Are you really Born Free?
The ultimate pizza prank!
The dangers of sugar...
Why you should be concerned about net neutrality...
3 meals a day or 6 meals a day?...surprise it's the same results!
Back flip off vending machine...FAIL!
Create an edible lawn...
The Andromeda galaxy secret...
Take the browser privacy test...
Truly...I own you...
Robot dance wars...
Funny food photos...
You say global warming...I say climate change...
An interesting way of connecting the dots...
All my life I took thousands of pics to create this music video...
The meaning of sex...
Yeah this is the change we signed up for...God Bless Obamacare...
Introducing artist/illustrator...Morgan Schweitzer...
As William Wallace once said..."It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom"
The real star wars...HAARP...
29 simple pleasures...
George Carlin -- Saving the Planet...
The genius of Archimedes...
Brilliant Thinkers Relish Ambiguity
Posted by Dr. Mercola
“Brilliant thinkers are very comfortable with ambiguity -- they welcome it. Routine thinkers like clarity and simplicity.
There is a tendency to reduce complex issues down to simple issues with obviously clear solutions … The brilliant thinker is wary of simple nostrums. He or she knows that complex issues usually involve many causes and these may need many different and even conflicting solutions.
Routine thinkers are often dogmatic. They see a clear route forward and they want to follow it. The advantage of this is that they can make decisive and effective executives -- up to a point.
The downside is that they will likely follow the most obvious idea and not consider creative, complex or controversial choices. The exceptional thinker can see many possibilities and relishes reviewing both sides of any argument.
Albert Einstein was able to conceive his theory of relativity because he thought that time and space might not be immutable. Neils Bohr made breakthroughs in physics because he was able to think of light as both a stream of particles and as a wave … Picasso could paint classical portraits and yet conceive cubist representations of people.
Cognitive dissonance is the concept of holding two very different ideas in your mind at the same time … When you mull over the interaction of two opposing ideas in your mind, then the creative possibilities are legion.”
Diagnostic Tests, The Family Health Guide"What do you have to do to prepare for a MRI? Will having a liver biopsy be painful? Will I need to do anything special afterward? How soon will it be safe to go home after a cardiac catheterization and what are the risks? How soon will the results of that antibody test be back?" Get answers to these concerns as well as those surrounding many other medical procedures. The Family Health Guide is actually a book published by Harvard Medical School. The site is designed for access to the various chapters and also includes information not found in the hardcopy. There are sections on First Aid, featured Advice from a Harvard doctor as well as Tools to help you assess your risk for cancer. This site should become one of your favorites for managing your health and associated care.
Pastimes and Paradigms: Games We Play
The general public might think of games as child's play, but even professors at Cornell University's Carl A. Knoch library are getting into the spirit, with good reason. "We might think of games as charming historical artifacts, but they are also telling reflections of social values and mores." Now you have an opportunity to explore the evolution of games since the 1800's with sections that feature different games from different cultures around the world. After you get 'game history' under your belt, try the Crossword Puzzle to see if you can indeed keep up with the professors. Good luck!
Galaxy Evolution Explorer
"The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) is an orbiting space telescope observing galaxies in ultraviolet light across 10 billion years of cosmic history.... GALEX’s observations are telling scientists how galaxies, the basic structures of our Universe, evolve and change. Additionally, GALEX observations are investigating the causes of star formation during a period when most of the stars and elements we see today had their origins." Come join this mission that is providing data that will help scientists find answers on 'the history of star formation in the Universe,' 'what nearby galaxies look like in ultraviolet light' and 'when and where did the stars and elements we see today have their origins.' Browse the Image Gallery for your own space experience and visit the News Room for the latest on the project. This site is a good resource for delving into the formation of the universe!
