Tidbits From The Web Tidbits From The Web...: March 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tidbits From The Web #47

Savage thinking... (listen carefully to the audio)
Dirty water is a killer...
Today's astronomy pic...Thor's Helmet!
Photo manipulation...
32 songs in 8 minutes...
Calvin grows up...
The incredible nonedible egg!

Something to scare you...
Totally radical man...
Mapping the NYC sitcoms...
For those who may have lost someone...
Old age
starts after 27...wait what?!
Anybody claiming this old man?
Still think polar bears are cute?
Prepare for civil unrest...
Retail stores are closing...past places we miss most...
Can you go with the flow?
America facing adversity to say the least...
Periodic table of cartoons...
Inside the body...microscopically...
Top 40 video game covers...
Some women are naive...
And so too is the general public...stop H.R. 875!
Good job there Mr. RV salesman...
What a baby would say to our government...

Virtual Hospital, the apprentice’s assistant

Finally, a site for both health care providers and patients. Tour the Virtual Hospital for any medical questions that you might have. You’ll find patient educational briefs browseable by organ system or by a topical list, a collection of peer-reviewed and annotated Web resources, an internal search engine, as well as links to the Atlas Anatomy. For you health professionals needing continuing education credits, here’s your resource. As Sir William Osler stated, "Variability is the law of life, and as no two faces are the same, so no two bodies are alike..." However, the sameness allows for the medical profession to treat patients. Keep this address in your files. You never know when you might need a Virtual Hospital.

Machine vision focuses on eye disease
Researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, have borrowed a machine-vision technique used to find defects in ICs to seek out retinal diseases in patients. This technology could be widely applied to other diseases of the eye and other organs.

Full Article

Stalking the Mysterious Microbe

This educational resource was developed in conjunction with National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation: Science Friday Program. On the site you'll be able to 'Meet the Microbes' such as Virus, Alga, Bacterium and Protozoan. You'll find what it takes to become a microbiologist, if you're so inclined. The 'Did You Know?' section has several interesting pages, including microbes 'Every Day Roles' and 'Gross: You Didn't Wash Your Hands?' Here you can check out the real reason your mother taught you to 'wash your hands' (there's even a quiz for this section just to make sure you understand the facts). Who would ever think Bacteria are this fascinating!


Don't make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.

Thomas J. Watson, Sr.

Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.

Virginia Woolf

by Gary Eby

Some people just have a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. They are being, "Hung By the Tongue!"

A state trooper pulled a man over for speeding on a deserted road. Since the road was clear and the weather fine, the trooper had indicated that he may not give the man a ticket, and let them off with a warning. He even complemented both the man and his wife for wearing their seat belts. At that point the woman leaned over and said, "Well, officer, when you drive the speeds we do, you have to wear them." That's when the trooper wrote the ticket. Hung By the Tongue!

Gene and Carolyn were entertaining for the first time since the birth of their baby. Everything ran smoothly until one of Gene's buddies arrived with his new girlfriend-a woman whom Carolyn did not particularly care for. She beckoned her husband upstairs with the excuse that they had to check on the baby. In the privacy of the nursery, she spoke freely of her disdain for the new guest. When they went downstairs to rejoin the party, they were greeted with an awkward silence-except for the occasional murmuring of the sleeping baby that came from the infant monitor sitting on the table. Hung By the Tongue!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says... "A tongue three inches long can kill a man six feet tall."

If you are continually being "hung by your tongue", you can be "loosed from the noose" if you would just learn to engage your mind a little bit before you speak! Here's the process... think... then speak! I believe that we need to make our words sweet... just in case we have to eat them!

The words of your mouth are a creative force. They play a big part in predestining your future. Your words are the architects of your life. The tongue is like a tool. We need to use our tools of the present to build our future we desire.

You see, your future will someday be your present. Your present will someday be your past. You can chart the course of your future by your compass... your tongue. It will guide you like a rudder... into either troubled waters or a calm sea. But, don't be misled... it WILL guide you.

If you can change what you think about, you can change what comes out of your mouth. What comes out of your mouth will someday be in your future.

The words you speak create an atmosphere. If you are going to have a meeting and you really pump it up and build it, what happens? People come with expectancy! They come excited. Your words have set the stage for success! One of the foundational revelations of a wise leader is to learn to control his or her words!

