Tidbits From The Web Tidbits From The Web...: Tidbits From The Web #46

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tidbits From The Web #46


One must always tell what one sees. Above all, which is more difficult, one must always see what one sees.

Charles Pierre Peguy

If you shut your door to all errors, truth will be shut out.

Rabindranath Tagore

I previously presented you the trailer...
NOW...please take the time to watch the blatant deception...
Seriously my fellow Americans...watch with an open mind...


Theology Website

Theology Website is designed for ministerial theology students but is also an invaluable resource for the lay person on all questions regarding theology, especially in this Easter season. The designers "promise to strive toward continually providing an open and inviting forum for anyone wishing to discuss, inquire into, learn about, or discover Theology or more broadly, Christianity." For you academicians, the "Quodlibet Online Journal" posts scholarly articles on Christian theology and philosophy. If your bent is more toward church history and the Bible, you'll find comprehensive guides that should answer all your questions in these arenas. Of particular interest is the article 'Aquinas surfs the Net.' The introduction that sends 'Greeting to '21st-century slackers' shows that theologians do indeed have a sense of humor – thank heavens!

CIA, The World Factbook

The Central Intelligence Agency has put together A World Factbook where you can find current statistics on any country in the world. You'll have access to maps of the world and the different time zones. The individual countries are listed by alphabetically by name, with sections on Geography, People, Government, Geography, Economics, in general just about every statistic that you might need including the current Diplomatic Representation from the United States with the applicable address and telephone numbers should you need to be in direct contact. The individual flags are also featured. Never again should you be stumped when those country questions arise. Here's your resource for all the basic country data, updated regularly throughout the year in order that you can keep your own 'Intelligence Cycle' current!

Eternal Egypt

The Egyptian Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage in conjunction with IBM has developed Eternal Egypt, a fascinating living record of Egyptian history. The site, available in English, French and Egyptian, allows visitors to 'see Egypt as it once was,' to explore '5,000 years of art, architecture, music and writing.' Take the 'Guided Tour' through the various sites, stop at the 'Library,' check the Timeline but give yourself ample time for research, then visit the Sites and Museums. Don't miss the Multimedia section where you'll find virtual environments that display 'famous Egyptian sites as they were thousands of years ago, and as they are today.' Additionally, the webcams 'provide up-to-date interactive views from some of the most breath-taking locations in Egypt' and the zoomable pictures give visitors the capability for detailed examination of the artifacts. Here's your opportunity to travel to Egypt without ever leaving home!


Each of us is an impregnable fortress that can be laid waste only from within.

Timothy J. Flynn

You have to trust your inner knowing. If you have a clear mind and an open heart, you won't have to search for direction. Direction will come to you.

Phil Jackson with Hugh Delehanty
Sacred Hoops

"The 'Net is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it."

- William Gibson


"As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey." -– Thomas A. Edison

"Worry is negative goal setting." -- Brian Tracy

"Do not give any time to your past, you can't change what happened 5 minutes ago." -- Jan Ruhe

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." -- Martin Luther

When Is It Going To Be Enough, America?

Lorie Kramer
March 15, 2009

Believe it or not, this started being about HR875 & S425, but in the writing of it, it's just so much more.
This is about the amazing things happening in this nation,
and the inconceivable tolerance the American public has of it all.

Dear, dear, America,

When is it going to be enough? Haven't you been disrespected, marginalized, misdirected, demeaned, disregarded, ignored, insulted, bullshitted, deliberately misinformed, uninformed, manipulated, controlled, cheated, lied to, poisoned, killed…and generally just plane old screwed for long enough? I'm really starting to wonder about you. Why isn't all that enough for you America? Yoo Hoo! Are you in there?

How does it make sense that you can be thrown into jail for an unpaid traffic ticket, perhaps for days if it's on a weekend yet; Bernard Madoff who ruined the lives of thousands gets to hang out in luxury, being available to do whatever one does when they are trying to cover their assets before going to jail? Isn't that enough for you, America?

You are a number. You are photographed hundreds of times everyday. They intend to track you everywhere, they pretty much already do. They already have your grocery cards, and your cars, and your phones, and your computers. They want to "chip" you, and your animals. You have no privacy. Why isn't that enough for you, America?

You work, most of you, when you can. Those that don't work and live off the system just don't "get it". Then you pay for their dead weight and their children's. Hell, you allow yourselves to work a third of the year just to pay taxes! Do you think that's what our founding fathers had in mind? Is that not enough for you YET, America?