National Geographic King Tut
"Egypt's boy pharaoh has fascinated the world since the first glimpse of his tomb in 1922. Now modern forensics and high-tech imaging offer new insights into his life — and death." Here's your opportunity to get a glimpse into the mysteries of King Tutankhamun, thanks to National Geographic. Check out the Photo Gallery, follow the Field Notes of the researchers. You can take your own a personal tour of the tomb with descriptions of the new research that has been done on the mummy, some of the presentations with audio. Here's a great opportunity for an armchair exploration of the world of this renowned figure from ancient Egyptian history.
Your favorite marinades may provide a beneficial source of natural antioxidants, according to a new study by researchers at The University of Western Ontario.
After analyzing seven popular brands of marinade that contained herbs and spices as their primary ingredients, they found “very good quantities” of antioxidants remained, even after cooking and marinating.
Although marinating meat reduced antioxidants levels by 45-70 percent, there was still a benefit over cooking meat plain, with no marinade.
Consumers can help boost their intake of antioxidants by choosing sauces with the highest levels of antioxidants to begin with, according to researchers.
“Foods rich in antioxidants play an essential role in preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancers, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, inflammation and problems associated with cutaneous aging,” Science Daily reported.
Set up a good herb and spice cabinet and season your food liberally, and you could potentially double or even triple the medicinal value of your meal!
This is especially true if you use spices on food you intend to eat raw, as cooking reduced the spices’ antioxidant levels by 45-70 percent in the above study.
Still, even in the above study, which used store-bought sauces and marinades (which I don’t recommend because most contain high fructose corn syrup and other unhealthy additives), the researchers found “very good quantities” of antioxidants from the spices contained therein.
Since most herbs offer the greatest benefits in their unprocessed state, if you use high-quality spices directly, you’re likely to get an even greater antioxidant benefit.
Top Reasons to Add More Spice to Your Life
Herbs and spices have very low calorie content, they’re relatively inexpensive, and they’re a great way to turbo-boost the natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power of your diet. Not to mention that they taste great!
It may come as a surprise to you that herbs and spices are some of the most potent antioxidants. In fact, on a per gram fresh weight basis, oregano and other herbs rank even higher in antioxidant activity than fruits and vegetables, which are known to be high in antioxidants too.
Compared to the antioxidant activities of a few select fruits and vegetables, the potency of oregano ranks supreme. It has 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges, and 4 times more than blueberries! As an example, one tablespoon of fresh oregano contains the same antioxidant activity as one medium-sized apple.
It is important to note that oregano is a perennial herb which means in most US climates you can plant it and it will come back every year. It is very easy to grow and all you need to do is pick the leaves in the fall and dehydrate them and store in a glass jar and you have an amazing fresh organic herb that you can use year round.
Which Spices are the Healthiest?
Each spice has a unique set of health benefits to offer, but one study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods, found a direct correlation between the antioxidant phenol content of many extracts of spices and herbs, and their ability to inhibit glycation and the formation of AGE compounds, making them potent preventers of heart disease and premature aging.
According to this study, the top 10 most potent herbs and spices are:
Cloves (ground)
Cinnamon (ground)
Jamaican allspice (ground)
Apple pie spice (mixture)
Oregano (ground)
Pumpkin pie spice (mixture)
Gourmet Italian spice
Choosing Spices for Their Medicinal Benefits
However, when it comes to herbs and spices, you really can’t go wrong. You should let your taste dictate your choices, choosing the flavors that appeal most to you. You can also choose spices based on their health effects. For instance, the following herbs and spices are some of the best for building a strong immune system that functions correctly:
Licorice: Buffers the inflammatory response by increasing steroid output by your adrenal glands; a good buffer if your immune system is over responding to the flu.
Turmeric: ORAC (a measure of antioxidant activity) score of 159,277; general immune system booster due to its high antioxidant capacity, and an anticancer agent as well; turmeric is 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamins C and E, and even strong enough to scavenge the hydroxyl radical, which is considered by some to be the most reactive of all oxidant
Black Pepper: Increases the bioavailability of just about all other foods -- herbs and other compounds.
