Amazing parrot!
How do you explain this?
Wall Street is full of crooks part I...
Take a hike if you dare!
Electric car myths...
The problem with Jeggings...
Evil Acts...
The Nazis beat Hollywood to 3-D...
Speaking of 3-D...Are you ready 3-D vs. 5-D?
The world's most talented man... (props to Simon)
America is broke...
Introducing artist Dan Hillier...
Cured by cannabis...
I am reaaaaally hungry... (props to Jeff)
Water powered shower radio...
The real meaning of 2012...
How do you explain this part II?
Speaking of 2012...should we expect "V"isitors...
You can check in...but you'll never be clean!
Boost your libido naturally...
Good bye credit cards...hello biometric phones...
No more titanium for the cranium?
What your face says about you...
Green Hornet's excellent ride...
Good bye dollar...we hardly knew ye...
The toxicity of our body...
Are you a birther?
Introducting artist Aaron Jasinski...
Wall Street is full of crooks part II...
If it happens in WA...it can happen in any state...
We are living in the Grapes of Wrath...
Wall Street is full of crooks part III...
Dr. John Rengen Virapen ~~ Big Pharma Whistleblower
The Third World War...
Today's Message
The Butterfly Effect
by Ron White
It was 1960 and meteorologist Edward Lorenz was working in his lab. He was entering data into his computer in the hopes of modeling weather patterns when he stumbled upon a theory that is known as “The Butterfly Effect.” He was entering wind speed, air pressure and temperature into three separate equations that were linked in a mathematical feedback loop. This equation allowed Lorenz to predict weather patterns.
One day Lorenz was in a bit of a hurry and opted to take a shortcut when entering the data. He rounded the numbers to the nearest one thousandth rather than to the nearest one millionth (for example, .407 instead of .407349). As a scientist, he knew this would change the result – however he expected only a minor change. Lorenz was astounded to discover that this tiny change made a profound impact on the final resulting weather pattern. This discovery led Lorenz to ponder: Does the flap of a butterfly's wing in Brazil cause a tornado in Texas? Thus, you have “The Butterfly Effect” theory.
This theory has been applied to all areas of science since Lorenz's 1960 experiment.
What does it mean for your life?
It means that every decision or action that you make - no matter how small – could potentially dramatically alter the course of your life. My life, as I am sure is the case with yours, is a testimony to the butterfly effect. When I was 12 years old, I met a friend named Brian in P.E. class. More than two decades later, Brian is still my best friend. At the age of 12, Brian had a thirst for learning and studying (the other 12-year-olds called him a nerd), and he was a fitness fanatic. He still has these qualities, and because of our friendship they rubbed off on me. At the age of 18, I needed a job and he secured me a job where he worked as a telemarketer. My third day on the job, I made a telemarketing call to someone in the seminar business. He thought I was a good telemarketer and offered me a job over the phone.
Did you follow that?
You are receiving this email from me, reading my books, or hearing me speak because I was offered a job at the age of 18 from a seminar company. I would have never been offered that job – if Brian hadn't gotten me the telemarketing job, and Brian would never have known me if we hadn't met at the age of 12 in P.E! I have an insatiable desire for learning that began at age 12 and have developed into a fitness fanatic as well. Most of the major events in my life can be traced back to a conversation in a gym two decades ago – that is “The Butterfly Effect.”
- Realize that “The Butterfly Effect” is very real and small decisions or actions can make a huge impact on your life.
- Take responsibility for your decisions, actions and friends – even the tiny decisions – realizing that they can dramatically alter the course of your life.
- Understand the importance of attention to detail. Years before 1986, the smallest flaw was overlooked in a Space Shuttle O-Ring. That flaw led to a horrific “Butterfly Effect” and the deaths of seven Astronauts years later in January 1986.
- Do not allow “The Butterfly Effect” to paralyze you from inaction. Instead, use it as the spark of motivation to fan the fire of action – realizing that you control your destiny even in the tiniest of ways.