Remember, Samson slew 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. Way too many businesses, lives, and relationships are destroyed with the same weapon...

Be loosed from the Noose! Refuse to be... Hung By the Tongue!


"When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?" -- Sydney J. Harris

"Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you." -- Jim Rohn

"Before beginning a hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it." -- Winnie the Pooh

"Ask for what you want. Ask for help, ask for input, ask for advice and ideas -- but never be afraid to ask." -- Brian Tracy

"I don't necessarily agree with everything I say."
- Marshall McLuhan

Today's Quote

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living, the other helps you make a life.

-Sandra Carey

Whiskey & Gunpowder
By Dan Denning

March 18, 2009
Melbourne, Australia

Huge Inflation

What an absurd old world we live in. The Bank of England is worried about deflation, but only so it can justify the massive inflation it’s cooking up. Barack Obama is outraged about US$165 million in bonuses at AIG and will use all legal means to stop them. Like he doesn’t have anything better to do. Here in Australia, local shares will probably follow New York’s lead and head down. Stocks on Wall Street finished up four days in a row, but couldn’t make it five. There was no Earth-shattering earnings news. That left plenty of room for grandstanding and other chicanery.

Before we get to the chicanery, what’s shaking in the local market? The banks were up. Australia’s banks never had the chance to gorge themselves on the stuff that’s choking their counterparts in Europe and North America. They were stuck, instead, with large portfolios of residential mortgages. Plus, you can’t short sell them anyway. So how low could they go?

Markets are still in a kind of suspended animation, waiting to see if there is any coherent, intelligent, effective response by the financial players or their regulators to...you know...solve the problems. It could be a long wait.

All hole and no donut. That about sums up the response of the economists and officials trying to un-freeze credit markets and get the economy going. Why on Earth is the President of the United States taking time to sort out how much people at AIG get paid? Probably because he wants to distract attention away from how much money he plans to spend, and spend ineffectively.

Look, there’s Elvis! Hey king!

That’s what distractions are, attempts to change the subject or divert focus.

Distract from what? Huge inflation. Yes. Yes. We know. There is no huge inflation now. In fact, industrial production in the United States fell for the fourth month in a row. It hasn’t been this low since 2002. But then, why would output grow when demand is falling and credit remains tight?

Money supply is not falling. Yet the good people who write the Bank of England’s Quarterly Bulletin are still warning of a “debt deflation trap.” You’ll find all the good stuff beginning on page 39. The Bank warns that the cost of debts is rising relative to everything else, making it harder for heavily indebted Britons to pay off debts. Britons are, by the way, heavily indebted.

But are falling prices really so inherently evil? Really...whoever complained about a cheaper cheeseburger? When was the last time you bellyached about the ever-declining price of a pint of beer?

The Bank study resurrects the last period of sustained deflation and connects it with the economic misery of the times, in the 1930s. Then, too, output collapsed. The world’s productive capacity far exceeded its demand. And money supply, for a time, briefly shrank as banks (who create most of the money in the fiat system) went out of business.

But all of this talk about the evil of falling prices is just a ruse. Excess capacity exists because the preceding inflationary bubble helped build factories to produce goods sold to people who bought them with credit. The demand was illusory. Unfortunately, the factories were real...it took real labour, real energy, and real raw materials to build them. They remained idle and unproductive unstill something else came along (World War Two) to reignite demand and the need for wartime production.

Falling prices aren’t inherently evil. If prices fall low enough, low cost producers of a given good or service are driven out of business. Supply tightens. Prices rise.

No...what the BoE and the Fed are doing is evoking the nightmare of the Depression to justify the coming inflation. The fiat money system can’t function without just a little inflation. The gradual erosion of purchasing power is what makes it unnoticeable and thus tolerable to private citizens. They don’t really notice it 2-3% at a time.

The trouble for the global system now is the tower of debts looming over the public and private sector in many economies. It’s all well and good if the general price level falls. But it’s no good if, while asset values like stocks and homes fall, debts remain fixed. An increase in the preference for cash makes debts a lot harder to pay off.

Of course, as you know by now, the preferred government answer is to inflate. This is what made the Chinese nervous last week as they reviewed Obama’s budget. But the BoE and the Fed have been quite clear about their intentions. They will inflate as much as they need to in order to get nominal asset prices stable.

