Tidbits From The Web Tidbits From The Web...: Tidbits From The Web #86

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tidbits From The Web #86

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

“Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion (Christianity) and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure than they have it now, they may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty. They will only exchange Tyrants and Tyrannies.” ~~ John Adams

A biologist thanks his mom...
The mountain...
Speaking of mountains...cliff jumping...
Global warming is a bunch of hot air...
The power of words...
If you have nothing to hide...
Kinect gone wrong...
Beware the New Madrid fault line!
Future map of the USA...
Fire ant raft...
Public fornication...
Where stars are born...
Dogs like to swing... 
Consciousness over matter...our reality matrix...
Introducing the PaperPhone...
Houston...we have a corporatocracy...
Mario meets banjo...
Gamer deaths...
Creepy ghost towns...
Biological effects of radiation...
Radiation is good for you!
Six million dollar man coming soon...
Silly rabbit carrots are for dogs...
Mary Jane goes high tech...
Porny parsnip...
Parallel universes?
Lucifer's architects of anarchy...
A new human species? 
Makes me wanna use my Fushigi...
Polish movie posters for American flicks...
Watch this motorcycle...
Six million myth?
So a dog, a cat, and a mouse walk into the city...
Disinformation 101...
Breaking the shackles of enslavement...
Retirement Holocaust!
Pi, Pythagoras, and the Philosopher's Stone...
For behold the Kingdom of God is within you...
Bigger than the Dead Sea scrolls?
Freakin' frackin' is no good...
It came from outer space part II...
Speed mountain climbing with no ropes...
Understanding HAARP...
19 reasons to despise the Federal Reserve...
The gathering storm...
Future map of the USA part II...
Still drinking that Kool-Aid?

Know thyself...

Election 2012 ~~ Deception and War?

2012: An Awakening...

On being wrong...    (props to Luis)

We have an infinite number of choices ahead, but a finite number of endings. They are destruction and death or love and healing. If we choose the path of love, we save ourselves and our universe.

Bernie S. Siegel

Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale by which its portion may be weighed or measured. It does not seek to balance giving and receiving. Love loves; this is its nature.

Howard Thurman 


"The GetHuman movement has been created from the voices of millions of consumers who want to be treated with dignity when they contact a company for customer support."  Everyone at some point is frustrated with the automated telephone systems in place in the corporate world.  Today's feature, while it may not be able to remove all of your frustration, at least is taking steps to help.  You'll find 'Tips' on finding toll-free numbers and basic suggestions for avoiding the long waits that often times occur with the automated switchboard menus.  The real meat on this site is found in the 'Database' section.  Here you'll find actual instructions, company specific, for finding a 'real person.'  This movement is actually a grass roots effort that is putting people back in the 'system.' 

Exploring Space: The Quest for Life
"How did life begin? Are we the only intelligent life in the universe? The key to unraveling the mysteries about the origins of life may just exist in space." PBS posts this companion site to its Exploring Space: The Quest for Life program to help the public examine some of these issues at a more in depth level than is possible from merely watching the program. The sections cover 'The Mars Project,' 'The Search for Aliens' and 'Meteorites & Life,' each with interactive features and quizzes (you'll certainly want to attempt a flight to Mars all within the comfort and safety of Mother Earth!). The computer animation used for the deep space imagery is interesting in itself. Don't miss the collection of Essays on theories and opinions that is sure to 'stretch your mind with . . . thoughts about values, vision and faith.' Here's your opportunity to 'learn about the amazing quest for life that begins on Earth and extends into the heavens above.' 

The Daily Reckoning Presents
The War on Money

Berwick - Head Shot
Jeff Berwick
If you keep your money or savings in US dollars inside of the United States, you are a risk taker of epic proportions. Have you not been paying attention to what is going on?

To begin with, the US Government now employs cash-sniffing dogs at most international airports. If you are carrying more than $10,000 in cash and don't declare it to the Government when coming in or out of the US, your cash will be seized. Thanks to these cash-sniffing canines, US customs officials seized $3.2 million at Boston's Logan Airport last year.

Some government apologists might say, "If you aren't doing anything wrong, why would you mind being x-rayed, sniffed, patted down, detained and questioned?"

Besides the obvious absurdity of that question, the main reason this is of concern is because in every case in history when a government has inflated its currency into worthlessness they always institute capital controls. Just ask anyone from Argentina or Italy. And it won't take much to change the rules from having to "declare" $10,000 to "not being allowed" to take $10,000 out of the country.

