as much oil per person as Americans, then the world will need seven more Saudi Arabias to meet their demand.
- There are already more Christians in China than Italy, and China is on track to become the largest center of Christianity in the world.
- Chinese are far more likely to believe in evolution than Americans.
- Chinese internet users are five times as likely to have blogs as Americans.
- China has 150 percent more soldiers than America does -- plus a high tech 'Kill Weapon' the U.S. can't deal with.
- China still hasn't rid itself of Europe's medieval plague.
- Forty percent of Chinese small businesses went bust or almost went bust during the world financial crisis.
- China executes three times as many people as the rest of the world COMBINED -- and uses mobile execution vans for efficiency.
- China averages 274 protests PER DAY.
- When you buy Chinese stocks, you are basically financing the Chinese government. Eight of Shanghai's top ten stocks are state-controlled arms of the government.
- Fifty percent of counterfeit goods come from China.
- The majority of Chinese drink polluted water.
Today's Message
As any successful person will honestly admit, I’ve had my share of failures. Since this article is limited to 750 words, I won’t bore you with the details!
But, from every failure, I learn equally valuable lessons. The first lesson I learn is that there was at least one reason I failed. The second lesson I learn is that I can rebound from that failure.
According to Shiv Khera, author of You Can Win, failures most often occur for one of the following seven reasons:
1. Lack of persistence. More people fail not because they lack knowledge or talent, but just because they quit. It is important to remember two words: persistence and resistance. Persist in what must be done, and resist what ought not to be done. We all have had setbacks in life. Failing does not mean we are failures!
2. Lack of conviction. People who lack conviction take the middle of the road. But what happens in the middle of the road? You get run over. People without conviction go along to get along because they lack confidence and courage. They conform in order to be accepted, even when they know that what they are doing is wrong.
3. Rationalizing. Winners may analyze but never rationalize. Losers rationalize and have a book full of excuses to tell you why they could not succeed.
4. Not learning from past mistakes. Some people live and learn, and some only live. Wise people learn from their mistakes. Failure is a teacher, if we have the right attitude. I’ve always said experience is the name we give to our mistakes.
5. Lack of discipline. Anyone who has accomplished anything worthwhile has never done it without discipline. Discipline takes self-control, sacrifice, and avoiding distractions and temptations. It means staying focused.
6. Poor self-esteem. Poor self-esteem is a lack of self-respect and self-worth. People with low self-esteem are constantly trying to find themselves, rather than creating the person they want to be.
7. Fatalistic attitude. A fatalistic attitude prevents people from accepting responsibility for their position in life. They attribute success and failure to luck. They resign themselves to their fate, regardless of their efforts, that whatever has to happen will happen anyway.
The rebound lesson is the more pleasant part of the equation, but it is not without challenges. Here are professor Mackay’s lessons learned from the problems posed above:
1a. Try new approaches. Persistence is important, but repeating the same actions over and over again, hoping that this time you’ll succeed, probably won’t get you any closer to your objective. Look at your previous unsuccessful efforts and decide what to change. Keep making adjustments and midcourse corrections, using your experience as a guide.
2a. Decide what is important to you. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right and doing well. Let your passion show in even mundane tasks. It’s OK to collaborate and cooperate for success, but it’s not OK to compromise your values—ever.
3a. Change your perspective. Don’t think of every unsuccessful attempt as a failure. Few people succeed at everything the first time. Most of us attain our goals only through repeated effort. Do your best to learn everything you can about what happened and why.
4a. Define the problem better. Analyze the situation—what you want to achieve, what your strategy is, why it didn’t work, and so on. Are you really viewing the problem correctly? If you need money, you have more options than increasing revenue. You could also cut expenses. Think about what you’re really trying to do.
5a. Don’t be a perfectionist. You may have an idealized vision of what success will look and feel like. Although that can be motivational, it may not be realistic. Succeeding at one goal won’t eliminate all your problems. Be clear on what will satisfy your objectives, and don’t obsess about superficial details.