There are some investors who buy the Fed’s bogus line that it can withdraw liquidity and sterilize its money printing before it leads to inflation in the economy. Believing this is a serious mistake that could cost you a lot of money.

The hedge against these inflationary policies (including here in Australia) is to invest in assets priced in dollars which cannot be created by a printing press. That includes oil, precious metals, and other energy commodities. The nominal price of these assets should rise as the money supply rises.

Peace, love and happiness...until next time...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tidbits From The Web #46


One must always tell what one sees. Above all, which is more difficult, one must always see what one sees.

Charles Pierre Peguy

If you shut your door to all errors, truth will be shut out.

Rabindranath Tagore

I previously presented you the trailer...
NOW...please take the time to watch the blatant deception...
Seriously my fellow Americans...watch with an open mind...


Theology Website

Theology Website is designed for ministerial theology students but is also an invaluable resource for the lay person on all questions regarding theology, especially in this Easter season. The designers "promise to strive toward continually providing an open and inviting forum for anyone wishing to discuss, inquire into, learn about, or discover Theology or more broadly, Christianity." For you academicians, the "Quodlibet Online Journal" posts scholarly articles on Christian theology and philosophy. If your bent is more toward church history and the Bible, you'll find comprehensive guides that should answer all your questions in these arenas. Of particular interest is the article 'Aquinas surfs the Net.' The introduction that sends 'Greeting to '21st-century slackers' shows that theologians do indeed have a sense of humor – thank heavens!

CIA, The World Factbook

The Central Intelligence Agency has put together A World Factbook where you can find current statistics on any country in the world. You'll have access to maps of the world and the different time zones. The individual countries are listed by alphabetically by name, with sections on Geography, People, Government, Geography, Economics, in general just about every statistic that you might need including the current Diplomatic Representation from the United States with the applicable address and telephone numbers should you need to be in direct contact. The individual flags are also featured. Never again should you be stumped when those country questions arise. Here's your resource for all the basic country data, updated regularly throughout the year in order that you can keep your own 'Intelligence Cycle' current!

Eternal Egypt

The Egyptian Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage in conjunction with IBM has developed Eternal Egypt, a fascinating living record of Egyptian history. The site, available in English, French and Egyptian, allows visitors to 'see Egypt as it once was,' to explore '5,000 years of art, architecture, music and writing.' Take the 'Guided Tour' through the various sites, stop at the 'Library,' check the Timeline but give yourself ample time for research, then visit the Sites and Museums. Don't miss the Multimedia section where you'll find virtual environments that display 'famous Egyptian sites as they were thousands of years ago, and as they are today.' Additionally, the webcams 'provide up-to-date interactive views from some of the most breath-taking locations in Egypt' and the zoomable pictures give visitors the capability for detailed examination of the artifacts. Here's your opportunity to travel to Egypt without ever leaving home!


Each of us is an impregnable fortress that can be laid waste only from within.

Timothy J. Flynn

You have to trust your inner knowing. If you have a clear mind and an open heart, you won't have to search for direction. Direction will come to you.

Phil Jackson with Hugh Delehanty
Sacred Hoops

"The 'Net is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it."

- William Gibson


"As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey." -– Thomas A. Edison

"Worry is negative goal setting." -- Brian Tracy

"Do not give any time to your past, you can't change what happened 5 minutes ago." -- Jan Ruhe

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." -- Martin Luther

When Is It Going To Be Enough, America?

Lorie Kramer
March 15, 2009

Believe it or not, this started being about HR875 & S425, but in the writing of it, it's just so much more.
This is about the amazing things happening in this nation,
and the inconceivable tolerance the American public has of it all.

Dear, dear, America,

When is it going to be enough? Haven't you been disrespected, marginalized, misdirected, demeaned, disregarded, ignored, insulted, bullshitted, deliberately misinformed, uninformed, manipulated, controlled, cheated, lied to, poisoned, killed…and generally just plane old screwed for long enough? I'm really starting to wonder about you. Why isn't all that enough for you America? Yoo Hoo! Are you in there?

How does it make sense that you can be thrown into jail for an unpaid traffic ticket, perhaps for days if it's on a weekend yet; Bernard Madoff who ruined the lives of thousands gets to hang out in luxury, being available to do whatever one does when they are trying to cover their assets before going to jail? Isn't that enough for you, America?