The Skeletons Project
The Skeletons Project brings comparative anatomy into everyone's living room. Created at the University of Texas at Austin with funding from the National Science Foundation and private industry, "The eSkeletons Project website is devoted to the study of human and primate comparative anatomy. It offers a unique set of digitized versions of skeletons in 2-D and 3-D in full color, animations, and much supplemental information." The comparisons of skeletal structure range from human beings to gorillas to the tiny mouse lemur. The visitor can select the particular species, the bone/s to compare and then specify the view. Try a few of the comparisons; you'll be amazed how much in common the human bones have with the 'lesser' species! Here's a great opportunity to 'bone up' on your anatomy!
When Organic Isn't Really Organic - - How You're Being Duped
Posted By Dr. Mercola | February 09 2011
In fact, the FDA and USDA, which are the very agencies that are supposed to be protecting the organic food supply, are intensely active in its adulteration.
A "certified organic" product can actually have a mix of organic and conventional ingredients.
In fact, under the law, you could manufacture "organic beer" with completely conventional hops, label it "USDA Certified Organic," and charge a premium price for it -- hops are allowed to be non-organic under USDA Certified Organic products.
As Farm Wars puts it:
"It's like putting gasoline in a glass of pure water and charging a premium for that water because it only contains 30 percent of the contaminant. 30 percent contamination is probably better than 100 percent, but would you want to drink it? The whole glass of water is poisoned due to the gasoline, yet the companies selling this product would like you to believe that because it contains pure water it is good."
Dr. Mercola's Comments: |
The organic label has become widely popular in the last several years, but unfortunately, there's still plenty of wiggle-room for companies to mislead you.
Whereas organic foods were once truly raised naturally, on small farms with great integrity, big business has stepped in and tainted many of the principles upon which the organic label was founded. There's no doubt about it—organic food is Big Business. According to the Organic Trade Association, U.S. sales of organic food and beverages have grown from $1 billion in 1990 to $24.8 billion in 2009.
Unfortunately, the quality and meaning of the organic label is undergoing an equally fast and exponential decline.
The Most Obvious Rip-Offs
Some of the most obvious organic rip-offs include organic milk and snacks.
Because organic milk is NOT raw milk; while it is a plus that it doesn't have added antibiotics and hormones, it is still pasteurized, and therefore still associated with all of the same health problems as regular pasteurized milk. And organic junk foods like crackers, cookies, pizzas and potato chips are still some of the worst foods you can eat, regardless of whether or not the some of the ingredients are organic.
These carbohydrate-rich foods will still raise your insulin levels and contribute to insulin resistance, obesity, and all of the other associated health problems...
Food companies are clearly cashing in on your desire to "have your cake and eat it too," so to speak, and deceiving you into believing that you can eat cookies, ice cream and potato chips without feeling guilty because they're "organic." But the organic label means absolutely nothing here in terms of actually helping you obtain optimal nutrition.
Organic Businesses Increasingly Owned by Major Food Conglomerates
Then there's the issue highlighted by Farm Wars above, which is the fact that of all the certified organic labels, most of them can still contain varying amounts of non-organic ingredients that will effectively negate any benefit of the organically-grown ingredients.
If you do not understand this, you're likely to be duped...
"If the FDA is here to help us instead of make money for its corporate owners, don't you think this agency would demand that labeling be perfectly clear?" Farm Wars writes.
"ORGANIC IS ORGANIC. When it is mixed with non-organic ingredients, it is no longer organic, and no amount of agency double-talk will change that…
The word "organic" is fast becoming a high-dollar money-maker for corporations smart enough to jump on the bandwagon and start marketing their products as "made with organic ingredients," or "certified organic." Even Monsanto is taking advantage of this burgeoning market, and people naïve enough to believe that what we have traditionally thought of as pure, organic food, is still that way, are being duped.
It makes perfect sense, however, in a Machiavellian sort of way. Flood the food supply with poisons, then lead people to believe that the only safe choice left is USDA Certified Organic.
Then buy up the organic companies one by one, and start changing the "organic" rules from the inside out via the bought and paid for government agencies so that you can reap the profits from those trying to escape the poisons."
