Iron Baby!
Lightning does strike twice...
20 parrot tricks in 2 minutes...
Burgers anyone?
What is your sign?
Let your color conscience be your guide...
Ghostbusters...the silent movie...
Wave photography... (props to Pops!)
Even more evidence that fluoride is BAD!
Putting a trillion dollars into perspective...
Skydiving rubik's cubing...
Strange sites on Google Earth...
AT-AT day afternoon...
4 year old cheeseburger...
Flying 2.0...
You can be a basketball master too...
The Taliban is funded by the CIA...
What are the odds...
Stop motion Mario...
Losing your arms doesn't mean you can't play the piano...
There goes the Internet...
How to make IT sound hip...
Be honest...you'd deck this guy if you saw him on the subway...
Mission Impossible...squirrel style...
Stop motion morning...
If the oil spill was at my home...
35 movies in 2 minutes...
Gotta love super easy mode!
Unused but useful words...
The life of a plastic bag...
How to be a yo-yo champ...
Sixth sense technology...
What if the people start waking up?
Even the troops are waking up...
The art of corporate mind control...
Answerbag.comQuestion, 'What's in the bag?' Answer, 'Just about everything!' "Answerbag is a compilation of human knowledge and experience. It is a universal, user-generated set of frequently-asked questions (FAQs). It is built and policed by its users, a worldwide information community that is working together to make Answerbag an authoritative collection of questions and answers on any topic relevant today." A unique concept, Answerbag allows visitors to vote on the information contained in its pages, resulting in answers that are actually graded by the community, graded from A+ on down the scale. The answers have additional resources listed that pertain to the subject; although some may be commercial, the wealth of information makes a good resource for research on just about any subject. Should you choose to join the community, you can always present your own answers to the questions. Just remember, yours will be graded along with those of everyone else!
10 X 10 – This Is Now |
We cannot control the parade of negative thoughts marching through our minds. But we can choose which ones we will give our attention to. Picture your thoughts as people passing by the front of your home. Just because they're walking by doesn't mean you have to invite them in.
Gladys Edmunds
What was once thought can never be unthought.
Friedrich Durrenmatt
A Parental Nightmare... A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed nicely made up and everything neat and tidy. Then he saw an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow. It was addressed, "Dad". With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands: |
Where Do We Come From?
A little girl asked her mother, 'How did the human race begin?' The mother answered, 'God made Adam and Eve and they had children and so all mankind began with His creation.'
Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, 'Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.'
The confused girl returned to her mother and said, 'Mom, how is it possible that you told me the humanrace was created by God, and Dad said they evolved from monkeys?'
The mother answered, 'Well, dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his.'
Life B.C. (Before Computers)...
An application was for employment
A program was a TV show
A cursor used profanity
A keyboard was a piano!
Memory was something that you lost with age
A CD was a bank account
And if you had a 3 1/2 inch floppy You hoped nobody found out!
Compress was something you did to garbage
Not something you did to a file
And if you unzipped anything in public
You'd be in jail for awhile!
Log on was adding wood to a fire
Hard drive was a long trip on the road
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
And a backup happened to your commode!
Cut - you did with a pocket knife
Paste you did with glue
A web was a spider's home
And a virus was the flu!
I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper
And the memory in my head
I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash
But when it happens they wish they were dead!
Total government brings total poverty and misery. And that’s precisely where we’re headed. But more how do you get ready? How do you protect yourself? Read on to learn more and how to make sure you’re prepared.
Whiskey & Gunpowder
By Don Stott
Total Government
Am I speaking or writing about the War of Northern Aggression, incorrectly called the ‘Civil War’? Not on your life. I am talking about North and South Korea, and North and South Rhodesia. America is rapidly approaching the condition of North Korea and Zimbabwe, which used to be Southern Rhodesia.. Look at the absolute facts, and shudder.
North Korea is total government, as is Zimbabwe, or any other totalitarian state. Zimbabwe used to be Southern Rhodesia. Southern Rhodesia had thousands of individually owned, prosperous farms. Southern Rhodesia exported food, and was an extremely rich, white ruled, free nation. It became independent from Britain in 1965. It was bordered by Zambia, (Northern Rhodesia, which was never free), Mozambique, (formerly a Portuguese colony), and Botswana. In 1978, after years of incredible pressure from the United Nations, Rhodesian President Ian Smith, signed an agreement with three black African leaders, with the promise of white protection. Fat chance. That sealed the doom of Rhodesia. I can still hear Smith begging for help from the free world, as his nation was being overrun, smothered and ruined, but there was no help. Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, and with it, total government, poverty, deforestation, inflation, murder, and seizing of white farms. Total government, in short, took what used to be prosperous Rhodesia, and turned it into total poverty, no freedom, and actual slavery. Whites are gone, as are their farms, which have been divided up and given to blacks, ‘who needed them.’ Whites are also gone or leaving South Africa after being murdered and their farms and businesses seized.