6a. Don’t label yourself. You may have failed, but you’re not a failure until you stop trying. Think of yourself as someone still striving toward a goal, and you’ll be better able to maintain your patience and perseverance for the long haul.
7a. Look in the mirror every day and say, “I am in charge.” You may not have control over every phase of your life, but you have more control than you realize. You are responsible for your own happiness and success. As I like to say, “Your attitude determines your altitude!”
Mackay’s Moral: You can turn “down and out” into “up and at ’em.”
Today's Quotes
CLARITY“Our success is directly related to our clarity and honesty about who we are, who we’re not, where we want to go, and how we’re going to get there.” —Howard Behar
“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and unruffled under all circumstances.” —Thomas Jefferson
“When you know clearly what you want, you’ll wake up every morning excited about life.” —Mark Victor Hansen
“No man can always be right. So the struggle is to do one’s best, to keep the brain and conscience clear, never to be swayed by unworthy motives or inconsequential reasons, but to strive to unearth the basic factors involved, then do one’s duty.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower
“Pain nourishes courage. You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you.” —Mary Tyler Moore
“Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.” —Sir Winston Churchill
“If there is one thing upon this earth that mankind love and admire better than another, it is a brave man, it is the man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil.” —James A. Garfield
“Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared.” —Eddie Rickenbacker
In the Supermarket
At our supermarket, I noticed a woman with four boys and a baby. Her patience was wearing thin as the boys called out, "Mommy! Mommy!" while she tried to shop.
Finally, she blurted out, "I don't want to hear the word mommy for at least ten minutes!"
The boys fell silent for a few seconds. Then one tugged on his mother's dress and said softly, "Excuse me, miss."
No one else can represent your conscience.
--Native American Proverb
To err is human, to repent divine; to persist devilish.
--Benjamin Franklin
(If we are stupid enough to allow it)
by David Icke
The technique that I call the Totalitarian Tiptoe can clearly be seen with regard to the agenda for mass human microchipping.
To come out of nowhere and seek to impose compulsory microchipping at birth would be many steps too far and too quick for public acceptance and so, as with most of the Control System, it is done in increments, like adding strands one at a time and building a web by stealth.
First they had to introduce the principle of microchipping and get people used to it. Once it becomes a norm at one level they move on to the next. The prime means of doing this has been the microchipping of animals, especially dogs, which was introduced as a voluntary scheme -'microchip your dog and you'll never lose Fido again'.
Now we are seeing the next stage - exactly the sequence planned for humans - in which dogs in the UK, and then further a field, are to be subjected to compulsory microchipping, according to government proposals announced this week ...
... The human microchip will allow the population to be tracked every minute of their lives and there would never be a single second in a lifetime when the authorities would not know where you were. It is about more than just surveillance, however.
Even most of those who are aware of the microchipping agenda think it's all about surveillance, and on one level it is, but only by understanding the true nature of reality and the human body can the even more sinister aspects of the microchipping agenda be seen. The body is a biological computer and they want to implant the microchip to hijack its electrochemical systems and control every human being mentally, emotionally and physically
Ahhh, but they are 'pets' or cattle to the Control System
Whiskey & Gunpowder
By Ron Paul
March 1, 2010
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Government Stimulus, One Year Later
Last week marked the one-year anniversary of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, or the stimulus bill, passing into law. While the debate over its success has been focused on whether or not it is stimulating the economy and on various questionable uses of funds, in my estimation this legislation is accomplishing exactly what it was intended to accomplish – grow the government.
Those of us concerned about the ever-increasing level of government debt gasped at the astonishing $787 billion cost estimates for this bill. True to form it has actually cost 10 percent more at $862 billion. We heard over and over that government could not sit around and do nothing while people lost their jobs and houses. The administration claimed that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if the stimulus bill passed. Now, a year later, the government estimates that unemployment is over 10 percent. The real number is closer to 20 percent. It appears that those promises were total fabrications in order to close the deal.