That last part is a related concern, as major food conglomerates have bought up many of the most successful organic companies. Farm Wars provides a helpful chart showing the Organic Industry Structure as of June 2009.
As you can see, many popular organic brands are in fact owned by conventional processed food giants like Kraft, General Mills, Kellog, Pepsi and Coca-Cola…
What You Need to Know About Organic Labels
First of all, it's important to realize that there are several different organic labels out there, but only one relates directly to foods: the USDA Organic seal. This seal is your best assurance of organic quality. Growers and manufacturers of organic products bearing the USDA seal have to meet the strictest standards of any of the currently available organic labels.
- Products labeled "100% Organic" must contain only organically produced ingredients
- Products labeled "Certified Organic" must contain at least 95 percent organic ingredients
- The label "Made with Organic Ingredients" can contain anywhere between 70 to 95 percent organic ingredients
In order to ensure you're actually getting your money's worth, you need to make sure the food you buy bears the "100% USDA Organic" label.
The problem with the latter two labels is obvious. Anywhere from five to 30 percent of the ingredients may be conventionally-grown, so you're still exposed to pesticide residues and other questionable ingredients. The "Made with Organic Ingredients" is clearly the most misused and misleading, as it allows for plenty of conventionally-produced ingredients.
"The FDA and USDA would like us to believe that using "certified organic ingredients" somehow makes the poisons they allow in the other 30 percent okay, and companies charge through the nose for these adulterated products," Farm Wars point out, and rightfully so.
A "100% Organic" product on the other hand cannot be irradiated, and cannot contain preservatives or flavor enhancing chemicals, nor traces of heavy metals or other contaminants in excess of tolerances set by the FDA.
It must also be grown and processed using organic farming methods that recycle resources and promote biodiversity—so it encompasses organic in a holistic way, from start to finish. Crops must be grown without synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes, petroleum-based fertilizers, or sewage sludge-based fertilizers, and livestock cannot be given growth hormones.
So, in terms of organic food, there's really only one label that can provide you with any real measure of quality, and that's the "100% USDA Organic" label.
Is Neotame Allowed in Organic Food?
Farm Wars also brings up the issue of Neotame, which is one of the latest artificial sweeteners on the market, claiming it can be included in products bearing the USDA "Made with Organic Ingredients" certification without being listed on the label.
The Cornucopia Institute has rebutted this idea, stating that:
"Neotame, as a synthetic additive, is not allowed in organic foods, contrary to the Internet rumor. … The Food and Drug Administration indeed considers Neotame to be a direct food additive (21 CFR 172.829), but this does not mean that it can be added to organic foods.
Organic foods cannot contain synthetic additives, unless these additives have been petitioned and approved to appear on the National List of Approved and Prohibited Substances (7 CFR 205.605).
Emily Brown Rosen, Standards Specialist at the USDA's National Organic Program, writes about Neotame: "For organic food, all additives must appear on the National List." Neotame has never been petitioned or approved for inclusion on the National List, and therefore cannot legally be added to organic foods.
We see no evidence, and see no reason to suspect, that any organic certifying agents would allow organic food manufacturers to violate the federal standards by adding this synthetic sweetener.
Moreover, as a direct food additive, Neotame must be listed on the ingredients label, contrary to suggestions that this could be added to food in a stealth-like manner (21 CFR 101.100). We have not seen any evidence to suggest that Neotame is being added covertly to organic foods. Not only would organic manufacturers be breaking the law by adding this synthetic sweetener to organic foods, they would also be breaking the law by not including Neotame on the ingredient label."
For the complete National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances under the USDA organic label, see this link.
Based on what I've seen, Neotame does not appear to be an allowed ingredient in USDA Certified Organic, or 100% Organic food, however, it may still be prudent to double-check the label of ingredients on products that state "Made with Organic Ingredients," just in case...
How to Find Healthy Food—100 Percent Organic or Not
As deplorable as this situation is, it's not surprising. Food companies, as any other primarily profit-driven company, simply cannot let such a swelling market niche go untapped.
