Some awesome photos...
Living together...the lion, and tiger, and bear ..OH MY!
A prophetic cartoon?
Introducing the 3 little pigs sandwich...
Works of Mario art...
Being a winner sometimes has its drawbacks...
A classic game of red square...
The Federal Reserve must die...
Disney made one movie and has been retracing it since!
A prophetic game of things to come?
Beware the coming of the bug bots!
Don't talk to the police...
Why does the US have an empire in Asia?
Hollow Moon...
No no no...the moon is living!
What is Project Blue Beam?
The tribes of Wall Street...part I...part II...part III...
6 sounds we love the most...
Stop motion Mario...
Play Mortimer Beckett and the Time Paradox...
Do remember living in the 80s?
Now that is one cool fireplace...
50 years of space exploration...
Is this what Siberian farmland life is like?
More than junk science...
When first presented in 1989 cold fusion was quickly dismissed as junk science. But, as Scott Pelley reports, there's renewed buzz among scientists that cold fusion could lead to monumental breakthroughs in energy production.
What you need to know about GM foods...
Expert Jeffrey M. Smith, author of Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette, reveals shocking facts about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Smith links GMOs to toxins, allergies, infertility, infant mortality, immune dysfunction, stunted growth, and death.
Project Camelot interviews Jordan Maxwell...
THE TAKEOVER OF PLANET EARTH: Project Camelot interviews Jordan Maxwell
-- This is a long-awaited, long-requested blockbuster of an interview with one of the greatest alternative researchers of our time. Here Jordan Maxwell tells all: and builds, through the three hour video, to present his firm conclusions about what is happening on Planet Earth.
-- According to Jordan, the picture is not pretty: the Earth is not controlled by human beings; that the human race is currently being mutated; and, to put it mildly, we are all in some degree of trouble.
-- The dire conclusions Jordan has reached are mitigated by his own fascinating personal story: that he was groomed and prepared for his current role by nothing less than a group of benevolent ETs - one of whom he met in person in the guise of the father of a girl he met when he was just 19. He was explicitly told by this remarkable (but very ordinarily human-looking) man - who told him details of his life that no-one could possibly know - that he would have a very important job to do later, in years to come. It is very clear that he is doing that job right now.
-- In this video Jordan goes places in his testimony that he has not spoken about publicly before in any venue. The reptilians are real, he states: to support this, he recounts a fascinating and extraordinary story told to him of one woman's first-hand experience as a young girl on a US Air Force base. He talks about the reality (and return) of the Anunnaki. And he cites Masonic symbolism, that is to be found in ancient texts, the former USSR, Nazi Germany, and the Obama administration - as well as in the forthcoming TV remake of the classic Sci-Fi series 'V' - that shows the interconnectedness of all these themes and cultures: that something or someone is expected to return, and that this event may or may not be in humanity's best interests.
Today's Message:
Once upon a time, there was a man who fell into a drunken sleep while far from home with a friend. His friend stayed by him as long as he could, but being compelled to go on, and fearing that his drunken friend might have difficulty finding his way, this man hid a valuable jewel in his drunken friend's garment.
When the man recovered, not realizing that his friend had hidden a precious jewel in his garment, he wandered in poverty and hunger from place to place trying to find his way home for a long time.
Many years after they parted, the poor man met his friend again. After hearing his many stories of woe, the friend told him about the jewel which had been in his garment all along.
Like the drunken man of the story, so many of us wander about suffering in this life, unconscious of what is hidden away deep inside of us, pure and untarnished - the priceless treasure of divine nature. So you are never poor if you know how to access the hidden gems.
This is Kristos, reminding you to look deep within your soul - each one of you - and you will find your gems. Some may be externally beautiful, while others may be rough stones, but all have inner beauty - so start polishing them today.
Thinking outside the box is more than just a business cliché. It means approaching problems in new, innovative ways and conceptualizing problems differently. Here are 11 ways to beef up your out-of-the-box thinking skills.
1. Study another industry
Go to the library and pick up a trade magazine in an industry other than your own, or grab a few books from the library, and learn about how things are done in other industries.
2. Learn about another religion
Religions are the way that humans organize and understand their relationships not only with the supernatural or divine but with each other.
Learning about how such relations are structured can teach you a lot about how people relate to each other and the world around them.
3. Take a class
Learning a new topic will not only teach you a new set of facts and figures, it will teach you a new way of looking at and making sense of aspects of your everyday life or of the society or natural world you live in.
4. Read a novel in an unfamiliar genre
Try reading something you’d never have touched otherwise -- if you read literary fiction, try a mystery or science fiction novel; if you read a lot of detective novels, try a romance; and so on. Pay attention not only to the story but to the particular problems the author has to deal with.
5. Write a poem
While most problem-solving leans heavily on your brain’s logical centers, poetry neatly bridges your more rational left-brain thought processes and your more creative right-brain processes.
6. Draw a picture
Drawing a picture is even more right-brained, and can help break your logical left-brain’s hold on a problem the same way a poem can.
7. Turn it upside down
Turning something upside-down, whether physically by flipping a piece of paper around or metaphorically by re-imagining it can help you see patterns that wouldn’t otherwise be apparent.
8. Work backwards
Just like turning a thing upside down, working backwards breaks your brain’s normal conception of causality.
9. Ask a child for advice
Children think and speak with an ignorance of convention that is often helpful.
10. Invite randomness
Embracing mistakes and incorporating them into your projects, developing strategies that allow for random input, working amid chaotic juxtapositions of sound and form -- all of these can help you to move beyond everyday patterns of thinking into the sublime.