Oregano: ORAC 13,970; active agent is rosmarinic acid, a strong antioxidant.
Cinnamon: ORAC 267,536; powerful antimicrobial agent -- found to kill E. coli and many other bacteria, and also has anti-inflammatory compounds.
Cloves: The ORAC grand prize winner at 314,446, highest of all foods tested! Contains eugenol and its mild anesthetic benefits are useful for toothaches and sore throats, also a good anti-inflammatory.
The Huffington Post also recently featured a handy list of herbs based on their health benefits:
- Rosemary and basil for their anti-inflammatory power
- Cumin and sage for their dementia-fighting power
- Cayenne and cinnamon for their obesity-fighting power
- Coriander and cinnamon for their sugar regulating powers
- Lemon grass, nutmeg, bay leaves and saffron for their calming effects on your mood
- Turmeric for its cancer fighting power
- Oregano for its fungus-beating power
- Garlic, mustard seed and chicory for their heart-pumping power
- Basil and thyme for their skin-saving power
- Turmeric, basil, cinnamon, thyme, saffron, and ginger for their immune-boosting power
- Coriander, rosemary, cayenne, allspice and black pepper for their depression-busting power
Another Important Reason to Use Spice-Rich Marinades
BBQ season is nearly upon us in the United States, so I wanted to share a quick tip with those of you who plan to fire up the grill soon.
Grilling is really not a healthy way to cook (ideally you should eat your meat raw or very lightly cooked), but for those of you who aren’t ready to give up cooked meat just yet, marinating meats before grilling or broiling them can reduce heterocyclic amines (according to some experts by 90 percent or more).
Heterocyclic amines (HAs) form when food is cooked at high temperatures, and they’re linked to cancer. (In terms of HA, the worst part of the meat is the blackened section, which is why you should always avoid charring your meat, and never eat blackened sections.)
So aside from adding some antioxidants to your food, a spice-filled marinade can also help cut down on the harmful substances created during the cooking process. I recommend preparing your own marinades at home, using high-quality herbs and spices and only natural ingredients (and keep the coating thin to avoid charring).
As I think back over the years, I have been guided by four principles for decision making. First, the only certainty is that there is no certainty. Second, every decision, as a consequence, is a matter of weighing probabilities. Third, despite uncertainty we must decide and we must act. And lastly, we need to judge decisions not only on the results, but on how they are made.
Robert Rubin
Have a reason for making a decision. You won’t always be right, but be sure your reasoning was correct.
Eddie Kasko
Today's Quotes
“Don’t let the learning from your own experiences take too long. If you have been doing it wrong for the last 10 years, I would suggest that’s long enough!” —Jim Rohn
“Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later, a collection of mistakes is what is called experience.” —Denis Waitley
“Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.” —Sophia Loren
“If we could be twice young and twice old, we could correct all our mistakes.” —Euripides
Today's Quotes
“Expect the best, plan for the worst and prepare to be surprised.” —Denis Waitley
“It is funny about life: If you refuse to accept anything but the very best, you will very often get it.” —W. Somerset Maugham
“Life... it tends to respond to our outlook, to shape itself to meet our expectations.” —Richard M. DeVos
“The real winners in life are the people who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work or make it better.” —Barbara Pletcher
Heavy snow had buried my van in our driveway. My husband, Scott, dug around the wheels, rocked the van back and forth and finally pushed me free. I was on the road when I heard an odd noise. I got on my cell and called home. "Thank God you answered," I said when Scott picked up. "There's this alarming sound coming under the van. For a moment I thought I was dragging you down the highway."
"And you didn't stop?"
Whiskey & Gunpowder
By Don Stott
April 16, 2010
How Did We Get Here?
