The Strangest Secret...
Would you gentlemen pay $7000 for this?
Some games for you to play on your computer...
Time to give up that plastic...
10 years of Remi Gaillard...
A test to determine Alzheimer's risk...
Is the war in Afghanistan about terror...or heroin...
This is just tip of iceberg about climate change being nonsense...
You got some ET...I got some ET...we all got some ET in us...
Brendan Fraser remixed...
Maybe a secret banking cartel does run the world...
I always wanted to be a piece of bacon...
A day in the life of a cardboard box...
2 ghost riders and a lioness...
40 stunning hi-res photos...
The hidden life of garbage...
Apple started with the iPad...this will soon follow...
1. Experience the benefits of sex
Sex has many apparent health benefits. Studies suggest sex can boost your immune system and reduce stress.
2. Keep your teeth clean
Diabetes, low birth weight babies and heart disease have all been linked to gum and bone disease in your mouth. Even heart attacks have been linked to bad dental hygiene.
3. Use the sun
A little sunshine is good for your mood and allows your body to produce necessary vitamin D, which is lacking in some 70 percent of American kids these days.
4. Drink less
After years of hearing that moderate drinking is good for your health, a study in November, 2009 found that having a drink or two each day might be something that healthy people do, rather than the drinks being the cause of their good health. And if you're having more than a couple drinks a day, then you're at higher risk for liver damage and diabetes.
5. Wash your hands
Hand washing remains the best prevention against the flu and many other diseases.
6. Get some rest
Serious lack of sleep -- less than six or seven hours a night -- has been associated with increased risks of high blood pressure, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and cancer. Lack of sleep can also contribute to auto accidents and on-the-job injuries.
7. Stop smoking
About half of all smokers die from smoking, and of these, about half die around age 50 or sooner.
8. Don't stress
Stress kills. It causes deterioration in everything from your gums to yourheart and can make you more susceptible to a range of ills, from colds to cancer.
9. Exercise
Over and over, studies find a host of exercise benefits, not just for your body: It can raise kids' academic performance and stimulate adult brains. Exercise makes bones stronger and alleviates many types of chronic pain. Regular exercise has even been associated with a lower risk of cancer.
10. Eat better
Choose real food instead of sugar laced with traces of real food. Cook at home rather than eating fast food, and use spices, rather than gobs and gobs of oil or sugar, to spice up your meals.
ARM’s Jeff Chu demos some of the hottest new ARM powered devices, including the Sharp NetWalker PC-Z1, the Dell Latitude Z600 Laptop, and the Tegra-based Mobinnova Netbook. |
Today's Message
Engaging in genuine discipline requires that you develop the ability to take action. You don’t need to be hasty if it isn’t required, but you don’t want to lose much time either. Here’s the time to act: when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong.
Let’s say you would like to build your library. If that is a strong desire for you, what you’ve got to do is get the first book. Then get the second book. Take action as soon as possible, before the feeling passes and before the idea dims. If you don’t, here’s what happens…
We intend to take action when the idea strikes us. We intend to do something when the emotion is high. But if we don’t translate that intention into action fairly soon, the urgency starts to diminish. A month from now the passion is cold. A year from now it can’t be found.
So take action. Set up a discipline when the emotions are high and the idea is strong, clear and powerful. If somebody talks about good health and you’re motivated by it, you need to get a book on nutrition. Get the book before the idea passes, before the emotion gets cold. Begin the process. Fall on the floor and do some push-ups. You’ve got to take action; otherwise the wisdom is wasted. The emotion soon passes unless you apply it to a disciplined activity. Discipline enables you to capture the emotion and the wisdom and translate them into action. The key is to increase your motivation by quickly setting up the disciplines. By doing so, you’ve started a whole new life process.
Here is the greatest value of discipline: self-worth, also known as self-esteem. Many people who are teaching self-esteem these days don’t connect it to discipline. But once we sense the least lack of discipline within ourselves, it starts to erode our psyche. One of the greatest temptations is to just ease up a little bit. Instead of doing your best, you allow yourself to do just a little less than your best. Sure enough, you’ve started in the slightest way to decrease your sense of self-worth.
There is a problem with even a little bit of neglect. Neglect starts as an infection. If you don’t take care of it, it becomes a disease. And one neglect leads to another. Worst of all, when neglect starts, it diminishes our self-worth.
Once this has happened, how can you regain your self-respect? All you have to do is act now! Start with the smallest discipline that corresponds to your own philosophy. Make the commitment: “I will discipline myself to achieve my goals so that in the years ahead I can celebrate my successes.”
THOUGHTS ON AGINGOnly of one thing I am sure: When I dream, I am always ageless.
Elizabeth Coatsworth
The man who works and is never bored is never old. Work and interest in worthwhile things are the best remedy for age.
Pablo Casals
Today's Quotes
BEING THE BEST“The big rewards come to those who travel the second, undemanded mile.” -Bruce Barton
“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” -Woodrow Wilson
"Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you." -Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"True success is not necessarily about being the best at all cost. It's about DOING your best at all times. If you do that long enough, who knows, you might just end up being the best." -Tope Popoola
by David Icke
The whole global political and economic system is run by dark-suits trapped in left-brain reality. This is why we live in a left-brain society and the right-brain perspective is ridiculed or condemned as 'crazy'. The human invaders in Avatar personify this left-brain domination.
They had no appreciation or understanding of the interconnected harmony and mutual respect between the Na'vi, animals, trees and plants. It was just mumbo-jumbo to them. The humans lived in the 'real world' of physical 'apartness' with the philosophy of see-want-take. In this case, take the unobtainium.
If that means destroying the home and way of life of people who happen to live on the resource deposits that you want to make your fortune, then so be it. What does it matter? They are just primitive savages and we are only destroying a forest.
Who cares? Send the boys in.
The left-brain mentality has no empathy with the consequences for others of its actions, because empathy comes from making a connection to other expressions of life, be they people, trees, plants or animals, and putting yourself in their situation.
Left-brain prisoners can't do this when they are decoding everything as 'individual' with only 'space' in between. The right-brain knows that there is no 'space in between' - only a single energetic field that connects us all.
It is this sense of, and literal, connection between all apparently 'individual' form that gives us a sense of empathy, the fail-safe system that prevents extreme behaviour and actions that cause suffering for others.
They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
- Andy Warhol
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