Not to mention that if you do declare you are taking $10,000 out of the country, who knows what kind of database you will end up on. You are obviously highly suspicious if you have more than a few hundred bucks! Only Wall Street bankers and others associated with the government are supposed to have more than a couple dollars! The most ludicrous example of the War on Money came across the newswire today, "Feds Seek $7 million in Privately Made Liberty Dollars."

The news story is only about 10 paragraphs long yet it has dozens of logical absurdities. Even in the Headline is one.

According to the headline, part of the reason they want to seize these dollars is because they are "privately made"? Yes, we wouldn't want to compete with the private Federal Reserve banking cartel!

And I know the Constitution is passé in the US, nowadays, but how in the world can this man be in trouble for making silver coins? The constitution states:

No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.

He is in trouble because he is making currency out of gold or silver yet, the Federal Reserve, another private organization, is not doing anything wrong by making paper currency NOT backed by gold and silver coin?

Apparently, the thing they "got him on" was the following:

Federal prosecutors successfully argued that von NotHaus was, in fact, trying to pass off the silver coins as US currency. Coming in denominations of 5, 10, 20, and 50, the Liberty Dollars also featured a dollar sign, the word "dollar" and the motto "Trust in God," similar to the "In God We Trust" that appears on US coins.

Ignoring the fact that the dollar sign was originally used for Spanish and Mexican pesos and was stolen by the US to use for its dollars and the fact that the word dollar actually comes from the word thaler which was a silver coin minted in Bohemia, according to the Feds, he was trying to pass off coins, made of silver, worth more than $35/ounce, as quarters, which are now made from 92% copper and 8% nickel, and worth $0.06 in metal value.

Boy, that's quite the racket! Passing off highly valuable silver to people who were expecting to receive near-worthless copper and nickel tokens! It's a good thing they stopped him before it was too late!

Anne Tompkins, the US Attorney who was put on this important case, stated:

"Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism."

Anne, if attempting to undermine the currency of the US is a form of terrorism, why has Ben Bernanke not been tracked down and sent off to the Guantanamo concentration camp?

This "news" story finished by quoting an unbiased source: a group named the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that tracks political extremism which has apparently been tracking Bernard von NotHaus, the proprietor of the silver coin making terror enterprise. According to the story, long before the government began its investigation into von NotHaus, the group was raising concerns about the popularity of Liberty Dollars among fringe groups on the far right.

"He's playing on a core idea of the radical right, that evil bankers in the Federal Reserve are ripping you off by controlling the money supply," said Mark Potok, spokesman for the group. "He very much exists in the world of the anti-government patriot movement, whatever he may say. That's who his customers are."

The US has started another war. The war on money. Anyone with any amount of cash more that will buy them a couple NFL tickets and beers for the game is suspect. And if you are one of those deluded people who thinks the Federal Reserve is evil and is ripping you off and you buy gold or silver to protect yourself, you are a domestic terrorist.

It's going to be a fun few years ahead in the US.

The Middle East Has Oil, But They Don't Have This...
Here's How the Coming Food Crisis Will Affect You
Byron King
Byron King
To elaborate on yesterday's article, it's hard to predict exactly when or where the next social explosion will occur.

We can only speculate as to which "street" will erupt and which government will fall in what nation.

We'll have to wait and see how things turn out — perhaps, for better or worse, with "help" from outside factions. But with food prices still climbing, job creation and wages stagnant in many regions and other economic pressures mounting, I expect that more upheavals will occur for a long time to come. We're in the early innings on this one.

The Middle East is, to be sure, blessed with a rich geological inheritance of hydrocarbons, as well as more mineral resources than you might think. But at the same time, the Middle East lands are burdened with a demographic and sociological tragedy that arcs across an entire civilization. There are vast populations of urbanized, undereducated, underemployed people — human potential that's utterly dormant, and, in many respects, hopeless.
One very practical problem is to figure out how all these mouths will get fed. Begin with the obvious fact that the Middle East is a place of water scarcity. It's tough to grow much food in that climate. Thus Arab countries in particular are vulnerable to fluctuations in international commodity markets because they are heavily dependent on imported food.

According to a report issued in 2009 by the World Bank, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, "Arab countries are the largest importers of cereal in the world. Most import at least 50% of the food calories they consume."

Yet the food-importing nations across the Middle East are faced with rising prices on world markets. This is due to competition for the same food products (wheat, corn, soybeans, animal protein, etc.) from other areas of the world, particularly Asia, where incomes are rising and demand for more and better calories is exploding.