You are a number. You are photographed hundreds of times everyday. They intend to track you everywhere, they pretty much already do. They already have your grocery cards, and your cars, and your phones, and your computers. They want to "chip" you, and your animals. You have no privacy. Why isn't that enough for you, America?

You work, most of you, when you can. Those that don't work and live off the system just don't "get it". Then you pay for their dead weight and their children's. Hell, you allow yourselves to work a third of the year just to pay taxes! Do you think that's what our founding fathers had in mind? Is that not enough for you YET, America?

You have worked hard for years, tried to save, invested for the future; only to see your future become a far less comfortable one, if it will be there for you at all. All this because of the legalized gambling known as "the stock market". All this so that bankers and corporations and politicians can profit, from your losses. And you allow them to throw more and more of your money down the toilet. Your dollar is dying. The domino effect of the situation resulted in a global financial meltdown. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

As the late great Bill Hicks said, "Entertainment is a weapon." Your "news" is controlled and manufactured. Your comedians are the journalists. You and your children are stupefied and zombified by television. Movies, cars, sports and fashion, and Hallmark holidays; they take your attention and your resources. You are in debt up to your ears. Isn't that enough for you, America?

Your jobs have already gone overseas or are disappearing daily. Welfare, which used to be an embarrassing thing to partake of, is a way of life for millions. Is that enough for you, America?

Your Constitution might as well not even exist. You allow the marginalizing and silencing of those who would honor it. You call them "possible terrorists". You watch as they try to deny you your rights. You allow them to ignore our borders and the consequences.

You don't care enough anymore whether or not the person who "leads" your nation can provide the necessary qualifications to even be considered to run for the office, let alone occupy it. That's why "they" can slip such schmucks in on you, you make it so easy. Don't YOU and your children have to throw down your birth certificates for all kinds of things? I thought so. It's the law. Try and not do it and see what happens. Your current liar in chief didn't have to do it. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

Then, you are told that you have "no standing" in YOUR own courts to question whether or not these Constitutional requirements have been fulfilled. One or two of you make it part of the way only to be told you WILL NOT BE HEARD, and that's OK with you! Why isn't THAT enough for you America? Any of you, and I mean ANY of you has standing to ask this question because it is YOUR Constitution that is OUR LAW.

Should you decide to voice your opinion in disagreement with those in power, you are "allowed" to do so but are penned in cages, or trodden by horses, or beaten or sprayed or tazed. Why isn't THAT enough for you America?

Your rights have been marginalized; you allow voter fraud to go unchecked. You scream for change but at the next election, you re-elect all but 8 of the 257 about which you complain. Your cities and towns are in disrepair, your infrastructure is crumbling. You devalue your teachers, and reward thieves. You let your schools flounder; therefore many of your children are ignorant (not stupid, there's a difference). Too many of you are fat, way too many of you are on way too many drugs, legal or not. Your sweeteners cause cancer. You are diseased with mystery illnesses, cancer and HIV/AIDS; and your vaccines are dangerous. Why isn't all of THAT enough for you, America?

Your families are in shambles. Your children are parents. Divorce is expected. Lying is expected and accepted. Sex is perverted. Morals are old-fashioned. Love is hardly a thing of real value. All this supported by your "media" and "entertainment" industry. Is that still not enough for you, America?

Your fellow Americans have raised valid questions about what actually happened on 9-11. Instead of investigating and insisting on the truth, you demonize them and act as if there could be no possibility of any foul play. There is plenty of evidence that the "official" story is not complete or accurate. You saw with your own eyes how that went down. They continue to lie to you and use the tragedy to further restrict your liberties. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

You are no longer considered one of the good guys in the geopolitical scheme of things. You are hated and reviled for your foreign policy. War profiteering is more important than human life; more important than you and your children's lives; and those of "the enemy". Your military and government tortures. Your sons and daughters have died for greed and nation building; and now they want Iran. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

Your drinking water is laced with mind numbing poison. Your cell phones are rotting your brains. You live in an electromagnetic cess pool. Is that enough for you, America?

Your atmosphere, the air you need to breathe, and the waters that you and all other living things on the planet need to live, have been poisoned, often beyond repair; to facilitate military/industrial desires. Why isn't THAT enough for you, America?