The year 2010 has America reeling on the brink of total, disgusting, annihilation, whether the D.C. Gang admits it or not. Look at us. We have debts, currently at close to $13 trillion, and committed spending of $170 trillion, both amounts far too large to comprehend. We have borrowed and borrowed from the citizens, China, and anyone else who will lend. The more we borrow, the more we owe, and the more interest which will accumulate. The lenders are now having second thoughts about lending us more. Without the loans, we are lost, and may be lost eventually anyway. It used to be that the income tax paid for our expenses, but now it doesn’t even pay the interest we owe each year. We cannot ever pay the debt, which grows larger each minute.
We have managed to create enemies around the world by interfering in others’ business, lifestyles, and politics, especially in Muslim nations. Why are we in Afghanistan, and Iraq? Why are we responsible for millions of innocents being put to death in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Korea? Did any of these nations harm or threaten us? It goes back to economics again, because those wars have reduced the value of our dollar so much, that it will buy but perhaps 10% of what it bought before Korea. The devaluation of the dollar has made saving in it stupid, but most still do. We have decapitated cities, jobs and manufacturing gone overseas, and a huge underclass. How did it happen?
Several things happened, and not just when FDR came into office. They all have been committed by...the federal government. Every single problem or situation we have now, in this once land of the free and home of the brave, was instigated by the federal government and the Congress and Presidency which operates it. The concept of public schools, and for that matter ‘public’ anything, is certain to lead to corruption, inefficiency, huge costs, and little accomplished. Would you rather use a private bathroom, or a public rest room? The concept of public schools, arose from the usual reasons, which politicians always use, and that is ‘for the public good.’ ‘Everyone should have an education!’ Everyone should be rich too, and have a car, nice home, ample food, vacations, free air travel, and admission to movies and amusement parks also. But everyone isn’t going to get those things, at least for now, so why should government make taxpayers pay for and force attendance to a public school? Public schools are a disaster, simply because they are ‘public,’ and everyone thinks they are ‘free.’ Before public schools, America was infinitely better educated than it is now. Check out a McGuffy’s Reader of 125 years ago, and see for yourself.
Voting used to require people to be able to pass a literacy test and pay a small poll tax before they were allowed to vote. This sifted out those who were unable to make a good decision, or even know what they were voting for, and the poll tax paid for the cost of the election. When the voter rights act was passed, do-gooder liberals invaded poor sections of America. As a result, we had, and have even more now, inept voters, who always vote for the Democrat who promises the most largess from the public treasury. This takes us back to economics again, and a huge debt. America has a crop of politicians in office, who are an absolute disgrace, because of the overwhelming number of inept, low IQ, un-educated, voters. What is wrong with a voter being able to know what’s going on, and to have to pay a dollar or so to be able to vote? As an addition, why not require a voter to prove he has a job, or even own property?
When FDR and his Democrats passed Social Security, which has naturally become a habit-forming nightmare, Americans forgot how to prepare for the future, and Social Security will be with us forever. Its cost will escalate infinitely, and is already bankrupt, with not a single dime in the till. A nightmare conceived by politicians, because everyone ‘needs to have a good retirement,’ which is the same as saying, “everyone needs an education.” The result of both is a disaster. What everyone ‘needs,’ and what our Constitution says government should do, are opposites. People should have to work for what they “need,” and not have it given to them, because it destroys the mind and incentive when they are given what politicos have told them they “need.” For every freebie or subsidy, the deficit grows larger, and collapse grows nearer, which will bring on violence. Try to get out of the big cities before the inevitable happens.
The public school idea, has proven to be a disaster of titanic proportions, but no one knows how to stop it or tame it. It’s that way with all supposedly important and needy things, such as food and health care, to name two more examples. When Medicare was passed in 1965, because ‘everyone needs to have good health,’ the camel got its foot in the tent, and now he is in the tent, and the medical system will go down the tubes. Medicare, was simply the first step towards what Obama, Democrats, and probably too many RINO Republicans want, and that is what Canada, the UK, and other socialistic nations have, and that is total government medical care. This will mean that America will no longer be the primary discoverer of new drugs, and have the world’s best hospitals and doctors. We’ll just be another cog oin the big wheel of socialism, communism, and totalitarianism, or total gov ernment.
