Loewe sound system...
The science of cute...
Apple vs Microsoft circa 1983...
Remembering Sierra Online...
What if Mario lost?
Hibernation...the other deep sleep...
Top 10 moments from 2009 Oscars...
One handedly...
Great Chinese invention!
Brilliant wine labels...
Rare portrait of Da Vinci found...
Gun turret animation...
Revenge is sweet...
I smite thee O tree!
Tax cuts coming sooner...
Blowing hydrogen bubbles...
Apollo 12 panorama...
Oddball species...
Best of Google street view...
Things that make you go OMG... (props to Mark)
Shocking diabetes indicators...
The top 10 Stewie and Brian moments...
The flow of pr0n...
The nude dude game... (props to Jose)
That was some golf slice...
Faces of eviction...
Beautiful decay...
Should the drinking age be lowered?
Downfall of grammar... (*warning -- explicit*)
It's all about the quarks...
The water controversy...
Just in case you haven't seen the damage...
Forrest Gump in one minute...
Forestry Images
ForestryImages is 'the Source for forest health, natural resources and silviculture images.' This joint project of The Bugwood Network, USDA Forest Service and the University of Georgia has as its overall objective 'to provide an accessible and easily used archive of high quality images related to forest health and silviculture, with particular emphasis on educational applications.' If you've ever wondered what an assassin bug is, here's your chance for as actual picture of this Insecta, Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Zelus spp.Fabricus. The material is searchable by common name, as well as scientific classification. The 'Cooperating Organizations' section gives access to a variety of images from other sources; the lineup is most interesting, from Israeli to Chinese silviculture. The site states, "The photographs are in this system to be used," so put your thinking cap for your own particular use of these images!
Invasive Species
Spring is around the corner and with it comes the proliferation of invasive species, species that can be 'plants, animals, or other organisms.' Have you ever wondered about some of these invasive species and how to control them? ‘Invasive Species’ will answer all of your questions and anything else you might want to know about a particular species. The site allows access to a comprehensive database for ease of locating your particular interest/concern. This site is not just for the botanical invasions but also has details on plants, animals, and other organisms (e.g., microbes). Human actions are the primary means of invasive species introductions, so here’s your chance to see how you yourself can control the invasion.
Some people like to make of life a garden, and to walk only within its paths.
-- Japanese Proverb
The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
-- Walter Bagehot
by Vic Johnson
(excerpted from Day by Day with James Allen)
"As a progressive and evolving being, man is where he is that he may learn that he may grow; and as he learns the spiritual lesson which any circumstance contains for him, it passes away and gives place to other circumstances." - As A Man Thinketh
It has taken me a long time to be able to look at a problem I'm having as a necessary spiritual lesson. To be frank, I'm still not always really excited to be enduring the pain and frustration that negative circumstances usually cause. Some days I'd like to "play hookey" and skip the lesson. :-)
But as I look back at my life, it is easy to see that the times when my wisdom and understanding grew to new levels; those times when I approached becoming the person I long to be; it was always the times that followed negative circumstances. The greatest growth you're going to have is going to come from the negative circumstance you have today that sometimes seems too overwhelming, too big to scale.
Writing in Byways of Blessedness, James Allen is strong in his call for us to embrace our circumstances. "Let a person rejoice when he is confronted with obstacles, for it means that he has reached the end of some particular line of indifference or folly, and is now called upon to summon up all his energy and intelligence in order to extricate himself, and to find a better way; that the powers within him are crying out for greater freedom, for enlarged exercise and scope.
"No situation can be difficult of itself; it is the lack of insight into its intricacies, and the want of wisdom in dealing with it, which give rise to the difficulty. Immeasurable, therefore, is the gain of a difficulty transcended."
Maybe that explains why it sometimes seems that I can't shake a particular problem, or I have one that keeps rearing its ugly head. Instead of fighting it, I need to jump in and gain the insight and wisdom to handle it. Then it would be gone, and I would be ready for the next lesson -- only stronger, both in spirit and in wisdom!
And that's worth thinking about.
Vic Johnson
Always aim higher than you believe you can reach. So often, you'll discover that when your talents are set free by your imagination, you can achieve any goal.
If people offer their help or wisdom as you go through life, accept it gratefully. You can learn much from those who have gone before you. But never be afraid or hesitant to step off the accepted path and head off in your own direction if your heart tells you that it's the right way for you.
Always believe that you will ultimately succeed at whatever you do, and never forget the value of persistence, discipline, and determination.
You are meant to be whatever you dream of becoming
This is Kristos, reminding you to always focus on growth, at any age. It is why we are here.
"All right Mister, let me tell you what winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, give more than anyone else." -- Vince Lombardi
"Winning in life is more than just money... it's about winning on the inside...and knowing that you have played the game of life with all you had... and then some." -- Doug Firebaugh
"Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory." -- General George S. Patton
"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out." -- Ronald Reagan
"Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other."
- Ann Landers
Today's Quote The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet. -James Oppenheim
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Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself.
James Stephens
The Crock Of Gold
Personality is the original personal property.
Norman O. Brown
Cheeky Monkey...
A police officer came upon a terrible wreck where the driver and passenger had been killed. As he looked upon the wreckage a little monkey came out of the brush and hopped around the crashed car.
The officer looked down at the monkey and said "I wish you could talk."
The monkey looked up at the officer and shook his head up and down. "You can understand what I'm saying?" asked the officer.
Again, the monkey shook his head up and down. "Well, did you see this?"
"Yes," motioned the monkey.
"What happened?"
The monkey pretended to have a can in his hand and turned it up by his mouth.
"They were drinking?" asked the officer.
The monkey shakes his head "Yes."
"What else?" The monkey pinched his fingers together and held them to his mouth.
"They were smoking marijuana?"
The monkey shakes his head "Yes."
"What else?" The monkey motioned "kissing."
"They were kissing, too?" asked the astounded officer.
The monkey shakes his head "Yes."
"Now wait, you're saying your owners were drinking, smoking and kissing before they wrecked."
The monkey shakes his head "Yes."
"What were you doing during all this?"
"Driving," motioned the monkey.
Chemtrails...do you know what they are?
Ever look up in the sky and notice a cloud trail that forms after a plane passes by...and doesn't disappear?
Contrails are the result of condensation of the water vapor naturally produced by aircraft...and their cloud trails disappear. Chemtrails are just the opposite...these thin clouds usually have a high concentration of aluminum, barium, calcium, magnesium, and titanium...and we breathe this in!
Now...we have the first admission by a country that this is not 'conspiracy theory'...and might be used to control the weather...provide cloaking ability for military bases...or who knows what?
When you get a chance look up HAARP in Google search...and see how far down the rabbit hole you go...do you take the red pill or the blue pill?
Peace, love and happiness...until next time...
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