However, if you realize that much of the organic labeling is hype, it becomes easier to navigate around the deception. In fact, many small family farms are actually fully organic even though they may not have gone through the expense of obtaining organic certification. So labels aren't everything when it comes to healthful food.
To find the freshest, healthiest foods out there, here are a few guidelines to live by:
- Frequent farmer's markets where you can find fresh locally-grown foods that are in season
- Join a community-supported agriculture program if one is available near you (it allows you to buy produce, meats and other foods directly from the farm)
- Take part in food coops in your area
- Plant a garden; even a small space can produce a lot of fresh food and herbs
- If you must shop in a supermarket, look for locally grown items, which are likely to be fresher than other foods
- Read the packaged food labels and don't just take the organic label at face value. Remember that the only label guaranteeing the food to be truly organic; grown and manufactured according to organic standards, is the "100% USDA Organic" label
In Another Country
A German, looking for directions in Paris, pulls up to a bus stop where two Americans are waiting.
"Entschuldigung, sprechen Sie Deutsch?" he asks. The two Americans just stare at him.
"Parlez-vous franais?" he says.
The two continue to stare, so the German tries again "Parlate italiano?"
No response. "Hablan ustedes espaol?" Still nothing. Frustrated, the German guy drives off.
The first American says, "You know, we should learn a foreign language."
"Why?" asks the other. "He knew four languages, and it didn't do him any good."
Whiskey and Gunpowder
By Bill BonnerFebruary 18, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
The City: Magnet for Disaster
When it comes to bad stuff the sky’s the limit. It’s gonna happen, eventually…one way or another. And it could be real bad.
And when bad stuff happens, you’re better off being somewhere else.
Generally, bad stuff seems to happen most often in cities. Why is that? Cities are where most people live. It is where governments are. And it is where the labor force is most specialized.
There are no subsistence farmers living in cities. Nor do urban populations “live off the land.” Instead, they depend on complex networks of commerce. The typical city dweller produces neither food nor energy. He sits all day in an office — completely dependent on others to provide power and food. Then, he goes home — still completely dependent on the division of labor for his most important needs.
Progress can be described as the elaboration of the division of labor. In man’s most primitive state, specialization is extremely limited. From what we’ve been told, the early man was the hunter. Early woman gathered…that’s about the extent of it.
As the tribe grows larger, specialization increases. One person might tend the fire. Another might be in charge of making clothes or arrows.
The advent of sedentary agriculture and towns caused a big leap forward in human progress and, not coincidentally, the division of labor. Some townspeople went out to tend the fields. Others began to focus on woodworking…or iron mongering…or making weapons…or clothes. Some played cards and hung around at bars. There was soon a homebuilding industry…and, not long after, merchants, prostitutes and bankers…and even shyster lawyers and tax collectors.
As the division of labor expanded, the average person became richer…and more dependent on others. In order to eat, someone else had to plant…and till…and harvest…and hunt…and gather. And then, when agriculture became mechanized, he depended on faraway people who produced oil and gasoline…and people who built tractors and combines…and bankers who financed industries and factories. And, of course, he was more dependent on money too. In the days when he bartered, money was no threat. Then, when he traded only with gold and silver coins, there were no monetary breakdowns…no hyperinflations…and no financial crises.
As the 20th century progressed, more and more people gave up agriculture, moved to cities and took part in other industries. Today, cities may have millions of residents — like Bombay with 14 million…or Sao Paulo with 20 million…or Mexico City with even more. All of these people are dependent on vast, stretched lines of communication and commerce.
Even the farmers themselves are now dependent on these sophisticated networks of commerce. They depend on money…and what it will buy. Agriculture has become monocultural. That is, a farmer is likely to produce only wheat. Or only rapeseed. Or only barley. Or only cattle. Gone are the chickens around the farmhouse and the pig in the back pen. If the system of transport and trade breaks down — or the money itself goes bad — thousands of farmers could go hungry too.
There are black swans all over the place, waiting to be discovered. And when a black swan appears, people in the cities seem to suffer most.