11. Take a shower
There’s some kind of weird psychic link between showering and creativity. Who knows why? So maybe when the status quo response to some circumstance just isn’t working, try taking a shower and see if something remarkable doesn’t occur to you!
| PupilTubeGet schooled by the WebWhile plenty of online videos're just a waste of time, others can be truly informative: you can discover truly interesting things like how to muddle mint, and LEEEEEEROOOOY JENNNNNNNNNNKINS! For a catalog of clips that'll learn you good, hit PupilTube. If you find a video somewhere else that might be a good fit for Pupil, you can upload it, and if it's deemed legit & helpful by the site's team they'll keep it up there, especially if it teaches how to make geeky multiplayer video games fun, by getting high and screaming your name like you mean it. |
| | Lose It: Graphite
Committed to paunch-dropping? Set your goals (lbs to lose per week, target weight/date), then record daily diet/exercise/weight, and Graphite'll slap together a visual timeline/line graph comparing what you're taking in vs. what you're burning, which lately's been mainly joints, and that's the fundamental nature of your weight issues, dude. Quit bitching about being fat, and get back in shape with help from MyGraphite.com |
Today's Quotes
ATTITUDE“A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change.” —Earl Nightingale
“I find that it is not the circumstances in which we are placed, but the spirit in which we face them, that constitutes our comfort.” —Elizabeth T. King
“You cannot tailor-make the situations in life, but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations before they arise.” —Zig Ziglar
“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” —W. Clement Stone
Security Questions
It was the standard series of check-in questions that every traveler gets at the airlines counter, including, "Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?"
"If it was put there without my knowledge," I asked, "how would I know?"
The agent behind the counter smiled smugly. "That's why we ask."Odd Job
Our daughter took the afternoon off from her job at the funeral home to visit her daughter in preschool. When one of the kids asked what she did for a living, my granddaughter answered for her: "She sells underground furniture."
Where You Headed?
A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimeters from a shop window.
For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said, "Look mate, don't ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!"
The passenger apologized and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much."
The driver replied, "It's okay, thats not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver. I've been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years."
The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS:
Most people see "inflation" when it hits the prices of the goods and services they purchase. They don't realize that this is merely the consequence of inflation. Why does this subtle nuance even matter and, more importantly, how should it inform the way you invest? Guest columnist, Puru Saxena, has the details...
Inflation 101
By Puru Saxena
Hong Kong, China
Inflation is a hidden tax, an insidious crime against the public. It is the easiest way for any government to confiscate the savings of the public and for generations, wealth has been transferred in this manner.
Remember, money is supposed to be a store of value, however due to reckless central bank-sponsored inflation, it can no longer fulfill this critical role. Unfortunately, nobody questions the inexplicable loss of the purchasing power of their savings, thus, central banks get away with financial murder.
Inflation distorts the economy, it brings great harm to the public and it encourages speculation and mindless risk-taking. In fact, inflation acts as a poison for retired people since they are no longer able to earn more money in order to maintain their standard of living. So, thanks to inflation, most senior citizens are unable to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Before we delve further, we want to make it absolutely clear that inflation is defined as the increase in the quantity of money and debt within an economy. And contrary to what the governments want you to believe, inflation is certainly not an increase in the general price level within an economy. Instead, an increase in the general price level within an economy is a consequence of inflation. Allow us to explain this subtle yet critical difference:
For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that America's money-supply is US$100 and this is the amount available to buy the five oranges its economy produces. Common-sense dictates that under this situation, each orange will cost US$20. Now, let us introduce a banking-cartel called the Federal Reserve, which is able to extend credit (via its debt-based fractional reserve banking system); thereby inflating the supply of money within America to US$1,000. Under this scenario, with a 10-fold increase in money available to purchase the same amount of produce, each of the five oranges will now cost a whopping US$200! An orange is still an orange; it does not change. What changes is the purchasing power of the paper money that is used to buy that orange.
Hopefully, you can see from the above-simplified example, how an inflation in the supply of money and debt causes prices to increase within an economy.
Furthermore, in its attempt to manipulate the masses, the establishment does everything in its power to suppress the official 'inflation barometer'. Governments achieve this goal by shamelessly doctoring their Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) calculations via various seasonal and hedonistic adjustments. The chart below highlights the discrepancy between the CPI-U published by America's Bureau of Labor Statistics and the SGS Alternate CPI, which is calculated by Shadow Government Statistics using the old methodology. As you can see, over the past 20 years, prices have been rising much faster than the officials would have you believe.
Let there be no doubt, inflation is a total disaster and our world will be a better place without this reckless money-creation. Contrary to official dogma, our world experienced tremendous progress during the 19th century, and there was no inflation during that period. The chart below shows the changes in America's Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the past two centuries. As you will observe, the CPI fell for most of the 19th century as the purchasing power of the American currency rose. However, since the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the CPI has exploded causing the purchasing power of the US dollar to spiral downwards.
Given the fiat-based monetary system and banks' vested interest in expanding credit, we have no doubt that most nations will experience very high inflation over the coming decade. Accordingly, we suggest that long-term investors protect their purchasing power by allocating capital to precious metals, commodity producers and fast-growing businesses in the developing world.
Joel's Note: Puru Saxena publishes Money Matters, a monthly economic report, which highlights extraordinary investment opportunities in all major markets. In addition to the monthly report, subscribers also receive "Weekly Updates" covering the recent market action. Money Matters is available by subscription from www.purusaxena.com.
Puru is also the founder of Puru Saxena Wealth Management, his Hong Kong based firm, which manages investment portfolios for individuals and corporate clients. He is a highly showcased investment manager and a regular guest on CNN, BBC World, CNBC, Bloomberg, NDTV and various radio programs.
Peace, love, and happiness...until next time...
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