In any case, the American people know that more government spending obviously equals more government. If the goal was to strengthen the private sector, Congress would have allowed businesses and individuals to keep more of their own money through meaningful tax cuts. Outrageously, the administration claims that they did “cut taxes” by reducing withholding, and that they have stimulated the private economy by increasing the amount of money in every worker’s paycheck. What they fail to mention is they did not change the total amount of taxes due. This means that all that money not withheld from paychecks will add up to a big unpleasant surprise when returns are filed this year. Many tax preparers are already seeing shocked taxpayers having to come up with big checks to the government when they normally expect a refund. Stimulus, indeed!
The administration also claims that thousands of jobs have been created or saved by this massive spending bill, but these are just more government jobs, and counterproductive in the long run. Funding for the public sector necessarily comes at the expense of an overtaxed private economy. But, it makes sense that government would seek to expand its payroll since every new bureaucrat becomes a likely advocate for big government, when an increasing number of Americans are demanding the opposite. But the more the burden, the closer the government parasite comes to killing its host.
Rather than learning the lessons of the past year, the administration is moving full-speed ahead to do even more economic damage. With the stimulus bill set as a precedent and victory declared, another “jobs” bill is in the works. And, in order to address the unavoidable issues of our massive deficit, the administration has named a bi-partisan commission to find ways to decrease it. Tax increases on the middle class are notoriously back “on the table,” exposing that campaign promise as another instance of merely saying what the people wanted to hear. If the obvious solution to our spending problems was seriously put forth, that is, getting back to the constitutional limitations of government, I would be shocked. More likely, this will be a tactic to increase taxes and spending in a way that passes the political buck.
Whiskey & Gunpowder
By Ron Holland
March 23, 2010
Zurich, Switzerland
Tomorrow Your Retirement
As the United States travels down the long road from the first limited government republic model of our Patriot Founding Fathers to a Washington style form of fascist national socialism, both health insurance and our private retirement system will eventually be nationalized and much of our retirement wealth confiscated all in the name of protecting us. But in a democracy, unlike total fascist and communist systems, great pillage and wealth attacks by government does not happen over night like Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany against Jewish wealth and property. The same can be said for Stalin’s starvation of the Ukraine and forced collectivization and confiscation of all private property and farms. By necessity in a democracy, it is a slow, incremental step-by-step process and this provides the means for American investors to protect and defend their retirement assets.
There is little chance to stop the coming health and retirement plan nationalization because both systems certainly don’t work for the benefit of most Americans. The needs of the American people have been circumvented by the politicians of both parties, the legal system and the greed of Wall Street and the American insurance industry due to their special interest control of Congress. Only a fool would say either the health or retirement system works well or that they represent the best of free-market capitalism. Both industries are simply regulated monopoly interests and the GOP propaganda to the contrary is self-serving rather than a real attempt to fix the problems.
Because of public opinion and the risk of voter outrage like we see today with the Tea Party movement and Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty, the ultimate wealth confiscation goal is the same in our special interest controlled debt democracy as in a totalitarian system but the confiscation time frame is far longer. The population must first be prepared and a number of real or contrived crises must follow to give the excuse for incremental government actions over a number of years.
For example, the income tax began in 1913 with taxes starting at around 1% of income on an equivalent income of around $65,000 in today’s dollars. The graduated tax rate went up to 6% on annual incomes over $10 million.
Social Security started in 1935 with a 1% tax on the employee and employer and only half the workers were covered at inception. Roosevelt promised the funds would go into an independent trust fund rather than the General Operating Funds of the government. Oh and yes, your Social Security benefits were originally not considered taxable income to recipients.