And now, they are after your food, AGAIN. That's what this started to be about, HR875 & S425. The HR875 bill is in committee in the House with 40, count them, 40 sponsors that will let the government control what you can and cannot do on your own land, with your own crops or livestock, or organic garden. Ixquick it. This bill was introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband, Stanley Greenberg, works for Monsanto. This bears repeating. This bill was introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband, Stanley Greenberg, works for Monsanto. Do you honestly think this is going to be GOOD for you? Don't we already have the FDA and the USDA and the FSIS? Why do we need this new agency of control?

Growing one's own food, local farms, co-ops and ranches are things that do indeed need to be protected. If this global crisis continues, and all indications are that it will; what are you going to do for food if your local growers go away because of government regulation and/or fines and penalties? Remember victory gardens, they used to be a good idea, now they are a threat? It looks to me like what we need to protect our food from is our government. If they finally go after your food, and you'd better know they are, what are you going to do about it? I'll write more on that and watch it. But, they'll still try and do it. When they do, which is NOW, will THAT be enough for you, America?

It's all more than enough for me. Where the hell are you, America?

When is enough going to be enough?

"As stern as it sometimes appears to be, the truth is love and is never anything but love."
Vernon Howard

Peace, love and happiness...until next time...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tidbits From The Web #45

Loewe sound system...
The science of cute...
Apple vs Microsoft circa 1983...
Remembering Sierra Online...
What if Mario lost?
Hibernation...the other deep sleep...
Top 10 moments from 2009 Oscars...
One handedly...
Great Chinese invention!
Brilliant wine labels...
Rare portrait of Da Vinci found...
Gun turret animation...
Revenge is sweet...
I smite thee O tree!
Tax cuts coming sooner...
Blowing hydrogen bubbles...
Apollo 12 panorama...
Oddball species...
Best of Google street view...
Things that make you go OMG... (props to Mark)
Shocking diabetes indicators...
The top 10 Stewie and Brian moments...
The flow of pr0n...
The nude dude game... (props to Jose)
That was some golf slice...
Faces of eviction...
Beautiful decay...
Should the drinking age be lowered?
Downfall of grammar... (*warning -- explicit*)
It's all about the quarks...
The water controversy...
Just in case you haven't seen the
Forrest Gump in one minute...

Forestry Images

ForestryImages is 'the Source for forest health, natural resources and silviculture images.' This joint project of The Bugwood Network, USDA Forest Service and the University of Georgia has as its overall objective 'to provide an accessible and easily used archive of high quality images related to forest health and silviculture, with particular emphasis on educational applications.' If you've ever wondered what an assassin bug is, here's your chance for as actual picture of this Insecta, Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Zelus spp.Fabricus. The material is searchable by common name, as well as scientific classification. The 'Cooperating Organizations' section gives access to a variety of images from other sources; the lineup is most interesting, from Israeli to Chinese silviculture. The site states, "The photographs are in this system to be used," so put your thinking cap for your own particular use of these images!

Invasive Species

Spring is around the corner and with it comes the proliferation of invasive species, species that can be 'plants, animals, or other organisms.' Have you ever wondered about some of these invasive species and how to control them? ‘Invasive Species’ will answer all of your questions and anything else you might want to know about a particular species. The site allows access to a comprehensive database for ease of locating your particular interest/concern. This site is not just for the botanical invasions but also has details on plants, animals, and other organisms (e.g., microbes). Human actions are the primary means of invasive species introductions, so here’s your chance to see how you yourself can control the invasion.

Some people like to make of life a garden, and to walk only within its paths.

Japanese Proverb

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
Walter Bagehot

by Vic Johnson
(excerpted from Day by Day with James Allen)

"As a progressive and evolving being, man is where he is that he may learn that he may grow; and as he learns the spiritual lesson which any circumstance contains for him, it passes away and gives place to other circumstances." - As A Man Thinketh

It has taken me a long time to be able to look at a problem I'm having as a necessary spiritual lesson. To be frank, I'm still not always really excited to be enduring the pain and frustration that negative circumstances usually cause. Some days I'd like to "play hookey" and skip the lesson. :-)

But as I look back at my life, it is easy to see that the times when my wisdom and understanding grew to new levels; those times when I approached becoming the person I long to be; it was always the times that followed negative circumstances. The greatest growth you're going to have is going to come from the negative circumstance you have today that sometimes seems too overwhelming, too big to scale.

