You can call me a conspiracy theorist...
How to end the current economic crisis...
Stop Obama and his stimuli now...
I wonder how that would reshape America...
For the people by the people...yeah right...
Just say no to the bailouts...
Could this be the worst economic crisis ever?
Madoff's greed...
I am the Lendman...wooo...I am the walrus...wooo...I am the Lendman...kookookachoo!
World financial system in a state of insolvency...
The British are coming! The British are coming!...and they want their freedom back...
Are you ready for war in the Middle East?
Malcolm X on Zionism...
American Jewry...
Live Free or Die!
Gone in 60 days...DON'T nationalize the banks...
The Citadel of Broken Dreams...
Introducing Dr. Bill Deagle...and his upcoming predictions...
Summer of rage in Britain...
Coming soon to the streets of the US...civil unrest!
Did I just say there may be riots soon?
And then comes martial law...
Just prepare...the worst is yet to come...
No really it is...
Why you should care if newspapers die...
Stocks can fall another 40%...
If we only had a brain...
The hijacking of America...
Hoard some food, scotch and gold...
Because those dollars could be replaced with the Amero...
Shutting down Detroit...
And lastly...
Love that stammers, that stutters, is apt to be the love that loves best.
Gabriela Mistral
There is no limit to our capacity to love.
Eknath Easwaran
It may be time to change your relationship to your thoughts, feelings and sensations and guess what, no alcohol needed!
Becoming mindful is the newest and most productive way to feel better, live more passionately and feel more deeply.
Mindfulness is an activity in which a person becomes intentionally aware of his or her thoughts and actions in the present moment, non-judgmentally. Being mindful has been seen in research studies to help people cope better with stress. Research through The Center for Mindfulness at University of Massachusetts Medical Center by Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues has shown the benefits of mindfulness (non-judgmental sustained attention) on reducing pain, distress, anxiety and the effects of rumination in depression.
Think for a moment, when you feel distressed, angry or disappointed, what comes first the judgmental thought or the feeling? What might surprise you is that most often, each feeling you experience is preceded by a thought. That's right. Most people believe that you feel and then think but really you think and then you feel. Your thoughts guide your feelings. You think "I am fat," then you feel sad. You think, "He really loves me," then you feel happy. You think, "My children should behave," then you feel angry. You think, "That dog might bite," then you feel scared.
If your thoughts are causing you to criticize yourself, to feel angry toward your children or interfere with your relationships at work, it may be time to step-back and recognize that your thoughts are just that, only thoughts. They are reflections, observations, and opinions. They are not immutable all-powerful determiners of feelings or behavior.
Thoughts can be altered, transformed and changed in order to help you feel better, more positive and more hopeful. In fact, the impact of positive and negative thoughts on our health is explored by Dr. Bruce Lipton in his recent book, The Biology of Belief
It's helpful to know that a thought is a biological process of communication between neurotransmitters in the brain. What we think is influenced by our individual life experiences, genetics and neurobiological predispositions.
Keep a journal of your thoughts for 72 hours and reflect on whether your thoughts benefit your well-being or distract from your health. Carry the journal in your pocket, when you drop your children off at school, order lunch, or interact with a colleague, write down what you are thinking on the left side of the page and how you are feeling on the right.
In the following 72 hours do the same activity but make a third column for thought replacement, write down alternate positive thoughts to replace your negative thoughts.
Taking a look at your judgmental thoughts as well as your positive thoughts is the first step toward better health. Replace your negative thoughts with neutral, non-judgmental or positive thoughts; post your positive thoughts around your home, on your bathroom mirror, in the pantry and on your fridge. When you stop at a red light think one positive thought before the light turns green. Green is for "Go Positive."
Soon we'll explore how to add mindful mediation to positive thought development for better well-being so stay tuned... Be healthy, feel strong...
The coffin is the brother of the cradle.
-- German Proverb
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
-- Elbert Hubbard
"Man has no nobler function than to defend the truth." -- Ruth McKenney
"If the truth isn't enough, then you must become stronger at presenting it." -- Jim Rohn
"Universal laws are always in force whether you believe in them or not." -- Brian Tracy
"There are only two truly infinite things, the universe and stupidity. And I am unsure about the universe." -- Albert Einstein
"If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style."