The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 and promised to promote economic stability and stable prices. The Great Depression followed in 1929 as did Franklin Roosevelt’s confiscation of the entire private supply of gold in the United States. The stated goal was stable prices and low inflation. But check out the graph below and see the actual results of the Federal Reserve System and don’t forget we are now in the middle of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression.
The coming nationalization of private retirement plans and IRAs will be the greatest government theft and wealth transfer scheme in the history of the world but it will be opposed only by a small minority of productive Americans who have worked in the private sector and who have saved for their retirement years. These Americans who have saved a substantial amount for retirement will lose wealth and retirement security while the groups who have spent their entire lives feeding at the public trough will continue to come out ahead as usual in the largest theft in history.
Remember, everything out of Wall Street, Congress and Washington on retirement planning is all about generating money in the form of dramatic government tax revenues for Washington and not about building real retirement security for Americans.
For other groups listed below, the retirement trap will be a winning proposition for them as funds from successful Americans will be used to fund their retirement benefits.
at the Expense of Productive Working Americans
The Winners
- State government employees
- County and municipal employees
- Federal employees may be bailed out along with state and local government employees who have dramatically under-funded retirement programs.
- The unemployed
- The underemployed
- Those who simply don’t work
- Participants in most under-funded union plans
The timing of the steps to retirement plan nationalization and confiscation are a very difficult proposition first because of an uncertain political situation. While I fear both political parties will move in the direction I’ve outlined below to retain political power, historically the Democrats have moved faster in this direction than the Republicans. But now with the revenue needs of Washington totally out of control, which side of the two-party monopoly in control of Congress and the White House may not matter in the future. Second, most of the probable causes of the next financial or foreign policy crisis depend more on what China, Japan, Iran or Israel may do than on Washington. I believe the ultimate confiscation conclusion of the Retirement Trap will take place within ten years and I have a suggested time limit for each step to help you in your retirement planning.
Ron Holland
P.S.: This is not really the end of the story but rather hopefully the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the United States of America.
I hope with instant communications and the benefits of capitalism and the free market that we will return to our first national government, The Articles of Confederation. In any case, I have confidence in the American people making the best decision for freedom, liberty and limited government once the present chains of control and theft are removed from our nation and people. This is my hope and daily prayer!
Until then, I’m flying the Gadsden Flag, and warning those who threaten my life and liberty, “Don’t Tread On Me.” Also I’m thinking of our original Declaration of Independence, “When in the course of human events...,” and waiting for the political revolution which will surely come. I’m ready, are you?
by David Icke
...Everything looks very different once you are touched by the Truth Vibrations. I can see so clearly today those attuning to the new energetic resonance and those who are still welded to the old. This is the parting of the ways, the fork in the road, that I talk about.
One enormous irony in all this is that I know people who are completely controlled by the old vibration - the Control System vibration - while talking endlessly about 'love and light', 'I love everyone' and 'people must wake up'.
They think they are awakening (no, awakened) to the new vibration when they are expressions of the dying embers of the old that will play out to its conclusion in the next few years. I see people talking about love while being totally devious and self-serving; they talk about giving and loving everyone when me, me, me is the only show in town.
The Truth Vibrations are not a talking, they are a being, a doing. Condemning the system and then using it for your own ends whenever it suits you is not the Truth Vibrations - it is that which they are sweeping away. The Truth Vibrations are bringing to the surface all that has been hidden and so the fake self-identities that hide behind 'love and light' and other personality fronts while serving the Control System will find that their masks will suddenly lift ...
... We are in for so many shocks and surprises in the next few years as we see people who project a fake image for what they really are. This includes, indeed most especially includes, the reptilian-human hybrid bloodline families behind the Control System
The Truth Vibrations - a gathering energetic wave - are in the process of opening minds and bringing to the surface all that has been hidden.
Bits & Pieces
FEARHalf our fears are baseless; the other half discreditable.
Christian Bovee
Of all the passions fear weakens judgment most.
Cardinal de Retz
Peace, love and happiness...until next time...
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