Writing in Byways of Blessedness, James Allen is strong in his call for us to embrace our circumstances. "Let a person rejoice when he is confronted with obstacles, for it means that he has reached the end of some particular line of indifference or folly, and is now called upon to summon up all his energy and intelligence in order to extricate himself, and to find a better way; that the powers within him are crying out for greater freedom, for enlarged exercise and scope.

"No situation can be difficult of itself; it is the lack of insight into its intricacies, and the want of wisdom in dealing with it, which give rise to the difficulty. Immeasurable, therefore, is the gain of a difficulty transcended."

Maybe that explains why it sometimes seems that I can't shake a particular problem, or I have one that keeps rearing its ugly head. Instead of fighting it, I need to jump in and gain the insight and wisdom to handle it. Then it would be gone, and I would be ready for the next lesson -- only stronger, both in spirit and in wisdom!

And that's worth thinking about.

Vic Johnson

Aim Higher...

Always aim higher than you believe you can reach. So often, you'll discover that when your talents are set free by your imagination, you can achieve any goal.

If people offer their help or wisdom as you go through life, accept it gratefully. You can learn much from those who have gone before you. But never be afraid or hesitant to step off the accepted path and head off in your own direction if your heart tells you that it's the right way for you.

Always believe that you will ultimately succeed at whatever you do, and never forget the value of persistence, discipline, and determination.

You are meant to be whatever you dream of becoming

This is Kristos, reminding you to always focus on growth, at any age. It is why we are here.


"All right Mister, let me tell you what winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, give more than anyone else." -- Vince Lombardi

"Winning in life is more than just money... it's about winning on the inside...and knowing that you have played the game of life with all you had... and then some." -- Doug Firebaugh

"Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory." -- General George S. Patton

"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out." -- Ronald Reagan

Quote of the Day
"Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other."

- Ann Landers

Today's Quote

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.

-James Oppenheim


Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself.

James Stephens
The Crock Of Gold

Personality is the original personal property.

Norman O. Brown

Cheeky Monkey...

A police officer came upon a terrible wreck where the driver and passenger had been killed. As he looked upon the wreckage a little monkey came out of the brush and hopped around the crashed car.

The officer looked down at the monkey and said "I wish you could talk."

The monkey looked up at the officer and shook his head up and down. "You can understand what I'm saying?" asked the officer.

Again, the monkey shook his head up and down. "Well, did you see this?"

"Yes," motioned the monkey.

"What happened?"

The monkey pretended to have a can in his hand and turned it up by his mouth.

"They were drinking?" asked the officer.

The monkey shakes his head "Yes."

"What else?" The monkey pinched his fingers together and held them to his mouth.

"They were smoking marijuana?"

The monkey shakes his head "Yes."

"What else?" The monkey motioned "kissing."

"They were kissing, too?" asked the astounded officer.

The monkey shakes his head "Yes."

"Now wait, you're saying your owners were drinking, smoking and kissing before they wrecked."

The monkey shakes his head "Yes."

"What were you doing during all this?"

"Driving," motioned the monkey.

Chemtrails...do you know what they are?

Ever look up in the sky and notice a cloud trail that forms after a plane passes by...and doesn't disappear?

Contrails are the result of condensation of the water vapor naturally produced by aircraft...and their cloud trails disappear. Chemtrails are just the opposite...these thin clouds usually have a high concentration of aluminum, barium, calcium, magnesium, and titanium...and we breathe this in!

Now...we have the first admission by a country that this is not 'conspiracy theory'...and might be used to control the weather...provide cloaking ability for military bases...or who knows what?

When you get a chance look up HAARP in Google search...and see how far down the rabbit hole you go...do you take the red pill or the blue pill?

Peace, love and happiness...until next time...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tidbits From The Web #44


You can call me a conspiracy theorist...
How to end the current economic crisis...
Stop Obama and his stimuli now...
I wonder how that would reshape America...
For the people by the people...yeah right...
Just say no to the bailouts...
Could this be the worst economic crisis ever?
Madoff's greed...
I am the Lendman...wooo...I am the walrus...wooo...I am the Lendman...kookookachoo!
World financial system in a state of insolvency...
The British are coming! The British are coming!...and they want their freedom back...
Are you ready for war in the Middle East?
Malcolm X on Zionism...
American Jewry...
Live Free or Die!
Gone in 60 days...DON'T nationalize the banks...
The Citadel of Broken Dreams...
Introducing Dr. Bill Deagle...and his upcoming predictions...
Summer of rage in Britain...
Coming soon to the streets of the US...civil unrest!
Did I just say there may be riots soon?
And then comes martial law...
Just prepare...the worst is yet to come...
No really it is...
Why you should care if newspapers die...
Stocks can fall another 40%...
If we only had a brain...
The hijacking of America...
Hoard some food, scotch and gold...
Because those dollars could be replaced with the Amero...
Shutting down Detroit...