You have worked hard for years, tried to save, invested for the future; only to see your future become a far less comfortable one, if it will be there for you at all. All this because of the legalized gambling known as "the stock market". All this so that bankers and corporations and politicians can profit, from your losses. And you allow them to throw more and more of your money down the toilet. Your dollar is dying. The domino effect of the situation resulted in a global financial meltdown. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

As the late great Bill Hicks said, "Entertainment is a weapon." Your "news" is controlled and manufactured. Your comedians are the journalists. You and your children are stupefied and zombified by television. Movies, cars, sports and fashion, and Hallmark holidays; they take your attention and your resources. You are in debt up to your ears. Isn't that enough for you, America?

Your jobs have already gone overseas or are disappearing daily. Welfare, which used to be an embarrassing thing to partake of, is a way of life for millions. Is that enough for you, America?

Your Constitution might as well not even exist. You allow the marginalizing and silencing of those who would honor it. You call them "possible terrorists". You watch as they try to deny you your rights. You allow them to ignore our borders and the consequences.

You don't care enough anymore whether or not the person who "leads" your nation can provide the necessary qualifications to even be considered to run for the office, let alone occupy it. That's why "they" can slip such schmucks in on you, you make it so easy. Don't YOU and your children have to throw down your birth certificates for all kinds of things? I thought so. It's the law. Try and not do it and see what happens. Your current liar in chief didn't have to do it. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

Then, you are told that you have "no standing" in YOUR own courts to question whether or not these Constitutional requirements have been fulfilled. One or two of you make it part of the way only to be told you WILL NOT BE HEARD, and that's OK with you! Why isn't THAT enough for you America? Any of you, and I mean ANY of you has standing to ask this question because it is YOUR Constitution that is OUR LAW.

Should you decide to voice your opinion in disagreement with those in power, you are "allowed" to do so but are penned in cages, or trodden by horses, or beaten or sprayed or tazed. Why isn't THAT enough for you America?

Your rights have been marginalized; you allow voter fraud to go unchecked. You scream for change but at the next election, you re-elect all but 8 of the 257 about which you complain. Your cities and towns are in disrepair, your infrastructure is crumbling. You devalue your teachers, and reward thieves. You let your schools flounder; therefore many of your children are ignorant (not stupid, there's a difference). Too many of you are fat, way too many of you are on way too many drugs, legal or not. Your sweeteners cause cancer. You are diseased with mystery illnesses, cancer and HIV/AIDS; and your vaccines are dangerous. Why isn't all of THAT enough for you, America?

Your families are in shambles. Your children are parents. Divorce is expected. Lying is expected and accepted. Sex is perverted. Morals are old-fashioned. Love is hardly a thing of real value. All this supported by your "media" and "entertainment" industry. Is that still not enough for you, America?

Your fellow Americans have raised valid questions about what actually happened on 9-11. Instead of investigating and insisting on the truth, you demonize them and act as if there could be no possibility of any foul play. There is plenty of evidence that the "official" story is not complete or accurate. You saw with your own eyes how that went down. They continue to lie to you and use the tragedy to further restrict your liberties. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

You are no longer considered one of the good guys in the geopolitical scheme of things. You are hated and reviled for your foreign policy. War profiteering is more important than human life; more important than you and your children's lives; and those of "the enemy". Your military and government tortures. Your sons and daughters have died for greed and nation building; and now they want Iran. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

Your drinking water is laced with mind numbing poison. Your cell phones are rotting your brains. You live in an electromagnetic cess pool. Is that enough for you, America?

Your atmosphere, the air you need to breathe, and the waters that you and all other living things on the planet need to live, have been poisoned, often beyond repair; to facilitate military/industrial desires. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

And now, they are after your food, AGAIN. That's what this started to be about, HR875 & S425. The HR875 bill is in committee in the House with 40, count them, 40 sponsors that will let the government control what you can and cannot do on your own land, with your own crops or livestock, or organic garden. Ixquick it. This bill was introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband, Stanley Greenberg, works for Monsanto. This bears repeating. This bill was introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband, Stanley Greenberg, works for Monsanto. Do you honestly think this is going to be GOOD for you? Don't we already have the FDA and the USDA and the FSIS? Why do we need this new agency of control?

Growing one's own food, local farms, co-ops and ranches are things that do indeed need to be protected. If this global crisis continues, and all indications are that it will; what are you going to do for food if your local growers go away because of government regulation and/or fines and penalties? Remember victory gardens, they used to be a good idea, now they are a threat? It looks to me like what we need to protect our food from is our government. If they finally go after your food, and you'd better know they are, what are you going to do about it? I'll write more on that and watch it. But, they'll still try and do it. When they do, which is NOW, will THAT be enough for you, America?

It's all more than enough for me. Where the hell are you, America?

When is enough going to be enough?

"As stern as it sometimes appears to be, the truth is love and is never anything but love."
Vernon Howard

Peace, love and happiness...until next time...

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