The Middle East lands are getting outcompeted and outbid by wealthier people from elsewhere in the world. How long can that last? And how soon will things get even worse?

Adding to the Middle Eastern food supply problem, world markets have experienced severe disruptions in the past several years from distant storms, floods and droughts — from Russia to Argentina to Australia. These natural phenomena have played havoc with the fabric of global market mechanisms that underlies the international food trade. Prices for basic food staples are already at socially dangerous levels, approaching or exceeding their 2008 peaks.

Where are things headed? As you can see from just a glance at the daily newspaper, the outcome in many places is chaos and political unrest.

Buying Their Way out of It?

Some wealthy oil states in the Middle East, led by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, have directly addressed the issue. That is, the governments in these states acknowledge that their nations produce too little food while their respective populations have been exploding.

Thus, a number of Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds have been buying arable land across Africa (and to a smaller extent Asia) to produce food dedicated to their own national markets. According to the World Bank, over 115 million acres of land worldwide have been sold or leased to foreign investors for food production dedicated for export.

The majority of agricultural land sales have been in Africa, with the unfortunate — even deadly — result of forcing out traditional subsistence farmers and small landholders. Predictably, this foreign effort to gain food security is perceived by affected local people as modern colonial land grab.

Transferring agricultural land from subsistence farming to export crops has led to even more food shortages. In other words, by attempting to ensure their own food security by acquiring dedicated foreign farm holdings, some nations are creating new food shortage issues in other parts of the world.

There's mounting anger in African countries, especially where governments permitted vast tracts of farmland — among the continent's last great resources — to pass away to foreign control, often for hefty profits to insiders. In August 2010, there was even a coup in the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, off East Africa, after the sale of prime farmland to foreigners restricted domestic food production, leading to food riots.

The bottom line is that there are serious structural problems with the world's overall food supply. Right now, it's accurate to say that no Arab country is protected from future food price shocks, and likely more rioting in the streets. Looking ahead, this same issue may affect many other countries across the world.

It gets us back to that point from yesterday's article. The world is still probably going to hell in a handbasket. Start with energy issues, and now move to food issues. Nothing is really getting better.

What to do? First, you have to understand the problem. Then you can help yourself by investing your way around it. Still, no matter how well you do, you need to accept that getting from here to there will likely involve living in a tough world, and suffering from "not enough" of many things, and not just oil. We have many years of living dangerously before us.



The greatest transfer of wealth from people to parasites in known human history

by David Icke

Throughout the 1980s and 90s and through to the crash in September 2008, the chairmen of the privately-owned (Cabal-owned) Federal Reserve, the ‘US’ central bank, were Alan Greenspan (Rothschild Zionist) and Bernard Bernanke (Rothschild Zionist), who remains to this day. Greenspan set about his task through the administrations of Bush-Reagan, Father Bush, Bill Clinton and Boy Bush to delete the checks and balances, otherwise known as ‘regulation’, which firewalled the system to some extent from the worst consequences of unrestrained greed and corruption running riot.

He was supported in this by all those presidents and ‘their’ choices for Treasury Secretary, not least Larry Summers (Rothschild Zionist) and Robert Rubin (Rothschild Zionist) who held the post during Bill Clinton’s reign and deregulated at every opportunity in league with Greenspan. The script was unfolding with its inevitable and disastrous outcome.

It was the same story with a Rubin protégé called Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist) who joined the deregulation frenzy when he became president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most influential in the Fed’s private network. Obama later chose the same Geithner and Summers to 'solve the banking crisis' they had done so much to cause.

At the same time, with the ring fences gone pretty much in the financial industry, the salivating smart suits were unleashed with a bonus for every mortgage and other deal they got someone to sign up to. The ‘client’ did not need to have the money necessary - they just needed to sign for the bonus tills to ching. ‘You wanna house, but got no money? No problem, sign here.’ Ching, ching.

The banks then sold off many of these debts, which they knew were bound to default, but gave them a triple-A rating, in other words they said it was a couldn’t-fail investment. This is a blatant fraud, but these heartless, soulless purveyors of greed and mendacity have not seen the inside of a courtroom, let alone a jail cell. Instead, they have walked away with billions personally and trillions collectively - and we pick up the tab.

Greenspan - the chief architect

Today's Quotes
"To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives." -- Denis Waitley
"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success." -- Norman Vincent Peale
"Everything you do in life is to either increase or to protect your self-esteem.  You tend to be happiest with someone who makes you feel valuable and important." -- Brian Tracy

Peace, love, and happiness...until next time...

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