And lastly...


Love that stammers, that stutters, is apt to be the love that loves best.
Gabriela Mistral

There is no limit to our capacity to love.
Eknath Easwaran

by Lynne M. Kenney, PsyD

It may be time to change your relationship to your thoughts, feelings and sensations and guess what, no alcohol needed!

Becoming mindful is the newest and most productive way to feel better, live more passionately and feel more deeply.

Mindfulness is an activity in which a person becomes intentionally aware of his or her thoughts and actions in the present moment, non-judgmentally. Being mindful has been seen in research studies to help people cope better with stress. Research through The Center for Mindfulness at University of Massachusetts Medical Center by Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues has shown the benefits of mindfulness (non-judgmental sustained attention) on reducing pain, distress, anxiety and the effects of rumination in depression.

Think Without Judgment

Think for a moment, when you feel distressed, angry or disappointed, what comes first the judgmental thought or the feeling? What might surprise you is that most often, each feeling you experience is preceded by a thought. That's right. Most people believe that you feel and then think but really you think and then you feel. Your thoughts guide your feelings. You think "I am fat," then you feel sad. You think, "He really loves me," then you feel happy. You think, "My children should behave," then you feel angry. You think, "That dog might bite," then you feel scared.

If your thoughts are causing you to criticize yourself, to feel angry toward your children or interfere with your relationships at work, it may be time to step-back and recognize that your thoughts are just that, only thoughts. They are reflections, observations, and opinions. They are not immutable all-powerful determiners of feelings or behavior.

Thoughts Can Be Altered

Thoughts can be altered, transformed and changed in order to help you feel better, more positive and more hopeful. In fact, the impact of positive and negative thoughts on our health is explored by Dr. Bruce Lipton in his recent book, The Biology of Belief

It's helpful to know that a thought is a biological process of communication between neurotransmitters in the brain. What we think is influenced by our individual life experiences, genetics and neurobiological predispositions.

Practice Positive Thinking

Keep a journal of your thoughts for 72 hours and reflect on whether your thoughts benefit your well-being or distract from your health. Carry the journal in your pocket, when you drop your children off at school, order lunch, or interact with a colleague, write down what you are thinking on the left side of the page and how you are feeling on the right.

In the following 72 hours do the same activity but make a third column for thought replacement, write down alternate positive thoughts to replace your negative thoughts.

Taking a look at your judgmental thoughts as well as your positive thoughts is the first step toward better health. Replace your negative thoughts with neutral, non-judgmental or positive thoughts; post your positive thoughts around your home, on your bathroom mirror, in the pantry and on your fridge. When you stop at a red light think one positive thought before the light turns green. Green is for "Go Positive."

Soon we'll explore how to add mindful mediation to positive thought development for better well-being so stay tuned... Be healthy, feel strong...

The coffin is the brother of the cradle.

German Proverb

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Elbert Hubbard


"Man has no nobler function than to defend the truth." -- Ruth McKenney

"If the truth isn't enough, then you must become stronger at presenting it." -- Jim Rohn

"Universal laws are always in force whether you believe in them or not." -- Brian Tracy

"There are only two truly infinite things, the universe and stupidity. And I am unsure about the universe." -- Albert Einstein

"If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style."
- Quentin Crisp

Today's Quote

When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.

-Ethiopian Proverb

Why Not the Truth?

by J. R. Nyquist

The truth will set you free. But freedom signifies responsibility, and who wants to be responsible? Ignorance, after all, is bliss – and bears no responsibility whatsoever. The most common excuse in any language is, “I didn’t know.” When they were gassing millions of Jews in Hitler’s Europe during the 1940s, how many were interested in the truth? With one voice, like the caricature of a German sergeant, we hear them cry: I know nothing! Oh, well, in that case, you can’t be held responsible. You are too stupid, by far, to take responsibility for anything. You are the perfect totalitarian drone, mindlessly goose-stepping with the Fuhrer’s legions. Millions stripped and killed by your fellow citizens? Not something you should have known about. And what of the mounds of jewelry stolen from the victims? I know nothing!