- Quentin Crisp
Today's Quote When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. -Ethiopian Proverb
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Why Not the Truth?
by J. R. Nyquist
The truth will set you free. But freedom signifies responsibility, and who wants to be responsible? Ignorance, after all, is bliss – and bears no responsibility whatsoever. The most common excuse in any language is, “I didn’t know.” When they were gassing millions of Jews in Hitler’s Europe during the 1940s, how many were interested in the truth? With one voice, like the caricature of a German sergeant, we hear them cry: I know nothing! Oh, well, in that case, you can’t be held responsible. You are too stupid, by far, to take responsibility for anything. You are the perfect totalitarian drone, mindlessly goose-stepping with the Fuhrer’s legions. Millions stripped and killed by your fellow citizens? Not something you should have known about. And what of the mounds of jewelry stolen from the victims? I know nothing!The truth is dangerous. Who will protect us from it? Our institutions will protect us: the state, the bureaucracy, the Congress, the Office of the President. The link between truth and responsibility here assumes tremendous importance. Those who evade responsibility must also evade the truth. Inevitably, they turn to the state. Let the state be responsible, they say. Let the state signify truth. This latter point they dare not make openly, for everyone would see – in a flash – the disaster they are incubating. It is the disaster of the state as savior. The flight from responsibility, as a corollary of the flight from truth, is the distilled essence of it. Is there a financial crash? Let the government prop up the market. Are people unable to pay their mortgages? The government will pay. Are banks in trouble? The government will bail them out. Why should anyone take responsibility for anything?
The mad dash to learn the truth is proclaimed on every side: at universities, on television, at major newspapers. One smells the fresh manure upon these fields. There is no desire to discover truth, but a desire for good grades and good ratings and millions sold. Who poses as a truth-teller in these settings? It is the professor who berates his country as “sexist, classist and racist.” It is the television pundit obsessed with his own celebrity. It is the newspaper editor who elegantly packages the great misconceptions of the day as news.
Then there is the language of self-deception, the language of the politically correct. In his book, 1984, George Orwell wrote about Newspeak, the official language of the totalitarian future: “The purpose of Newspeak was … to make all other modes of thought impossible.” This is accomplished by “eliminating undesirable words and stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings….” If people have no words to express a dangerous truth, they cannot arrive at this truth. According to Orwell, “[The] reduction of vocabulary was regarded as an end in itself, and no word that could be dispensed with was allowed to survive. Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assisted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum.”
Those who spend their lives watching the Idiot Box do not need the Newspeak Dictionary. Their vocabularies are automatically attenuated. They are ready to believe that government officials can save them. For example, they think the president can fix the country’s problems. He has the brains to accomplish miracles: to deliver us from penury through government spending. Meanwhile, the country leaps from the frying pan of deflation into the inflationary fire. It is called “a stimulus package.” It is the biggest white elephant ever sold, at the dearest price. If it doesn’t work, we’ll do it again, and again, as many times as it takes – or until the currency collapses. A stupefied country listens in suspense to those fateful words: “We are from the government, and we are here to help.” Euphemism is the native language of every bureaucrat. For them, loot is “revenue.” Waste is “progressive.” Propping failed industries is “a good investment.” Stopping a market correction is “saving the economy.” Every event is an excuse to spend money. If the economy is flush, spend money. If the economy is contracting, spend money. Do you want more golden eggs? Cook the goose that lays them. Everything is going to be okay!
“When words lose their meaning,” warned Confucius, “people will lose their liberty.” Watch the fanatic waving the “truth” like a tattered rag in everyone’s face. He is tomorrow’s Hitler spouting an ideology of hate. His day is coming. Look around and ask yourself who will stop the rise of the evil fanatic when the country goes off the rails. Will you be brave enough to speak out? Will you oppose the bloody revolution that is being prepared?
The truth has always been connected with suffering. This is famously celebrated in the world’s largest religion, Christianity. The world’s 2.1 billion Christians are taught to “pick up their crosses” in imitation of Christ. If Kierkegaard were alive today he would ask if anyone has sighted 2.1 billion crosses in the world. When Christ was interrogated before his execution, he told the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate of Judaea that he came into the world to bear witness to the truth. The Roman dismissively asked, “What is truth?” For the benefit of Pilate and other government officials, the dictionary defines truth as: “the actual state of a matter; a verified indisputable fact, proposition, principle; the state or character of being true.”
The truth is seldom found during election campaigns, where slogans and catch-phrases reign supreme. Under democracy, majority opinion takes the place of truth. This leaves the field to pollsters and social science statisticians. Instead of Pontius Pilate cynically asking what truth could possibly be, polling firms tell us what everyone thinks it is. Here the pollster has put the word “average” and “think” into the same formula. Here an equal sign is placed between knowledge and ignorance, resulting in a statistic. As British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once noted, “There are … lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
And then there is the point of last resort: the truth. We are destined to arrive there some day.
Peace, love and happiness...until next time...
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