In the hyperinflation in Germany in 1923, for example, farmers had so much food they ran out of storage space. But they wouldn’t sell it to city slickers. The mark was losing value so fast, farmers preferred to hold their crops off the market, knowing that the price was soaring…and that if they sold, the money they got would soon be worthless.
People in the cities, meanwhile, were starving. Soon, gangs roved the countryside, raiding rural barns and houses…and occasionally killing farmers who tried to resist.
Plagues hit city dwellers hard too. Proximity seems to be a curse when an infectious disease appears.
And, of course, in time of war and revolution, cities tend to be the battlegrounds.
Advancing armies are rarely polite. But even if they are advancing through the countryside, they are usually advancing towards cities, which they attack. In the old days, cities were besieged, starved out, and then, when they were taken, the attacking soldiers were given three days in which to sack the cities. In other words, they had three days to commit whatever mischief and mayhem their imaginations suggested.
When bad stuff happens, progress goes into reverse — so does the division of labor. When an economy goes backward, much of the specialization that developed during the boom years turns out to be uneconomic, or unaffordable, or unwanted. People may be willing to pay someone to park their car when they are flush. But when they are broke, they will park their own cars.
As the division of labor goes backward, people also find they need to tend to their own food and energy needs. Here is where it gets very tough for people who live in cities. They have no stores of mason jars with food from their own gardens that they have canned themselves. They have no hams hanging in the barn or stocked away in the larder. They have no animals on the hoof that they can slaughter. They get no eggs from the chickens they don’t have…and they can hardly go into the local park and shoot squirrels to make a pie.
Instead, they are out of luck.
Generally, when the black swans come out you are better off in the country — with country-boy skills and old-time farms supplies.
We once met a fellow who had a keen appreciation for apocalypse. He was sure it was coming. So, he moved to Arkansas where, he said, “I’m protected by 300 miles of armed hillbillies.”
That’s something else to think about. Not only do you have to worry about food and energy, you also have to worry about your neighbors. If you have a nice little vegetable garden next to a large apartment complex, for example, you might have a hard time protecting your crops. And don’t count on fattening a calf in Central Park during a famine.
You need to be somewhere else. Where?
By David Icke
I have highlighted in several previous newsletters the line of target countries from North Africa across to the border with China and up into the Caspian Sea region with its massive supplies of oil and gas.
We have seen protests in Egypt and to the left just off this map in Tunisia, Algeria and Libya, and if you go to the right of Egypt you can see the other countries the Rothschild cabal want to destabilise with a view to replacing their current leadership with their 'new generation' of Illuminati stooges.
From Egypt we go to Israel, the Rothschild fiefdom in which the population are just cannon fodder for the plans of the Rothschild-owned leadership, and on we go to the target countries of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the already-occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, and between them is the massive land mass and 'big prize' of Iran (anyone still wonder now why Iran is being constantly targeted?). Finally, we reach Pakistan which is being systematically destabilised and bombed by US aircraft on the pretext of 'fighting terrorism'.
That takes us to the borders of China and India and I have long said that a Third World War is planned at some point involving China, Russia, Europe and North America with the trigger coming out of the Middle East through conflict involving Israel and Arab states.
This is what Kissinger really meant when he talked about Egypt being 'only the first scene of the first act of a drama that is to be played out ...'
None of the Arab 'royal' dictatorships are safe from the manipulation of genuine anger by oppressed and poverty-stricken peoples to change regimes that suit the game-plan. The 'royal-oil' dynasties and others, including those in the Arabian Peninsula, must be cancelling the laxative order as I speak.
Watch also, the way the two factions of Islam, Sunni and Shiite, are played off against each other to divide and rule and stoke the chaos.
David Icke - The Parasite Society
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Parasite: An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host; One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return.
Bankers parasite off the people. And people who refuse to earn their own living when they easily could are parasiting off the talents and efforts of others - parasiting off even those who have given their lives to exposing the parasite conspiracy (as I know from personal experience with 'loving' people who know no other lifestyle except being a parasite - see right hand column from 'Tin Soldier' downwards).
Indeed, we live in a parasite society right down to the parasites that feed off the human body.
This is what we can do about it.
Peace, love and happiness...until next time...

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