The truth is dangerous. Who will protect us from it? Our institutions will protect us: the state, the bureaucracy, the Congress, the Office of the President. The link between truth and responsibility here assumes tremendous importance. Those who evade responsibility must also evade the truth. Inevitably, they turn to the state. Let the state be responsible, they say. Let the state signify truth. This latter point they dare not make openly, for everyone would see – in a flash – the disaster they are incubating. It is the disaster of the state as savior. The flight from responsibility, as a corollary of the flight from truth, is the distilled essence of it. Is there a financial crash? Let the government prop up the market. Are people unable to pay their mortgages? The government will pay. Are banks in trouble? The government will bail them out. Why should anyone take responsibility for anything?

The mad dash to learn the truth is proclaimed on every side: at universities, on television, at major newspapers. One smells the fresh manure upon these fields. There is no desire to discover truth, but a desire for good grades and good ratings and millions sold. Who poses as a truth-teller in these settings? It is the professor who berates his country as “sexist, classist and racist.” It is the television pundit obsessed with his own celebrity. It is the newspaper editor who elegantly packages the great misconceptions of the day as news.

Then there is the language of self-deception, the language of the politically correct. In his book, 1984, George Orwell wrote about Newspeak, the official language of the totalitarian future: “The purpose of Newspeak was … to make all other modes of thought impossible.” This is accomplished by “eliminating undesirable words and stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings….” If people have no words to express a dangerous truth, they cannot arrive at this truth. According to Orwell, “[The] reduction of vocabulary was regarded as an end in itself, and no word that could be dispensed with was allowed to survive. Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assisted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum.”

Those who spend their lives watching the Idiot Box do not need the Newspeak Dictionary. Their vocabularies are automatically attenuated. They are ready to believe that government officials can save them. For example, they think the president can fix the country’s problems. He has the brains to accomplish miracles: to deliver us from penury through government spending. Meanwhile, the country leaps from the frying pan of deflation into the inflationary fire. It is called “a stimulus package.” It is the biggest white elephant ever sold, at the dearest price. If it doesn’t work, we’ll do it again, and again, as many times as it takes – or until the currency collapses. A stupefied country listens in suspense to those fateful words: “We are from the government, and we are here to help.” Euphemism is the native language of every bureaucrat. For them, loot is “revenue.” Waste is “progressive.” Propping failed industries is “a good investment.” Stopping a market correction is “saving the economy.” Every event is an excuse to spend money. If the economy is flush, spend money. If the economy is contracting, spend money. Do you want more golden eggs? Cook the goose that lays them. Everything is going to be okay!

“When words lose their meaning,” warned Confucius, “people will lose their liberty.” Watch the fanatic waving the “truth” like a tattered rag in everyone’s face. He is tomorrow’s Hitler spouting an ideology of hate. His day is coming. Look around and ask yourself who will stop the rise of the evil fanatic when the country goes off the rails. Will you be brave enough to speak out? Will you oppose the bloody revolution that is being prepared?

The truth has always been connected with suffering. This is famously celebrated in the world’s largest religion, Christianity. The world’s 2.1 billion Christians are taught to “pick up their crosses” in imitation of Christ. If Kierkegaard were alive today he would ask if anyone has sighted 2.1 billion crosses in the world. When Christ was interrogated before his execution, he told the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate of Judaea that he came into the world to bear witness to the truth. The Roman dismissively asked, “What is truth?” For the benefit of Pilate and other government officials, the dictionary defines truth as: “the actual state of a matter; a verified indisputable fact, proposition, principle; the state or character of being true.”

The truth is seldom found during election campaigns, where slogans and catch-phrases reign supreme. Under democracy, majority opinion takes the place of truth. This leaves the field to pollsters and social science statisticians. Instead of Pontius Pilate cynically asking what truth could possibly be, polling firms tell us what everyone thinks it is. Here the pollster has put the word “average” and “think” into the same formula. Here an equal sign is placed between knowledge and ignorance, resulting in a statistic. As British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once noted, “There are … lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

And then there is the point of last resort: the truth. We are destined to arrive there some day.

Peace, love and happiness...until next time...