North Korea, as opposed to South Korea, is the difference between night and day. North Koreans are starving, regimented, murdered, and live in abject poverty. North Korea does not lack natural resources, farm land, rain and sunshine, but it has total government. Total government has enslaved, and is literally starving the populace. South Korea makes things, sells things, and is happy and prosperous. South Korea’s government is miniscule, compared to America’s, and that’s why Korean cars are excellent, and lots of things are made and exported in and from South Korea.
In 1935, Amos Pinchot wrote that, “Today the nations in the world may be divided into two classes. The nations in which the government fears the people, and the nations in which the people fear the government.” And that sentence speaks volumes.
When America was founded, the government was at the will of the citizens and states. Today, central government in Washington D.C., with thousands of branches and bureaucrats everywhere, are ruling us, rather than us ruling them. We are afraid of government, whereas government should be afraid of us. It isn’t, and thus we have the addendum to the health care bill, which was passed without a single Republican vote, part of which says that any sale over $600 must be reported on a 1099 form to the IRS, beginning Jan. 1st, 2012.
This is fantasy, as far as I can see. Buy a new refrigerator and get a 1099? Buy a new sofa and get a 1099? Buy lots of groceries at one time and get a 1099? Buy a new or used car and get a 1099? Transmission job and get a 1099? How about a yard sale of a $600 something or other? Buy a row boat or canoe and get a 1099? Buy or sell a single Gold Eagle and get a 1099? Millions of forms flooding the IRS, and thousands of new employees to handle them? In addition to the 17,000 new IRS employees to search out everyone to be sure they have health insurance? That would make the IRS probably the largest bureaucracy in D.C. It’s simply too absurd to contemplate. There’s already a bill in Congress to delete this provision of the health care bill, and why not get rid of the whole thing? When idiotic Congress does a 2,000 page bill, and inserts a provision in it, without even a particle of thinking; obviously it must be deleted, or we will become a slave state almost overnig ht! This absurdity doesn’t take place till Jan. 1st, 2012, and by that time, this provision will no longer exist, I am certain.
Which brings us back to North Korea and Zimbabwe, which have total government. As my son David’s bumper strips say, “Government is not the answer.” This fact is becoming quite obvious to millions of Americans, and we have the Tea Party as proof. The socialistic Democrats are scared to death of November, and I don’t blame them. They’ll do everything in their power to change America’s disgust with them, but hopefully it won’t work, because they’d all be lies.
We’re on the march, via Obama and his henchmen in Congress, towards total government, total poverty and enslavement, a la North Korea and Zimbabwe. We cannot allow this to happen. Why isn’t it so obvious to Democrats, that the more government we have, the less responsibility we have, the less prosperity we have, the less jobs we have, and the less freedom and happiness we have? It is as plain as the nose on their faces. Why should it be necessary to clean out Congress? The Democratic platform of 1924 read in part: “We demand that the states of the Union shall be preserved in all their vigor and power. They constitute a bulwark against the centralizing and destructive tendencies of the Republican party.” Got that? The Democrats were worried about the Republicans, back in 1924, and now just the opposite is true. In 1930, as part of a speech, FDR said, “The individual sovereignty of our states must be destroyed.” A lot changed in six years, a nd the change has stuck with the Democrats.
As I finish this; last week, an additional 464,000, for the first time filled out applications for relief. An average of 450,000 new un-employed each week! Week after week, people are still getting laid off. Who would hire someone today, with compulsory health care on the immediate horizon, paid by the employer? Who would hire anyone now, with a bureaucrat snooping over your shoulder at every turn, to be sure you obeyed the myriad laws regarding hiring someone? Who would attempt to run a business, in the most hostile government attitude towards business in history? Who would start a business if you had the possibility of filling out hundreds of 1099 forms and having an IRS agent checking everything but your blood pressure? Lame brained Congress just passed billions more in benefits for the unemployed, so why should anyone even look for a job, when they can get $500 a week in some places, for sitting on their duffs and watching inane TV? Writing this drivel, makes me sick. What has happened to America?
Peace, love and happiness...until next time...
"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties."
-Sir Francis Bacon
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