When the first public housing was built in 1937, because “people need to have a place to live,” that spelled the ruin of our cities, caused white flight, huge oil consumption for commuting, expensive, taxpayer paid for highways, air pollution, frayed nerves, billions of hours wasted in travel time, and lost tax base in the cities. There will always be public housing now, because no one could possibly do away with it. Those people vote for their Democrat representatives and senators.
When food stamps were started in 1972, because ‘poor people need to eat,’ another cog in the communistic wheel of total government was cast, and it will never go away. I haven’t even mentioned the income tax and Federal Reserve, which was sneaked into law in 1913. (The word “snuck” is terrible grammar, and far too many use it!). The Federal Reserve, which is not ‘federal,’ and has no ‘reserves,’ caused the great depression, as well as the one we are currently in, but no one in D.C. has the guts to look at the fed, and realize that it has helped to kill America. The 16th Amendment (income tax) was not legally ratified, but the Supremes say it was, even though absolute proof exists that its ratification was totally unconstitutional. Two volumes in my possession, titled, “The Law That Never Was,” volumes one and two, give every state’s vote, and every single detail of that state’s vote for the 16th Amendment, and this unequivocally proves that it was never constitutionally passed. So we continue to pay, and probably always will. No one in D.C. has the guts to stand up and say ‘ENOUGH.”
If all these things were immediately stopped dead in their tracks, we would have mass rioting, which we might have anyway, when the debt problem causes a dollar melt-down. There may be ways to correct it still, if the Tea Party Movement gets really into gear. Here’s how it could happen if the right politicians got into office.
(1) Prohibit any new entries into Social Security, but allow those in it already to continue. Give a refund of all that was put in, for citizens under the age of 30. That would rid us of it in 32 years.
(2) Prohibit any new entries into Medicare, and refund all that those under 30 have put in, plus abort the new Obamacare law.
(3) Eliminate all federal subsidies for public schools, public housing, and public anything. Let the states decide what to do, and what to tax.
(4) Gradually eliminate 90% of federal bureaucracies, beginning with immediate removal of the Department of Education. Want a shocker? Google “Federal bureaucracies and agencies,” and you’ll be amazed at the nonsense that goes on in D.C.
(5) Eliminate all federal mandates to states, counties and cities. These cost taxpayers lots of dollars, and are throttling their legitimate functions.
(6) Naturally, bring all the troops home, and declare total neutrality, which might bring a semblance of sanity to D.C.
(7 to 100) you name it!
We are at a time in history, when it might be possible to save America from the natural progression of things throughout the history of all nations and civilizations, which seem to have had a lifespan of about 200 years. We’re way past that. It will be difficult, seeing the low quality of voters who always vote for the Democrat who promises them the most. We got the low quality because of the above. To win, the thinkers and logical, patriotic citizens, must out-vote those who are hooked on handouts, Medicare, Social Security, food stamps, public schools, and public housing. It will not be an easy job! There is so much wrong here, all caused by ever growing government. Mistakenly, people look to government to fix things, but government not only makes things worse, but creates ever more destructive laws, bureaucracies, and mandates, which have destroyed America. Ten years ago, would any American have thought we’d have a couple dozen “Czars?” Chin up, protect yourself, and go to one of 2,000 Tea Parties today!
Don Stott
P.S.: From several sources: the feds are seriously considering capturing your IRA’s and substituting annuities in treasury bills, which could mean seizing your metals. I urge you to consider removing your gold an silver from your IRA’, pay the taxes, and take the gold and silver home. Evidently the Fourth Amendment no longer holds.
Bits & Pieces
Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and is important, in some respect, whether he chooses to be or not.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Take the tools in hand and carve your own best life.
Douglas Lurton
Peace, love and happiness...until next time...
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